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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

BARDA'S Vision, Mission, and Values

BARDA'S OVERARCHING VISION IS OF A NATION WITH the capability to respond quickly and effectively to deliberate, natural, and emerging threats so as to minimize their impact and recover promptly. A critical enabling factor for the realization of this vision is the existence of a robust domestic pharmaceutical and biotechnology sector that actively collaborates with the U.S. Government to address unmet medical countermeasure and public health requirements.

BARDA's vision for the next five years is to enhance the capability of the U.S. Government to respond quickly to both known and emerging threats by supporting the development of a comprehensive portfolio of medical countermeasures, needed manufacturing infrastructure, and countermeasure production platforms while establishing an affordable and sustainable foundation for the maintenance and future operations of the PHEMCE.

BARDA's mission is to develop and procure needed medical countermeasures, including vaccines, therapeutics, diagnostics, and non-pharmaceutical countermeasures, against a broad array of public health threats, whether natural or intentional in origin. BARDA was created to address gaps in the U.S. Government medical countermeasure development and procurement process and to bridge the "valley of death" that separates candidates identified in early research from potential FDA licensure/approval by providing funding, technical support and services necessary to advance candidate products through the developmental pipeline.

BARDA supports the ASPR Values Statement and endeavors to embody these values in its efforts to fulfill its mission and realize its vision.

ASPR Values
Diversity We are dedicated to creating and maintaining an open, inclusive environment that nurtures differing world views.
Excellence We demonstrate quality in what we do, set high expectations for ourselves and others, and innovate and improve through the introduction of new concepts and methods.
Integrity We are honest and reliable, we hold ourselves accountable, and our actions and decisions are guided by fairness and transparency.
Leadership We motivate and inspire our colleagues to achieve success through shared vision and unity of effort.
Public Service We commit to serve our country, our community, and our fellow citizens, and are accountable to the public for our actions
Respect We treat people with dignity and consideration and listen openly to what others have to say, to benefit from varied perspectives and create environments that foster trust.
Teamwork We support and motivate each other, achieving more together than we can alone.

  • This page last reviewed: August 19, 2013