AFSIC Publications

USDA. NAL. Alternative Farming Systems Information Center.

Explore CSA, find a farm near you, learn about eating seasonally and regionally, and discover community food systems.

USDA. NAL. Alternative Farming Systems Information Center.

Looking to diversify your farming business? These government programs, universities and organizations offer resources and information contacts that can help you research alternative farming opportunities and develop business and marketing plans.

USDA. NAL. Alternative Farming Systems Information Center.

SARE-grant applicants can locate contacts, grant-writing guides, and on-farm research information.

USDA. NAL. Alternative Farming Systems Information Center.

Describes online searchable databases and glossaries related to sustainable or alternative agriculture. Offers a gateway to publications, document abstracts, research project descriptions, directories, data and statistics, information contacts and more.

USDA. NAL. Alternative Farming Systems Information Center.

Identifies electronic databases from which SARE grant applicants and other researchers can locate answers to frequently asked questions about sustainable agriculture: Who else is working in my topic area? Has my project been attempted before? Are there related research efforts that I might link with? Where are the best places to look for in-progress and recent research?

USDA. NAL. Alternative Farming Systems Information Center.

Identifies U.S. government and non-government entities that provide funding for research activities related to sustainable agriculture including organic farming and food, integrated pest management, water quality issues related to agriculture, rural community and small farm topics, alternative and value-added marketing practices, and more.

USDA. NAL. Rural Information Center.

Learn about funding sources for farmers and ranchers. This publication covers tools to develop a business plan, write a grant proposal, locate funding and assistance programs and more. Watch the short companion video tutorial.

USDA. NAL. Alternative Farming Systems Information Center.

Serves as a starting place for entrepreneurs who are considering an organic enterprise and for producers of organic commodities who are researching potential markets and marketing schemes. Discusses the history of organic agriculture and related legislation, and identifies relevant information sources.

USDA. NAL. Alternative Farming Systems Information Center.

Identifies the best sources to research this multi-faceted topic:

  • What is Sustainable Agriculture?
  • What standards are available for sustainable agriculture?
  • Where are the best sustainable agriculture research and information sources?
  • How can I find sustainable agriculture people and organizations?
  • Where can I explore educational and career opportunities?
  • Who will fund my sustainable agriculture research project?
  • Where can I find sustainable agriculture events and calendars?
