Acquisition, Program Management and Small Business Excellence Awards

2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007

Acquisition Excellence Individual Award - John Cavadias, GSA FAS

CAO Council Award Lesley-Field John-Cavadias Thomas-OLinn

Pictured (left to right): Lesley Field, Acting Administrator, Office of Federal Procurement Policy, Office of Management and Budget; John Cavadias, U.S. General Services Administration; Thomas O’Linn, Department of the Treasury

John won the individual Acquisition Excellence Award for his work in solving the cost realism analysis problem for multiple award IDIQs.  He recognized that analyzing cost realism at the master contract level is an inefficient process that does not result in a fair or realistic competitive cost evaluation, although it is required by the FAR.  He worked with the GSA general counsel to logically develop a request for a FAR Class Deviation, which was ultimately approved and will help both Government and industry save resources on this non-value-added regulatory requirement.

Acquisition Excellence Team Award – Nathan Briggs and Jared Anable, DHS CBP

CAO Council Award Lesley Field Nathan Briggs Thomas-OLinn

Pictured (left to right): Lesley Field, Acting Administrator, Office of Federal Procurement Policy, Office of Management and Budget; Nathan Briggs, U.S. Customs and Border Protection; Thomas O’Linn, Department of the Treasury

Nathan Briggs and Jared Anable won the team Acquisition Excellence Award for their work in merging product demonstrations with testing as part of the source selection process for next general density meters. Their efforts resulted in a quick contract award of 107 days and a reduction from the $7,000 anticipated price per unit to $2,000. Their show me versus tell me approach has helped to transform DHS’ procurement culture by sharing lessons learned with their colleagues.

Lisa M. Wilusz Program Management Excellence Award - Integrated Strike Program Team, SOCOM

CAO Council Award Lesley Field LTC Jeffrey LaFleur Thomas-OLinn

Pictured (left to right): Lesley Field, Acting Administrator, Office of Federal Procurement Policy, Office of Management and Budget; Lt. Col. Jeffrey Lafleur, U.S.Air Force; Thomas O’Linn, Department of the Treasury

The ISP team’s efforts in using collaborative government-industry teaming and acquisition flexibilities on the AC-130J program, leveraging existing GPS hardening equipment on the AC-130W program to enable operations in contested environments, and using Other Transaction Authorities for the rapid fielding of small glide munitions. These efforts collectively saved $594M and addressed the most urgent combat shortfalls form the Combatant Commanders.

Small Business Excellence Award - Ryan Byrd and Kimberly Guest, GSA FAS

CAO Council Award Lesley Field Ryan Byrd Kimberly Guest Thomas-OLinn

Pictured (left to right): Lesley Field, Acting Administrator, Office of Federal Procurement Policy, Office of Management and Budget; Ryan Byrd, U.S. General Services Administration; Kimberly Guest, U.S. General Services Administration; Thomas O’Linn, Department of the Treasury

Ryan and Kimberly combined three previously awarded contracts into one omnibus contract to support the Counter-Rocket Artillery Mortar (C-RAM) program for the Army. Ryan and Kimberly did extensive outreach to industry, which helped inform their path forward. Through their efforts, the Government saved $37M and was able to increase the share of work sent to small business by 57% or $140M.

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