North Central Region Campus

Videos of Campus and Vinton, Iowa

Video still of Vinton Campus

North Central NCCC Campus Video

Video still of Vinton Iowa

Vinton, Iowa Video

North Central NCCC Campus Video


Introduction to Vinton, Iowa Video



North Central Campus Map

North Central Campus Region map

The North Central Region supports service projects in 15 states: Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Wisconsin, and Vermont.



Members live in dorm rooms while on campus for training, transition weeks, closure and if they have a local project. You will be assigned to a room in one of our dorms that will serve as your "home base" during your term of service with the North Central Region campus. The dormitories are co-ed, with usually three to five people living in each room divided by gender. There are gender-based communal bathrooms on each floor. Roommate assignments are made shortly before your arrival on campus, so you can meet your roommate(s) when you get here. A typical room has bunk beds, closet space, drawers and desks. There are lounges with cable television, a pool table, two computer labs, WiFi access, and outdoor space for relaxing.

Team leaders are housed together, usually two per room by gender. Team Leaders have their own lounge with WiFi access and television for relaxing.


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