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Notice of revision to an existing system of records: National Mortgage Database Project (FHFA-21)

Open Date:
Open for comment 12/28/2016
All comments are due by 1/26/2017
Privacy Act System of Records Notice
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FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Forrest Pafenberg, Program Manager, National Mortgage Database Project, Forrest.Pafenberg@fhfa.gov or (202) 649-3129; Stacy Easter, Privacy Act Officer, privacy@fhfa.gov or (202)
649-3803; or David A. Lee, Senior Agency Official for Privacy, privacy@fhfa.gov or (202) 649-3803 (not toll-free numbers), Federal Housing Finance Agency, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20219. The telephone number for the Telecommunications Device for the Deaf is 800-877-8339.

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SUMMARY: In accordance with the requirements of the Privacy Act of 1974, as amended, 5 U.S.C. 552a (Privacy Act), the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) is making a revision to an existing system of records entitled ``National Mortgage Database Project'' (FHFA-21). The system of records covers the National Mortgage Database Project which
is comprised of the National Mortgage Database, the National Survey of Mortgage Originations (formerly known as the National Survey of Mortgage Borrowers), and the American Survey of Mortgage Borrowers. The National Mortgage Database Project is for monitoring, researching, analyzing, and reporting information relevant to the functioning of the
mortgage markets.

DATES: To be assured of consideration, comments must be received on or before January 26, 2017. The revisions to the existing system will become effective on February 6, 2017 unless comments necessitate otherwise. FHFA will publish a new notice if, in order to review comments, the effective date is delayed or if changes are made based on
comments received.

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Privacy Act Notice

This notice is provided pursuant to the Privacy Act of 1974 (Privacy Act), as amended, 5 U.S.C. 552a. The collection of information is to process and/or respond to your complaint, appeal, inquiry, request for information, to review and post comments on proposed rules/regulations, to review feedback received on FHFA proposed or implemented initiatives, and to compile a list of potential vendors and contractors. The records are used in accordance with Systems of Records Notices (SORN), FHFA-3 Correspondence Tracking System, FHFA-20 Telecommunications System, and FHFA-22 Online Forms. You can view these SORNs by clicking here and here and here . Although providing this information is voluntary, failure to provide the requested information may result in your complaint, appeal, inquiry, request, comment, or feedback not being processed and may make it more difficult for FHFA to respond to you.

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