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Managing Grants



To ensure transparent and efficient use of funds, all award recipients are required to meet certain programmatic, financial, and administrative requirements while managing their grant projects.

New Grants and Payment Management Systems Now Available!

The Justice Grants System (JustGrants) and the Department of the Treasury’s Automated Standard Application for Payments (ASAP) are now available for all award management and payment activities. Award recipients with the Office of Justice Programs (OJP) can login to JustGrants or visit the informational website for further resources and support. Additionally, ASAP is now available for enrolled Department of Justice award recipients to request funds. For more information on how to request funds in ASAP, please reference the user guide

OVC Grantee Resource Guide on COVID-19

Starting with the White House, the COVID-19 response is a whole-of-government effort. View a round-up of COVID-19-related government guidelines and resources for OVC Grantees that may help you continue to provide high quality support and advocacy to survivors.

System for Award Management

All OJP funding applicants must register with and maintain current registrations in the System for Award Management (SAM). Entities registering in SAM must submit a notarized letter appointing their authorized Entity Administrator. The process changed on June 11, 2018 for applicants seeking Federal Assistance. Read updated FAQs to learn more about changes to the notarized letter review process and other SAM changes.

Financial Management Online Training

To help grantees meet the financial requirements, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) offers a Grants Financial Management Online Training. The training is designed to cover all of the information you need to ensure sound fiscal management of your awards. 

The training is available at no charge to all current DOJ award recipients and their employees. DOJ recommends that all Financial Points of Contact who have not attended one of the Office of Justice Programs (OJP) Financial Management Training Seminars complete the course.

Guidance for Conference Approval, Planning, and Reporting

All conferences (defined broadly to include meetings, retreats, seminars, symposia, events, and group training activity) conducted by Cooperative Agreement recipients or contractors funded by OJP must receive written prior approval.

Conferences conducted by grant recipients do not require prior approval. However, grant recipients must ensure compliance with the food/beverage, meeting room/audio-visual, logistical planner, and programmatic planner limitations and cost thresholds. (Note – if you do not have a "K" in the last 4 characters of your award number, your award is a grant.)

To determine if your conference requires prior approval, review questions in the following resources:

For grants awarded prior to 12/26/14
View the Policy and Guidance for Conference Approval, Planning, and Reporting: No Prior Approval Required section of the OJP Financial Guide.

For grants awarded on or after 12/26/14
View the Policy and Guidance for Conference Approval, Planning, and Reporting: No Prior Approval Required section of the DOJ Grants Financial Guide.

These resources include information on all conference-related policies and procedures, the conference planning and advance approval process, cost reporting requirements, and reporting forms and tools.

Requirements for Preparing OVC Funded Publications & Multimedia Products

OVC is committed to producing high quality print or electronic products and welcomes the opportunity to help grantees develop dynamic and useful products that will both inspire and educate the victims’ rights and services community about a wide range of existing and emerging issues.

As a special condition of an award, all grantees producing publications or multimedia products such as videos, must follow requirements set forth in the OVC Publishing Guidelines.

Tips for Managing Grants

The following most common programmatic, financial, and administrative requirements are oftentimes not met by grantees. More information about these and other requirements to help manage your grant are available in the OJP Post Award Instructions and the following resources: OJP Financial Guide (for grants awarded prior to 12/26/14) and DOJ Grants Financial Guide (for grants awarded on or after 12/26/14).

  • Key program personnel designated in the application may be replaced only for compelling reasons and with the concurrence of OVC. All successors to key personnel must be approved, and such approval is contingent upon submission of appropriate information, including, but not limited to, a resume. Changes in other program personnel require only notification to OJP and submission of resumes, unless otherwise designated in the award document.

  • Employees’ timesheets must accurately reflect the amount of time spent on a particular grant for each pay period. All timesheets must be signed by the employee and counter signed by his/her supervisor.

  • Grant funds may be used only for the purposes in the grantee’s approved application. The recipient shall not undertake any work or activities that are not described in the grant application, and that use staff, equipment, or other goods or services paid for with OJP grant funds, without prior written approval from OJP.

  • Grantees that are required to contribute a match must maintain records which clearly show the date the matching contribution was applied, the source, and value. Note that matching contributions are restricted to the same use of funds as allowed for the Federal funds.

  • Errors on financial status reports and late submissions are common. To avoid freezing of funds and the suspension and/or termination of an award, reports must be submitted in a timely fashion.

  • Print or electronic promotional materials concerning an OVC-funded project that are intended for public dissemination must be submitted to OVC for review at least 7 working days in advance of release.

  • Review the OVC Publishing Guidelines for guidance on preparing print or electronic products.

OVC Tribal Financial Management Center

The OVC Tribal Financial Management Center provides financial management training, technical assistance, and resources to support American Indian and Alaska Native communities as they successfully manage the financial aspects of their federal awards.

Financial specialists are available to provide services at no cost to tribal grantees.

Services available from the Center include, but are not limited to—

  • support the financial management and reporting requirements of their OVC award,
  • individualized financial training and technical assistance, and
  • financial needs assessments.

Request onsite technical assistance or virtual assistance by email at [email protected] or phone at 703–462–6900.

Grant Monitoring

OVC staff conduct regular and continuous monitoring of discretionary and formula grantees for the dual purpose of ensuring the effective use of public funds and assisting grantees in program development and grant administration. Monitoring allows OVC to—

  • Provide guidance to grantees on OJP policies and procedures, grant program requirements, general federal regulations, and basic programmatic, administrative, and financial reporting requirements.

  • Identify and resolve problems that may impede the effective implementation of programs.

  • Ensure that the grantees comply with the programmatic, administrative, and fiscal requirements of relevant statutes, regulations, policies, and guidelines.

  • Advocate responsible management of awarded funds.

  • Ensure that programs/projects initiated by grantees are carried out in a manner consistent with the grantee’s stated implementation plan and/or according to the policy guidelines and applicable rules and regulations of the awarding office within OJP.

OVC employs several approaches to monitoring discretionary and formula grants, some of which involve the assistance of the Office of the Chief Financial Officer (OCFO), Office of Audit, Assessment, and Management (OAAM), and the Office of the Inspector General (OIG):

  • OVC conducts desk audits that facilitate monitoring of grant activities throughout the grant award period and assist in the preparation for site visits.

  • OVC and OCFO conduct site visits and enhanced programmatic desk reviews to discuss specific issues related to implementation plan progress, observe grant activity, and assess planned versus actual progress.

  • OVC reviews and analyzes programmatic progress reports.

  • OVC and OCFO review and analyze financial status reports submitted by grantees.

  • OVC and OAAM review and analyze audits performed by OIG staff.

Office of the Inspector General (OIG) Audits

OIG conducts audits of OVC grants to ensure that award recipients are complying with applicable statutes and are accomplishing the goals of the awards. Watch a five-part Grant Award Audit Process Webinar for an overview of the grant audit lifecycle.

Civil Rights Compliance

OVC grantees must comply with federal laws that prohibit discrimination in employment and/or the delivery of services or benefits based on race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, and/or disability, depending on the source of OVC funding.

Compliance with the civil rights laws also means taking reasonable steps to ensure that individuals with limited English proficiency have meaningful access to OJP-funded programs or services. See Civil Rights Requirements for more information.

All recipients of OVC funding are required to have a process in place for investigating discrimination complaints.

Employees, beneficiaries, and applicants for employment or services of an OVC grantee who believe that they have experienced unlawful discrimination may file a civil rights complaint with the Office for Civil Rights at the Office of Justice Programs.

If you have questions about civil rights compliance, please contact the Office for Civil Rights at:

Phone: 202–307–0690
Email: [email protected]
Fax: 202–354–4380

Contact Information

Every OVC discretionary grant is monitored by an OVC Victim Justice Program Specialist. The name and contact information for the assigned Victim Justice Program Specialist is provided in award documents and in JustGrants. For specific questions about a particular grant program, please contact the appropriate Grants Management Specialist or OVC at 202–307–5983.

For technical assistance or guidance using JustGrants, contact JustGrants Support at 833–872–5175 or [email protected]. JustGrants Support operates weekdays from 5:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. eastern time and Saturday, Sunday, and Federal holidays from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. eastern time.

For technical assistance or guidance using PMT, please contact the OVC PMT Help Desk via email at [email protected] or by phone at 844–884–2503.

For information about the financial aspects of OVC grants, contact:

Office of the Chief Financial Officer
810 Seventh Street NW, Fifth Floor
Washington, DC  20531
Fax: 202–616–5962 
Email: [email protected]

If you have questions about civil rights compliance, please contact the Office for Civil Rights at:

Phone: 202–307–0690
Email: [email protected]
Fax: 202–354–4380

Date Created: April 29, 2020