Registration for VA Research Week VA Research Week 2009

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The Honorable Eric K. Shinseki, Secretary of Veterans Affairs

Message from the Secretary

"VA's Research and Development Program is an essential part of our mission to provide cutting-edge health care to our nation's Veterans. As we work to transform VA, three fundamental attributes mark the starting point for framing a 21st-Century Organization: people-centric, results-driven, and forward-looking; These attributes require continued and increased emphasis on discovery, innovation, and best-practices."

Eric K. Shinseki
Secretary of Veterans Affairs

Wednesday, April 29: VA Research and Collaboration
       VA Research on the Hill
  • VA Research: Turning Hope Into Reality - VA House Committee Briefing
  • News Conference/Media Brief
  • VA Research: Turning Hope Into Reality - VA Senate Committee Briefing
Thursday, April 30: VA Research in Action
       VA Central Office, 810 Vermont Ave. NW, Washington, D.C., Room 230
  • Top VA Officials and Researchers; Congressional and Other Guest Speakers
  • Veterans' Stories
    Russell Senate Office Building Caucus Room
  • Congressional Reception Sponsored by VSOs and FOVA Organizations
Friday, May 1: VA Research in Practice
       Washington VA Medical Center, 50 Irving St. NW
  • Keynote Address and Overview Video
  • VA Research: Turning Hope Into Reality Through Research
  • Hope for a Brighter Tomorrow: Veterans' Stories
  • Improving Veterans' Lives Through VA Research
  • Research in Practice; Hands-on Exhibits and Health Screenings

Hosted by VA, in collaboration with Veterans Service Organizations (VSOs) and FOVA Organizations,
to kick off National VA Research Week, May 3-9.

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