Sponsor an AmeriCorps NCCC Team



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AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps (NCCC) strengthens communities and develops leaders though direct, team-based national and community service.

What is NCCC?

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AmeriCorps NCCC is a full-time, team-based residential service program for 18-26* year-olds. NCCC Members represent a wide variety of socioeconomic, cultural, geographic, and educational backgrounds. NCCC Members are assigned to one of four regional campuses and then placed into teams ranging between 8-12 members. Each team has a specially trained Team Leader who serves and resides with the team. The teams complete a variety of service projects, which are generally 3 to 13 weeks in duration, and respond to local communities’ needs throughout the United States and territories. Teams live in the community they serve to help better understand the community, participate in more enhanced service-learning opportunities, as well as build leadership and life skills through service. Each team is provided with one 15-passenger van and fuel is covered by NCCC (for locations in the continental US). Each team is also allocated funds for food and laundry. All members are background-checked and fully insured by the Federal Tort Claims Act and Federal Employees Coverage Act.

*The CARES Act, passed by Congress in response to the Coronavirus pandemic, increased the upper age limit for participation as an AmeriCorps NCCC Corps Member to 26 years old. Under the CARES Act, Section 3514(d), the upper age limit for AmeriCorps NCCC members is 26.  AmeriCorps NCCC applies the upper age limit at the time a member arrives on campus and is activated as a member. That means individuals must be on campus and activated as members for at least one day before turning 27. The 26-year upper age limit will remain in effect until further notice.

NCCC Project Issue Areas

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Teams help strengthen communities through a wide variety of tasks within our five Issue Areas. Some examples are included below:


Natural and Other Disasters

  • Supporting disaster recovery centers, shelters, and facilities
  • Preparing and distributing meals or water
  • Mucking and gutting flood or storm-damaged homes and buildings
  • Debris removal
  • Roof tarping
  • Home and other infrastructure rebuilding damaged by disaster
  • Fuels reduction or flood mitigation
  • Surveying community assets
  • Distributing educational materials and preparedness kits.

Infrastructure Improvement

  • Building and repairing wheelchair ramps, boardwalks, and footbridges
  • Assembling playgrounds
  • Repairing and painting public facilities
  • Renovating museums, historical buildings, and cemeteries
  • Restoring and refurbishing picnic areas and campsites.

Environmental Stewardship

  • Trail building and maintenance
  • Planting trees
  • Removing invasive plant species
  • Cleaning up rivers, streams, and wetlands
  • Facilitating environmental education workshops and camps for youth.

Energy Conservation

  • Conducting energy efficiency assessments
  • Assisting with installations of energy efficient modifications to homes, businesses, and public facilities
  • Developing and improving recycling programs
  • Performing home weatherization projects
  • Facilitating educational programming on energy sustainability and conservation practices.

Urban and Rural Development

  • Supporting homeless shelters, food banks, and youth and family service organizations
  • Renovating and constructing homes for those in need
  • Leading neighborhood and community revitalization projects
  • Community and school gardens and summer feeding programs
  • Assisting students, parents, and families through tutoring and afterschool programming
  • Helping to provide employment counseling, low-income tax services, and health awareness to citizens.


What is the Role of an NCCC Sponsor?

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Sponsors of an AmeriCorps NCCC team want to respond to an opportunity in their community.  Sponsors provide a meaningful experience for our Members during their 3 to 13 weeks of service with the organization or entity.

What do Project Sponsors provide?

  • Technical oversight and direction on site with the team each day
  • At least 40 hours of enriching service per week, per member
  • Project supplies, equipment, materials, and any necessary building permits
  • Schedule of work & Training plan
  • Lodging with showers (Eg: Churches, community centers, dorms, campsites, cabins, etc.)
  • Cooking facilities (unless meals are provided)
  • Service-learning support and opportunities to understand community impact
  • Inclement-weather work plan




Learn more about AmeriCorps NCCC's Programs: 





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