Volunteer Generation Fund

The Volunteer Generation Fund is a program authorized by the Edward M. Kennedy Serve America Act to support voluntary organizations and state service commissions in boosting the impact of volunteers in addressing critical community needs.

The fund will focus investments on volunteer management practices that increase both volunteer recruitment and retention. Retention is key to ensuring that volunteers are productively engaged and to bringing stability to nonprofit operations. And we will support efforts that build the career skills of volunteers, expanding opportunity for the unemployed, veterans, and disadvantaged youth.

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AmeriCorps believes that volunteering and civic engagement are the cornerstone of a strong nation. Volunteering can also provide important benefits to those who serve – helping them develop and maintain skills, expand professional networks, stay connected to their community, and experience physical and mental health benefits. Through our programs and initiatives, AmeriCorps strengthens the nation’s voluntary sector and the impact of America’s volunteers by bringing more individuals into service and building the capacity of nonprofits and public agencies to effectively manage volunteers.

At a time of social need, when Americans of all ages are looking for ways to give back, we need to be ready to engage all those who answer the call to serve. This program will strengthen the ability of nonprofit organizations across the country to recruit and retain volunteers to meet critical challenges.

2020 Volunteer Generation Fund Grants See Previous Competition Results

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