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FY 2020 State Justice Statistics Program Awards

State Grantee Award Amount
AL Alabama State Law Enforcement Agency $75,000
AK University of Alaska Anchorage $56,906
DE Delaware Statistical Analysis Center $72,751
DC DC Criminal Justice Coordinating Council  $150,000
GA Georgia Criminal Justice Coordinating Council $218,711
HI Hawaii Department of the Attorney General $51,722
ID Idaho State Police  $147,186
IL Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority $78,209
IN Indiana Criminal Justice Institute $162,923
IA Iowa Criminal and Justice Planning Agency $228,796
KS Kansas Sentencing Commission  $20,121
KY Kentucky Justice and Public Safety Cabinet  $223,963
LA Louisiana Commission on Law Enforcement $190,769
ME University of Southern Maine $209,581
MD Maryland Governor's Office of Crime Control & Prevention $67,659
MI Michigan State University $222,500
MS University of Southern Mississippi $78,026
MT Montana Board of Crime Control $71,481
NE Nebraska Commission on Law Enforcement and Crim. Justice  $178,533
NH New Hampshire Department of Justice $64,506
NM Regents of the University of New Mexico $219,432
OH Ohio Office of Criminal Justice Services $74,117
OK Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation $45,586
OR Oregon Criminal Justice Commission $224,547
PA Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency $225,000
RI Rhode Island Public Safety Grant Admin. Office $77,900
TN Tennessee Bureau of Investigation $79,180
UT Utah Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice $75,000
VT Vermont Department of Public Safety $203,700
VA Virginia Division of Criminal Justice Services $74,755
WA Washington State Office of Financial Management $76,293
WV West Virginia Division of Justice and Community Services $86,624
WY University of Wyoming  $208,020
Total   $4,239,497
Number of Awards   33


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FY 2020 State Justice Statistics (SJS) Program for Statistical Analysis Centers (SACs) Summaries

Alabama ($75,000) The Alabama SAC is located within the Criminal Justice Information Systems (CJIS) Division of the Alabama Law Enforcement Agency (ALEA). The SAC serves as a clearinghouse of criminal justice information and is responsible for analyzing and disseminating crime data on domestic violence, rape, juveniles, and school violence in Alabama to members of the executive, legislative and judicial departments of government, media outlets and the public. The SJS FY20 project will use funds to create a new incident-based reporting portal that will establish a new technical capability for the SAC by improving statistical and research access to incident-based reporting data. Alabama is upgrading its UCR system statewide and a new reporting repository is needed to support the NIBRS-compliant incident data. Existing reporting tools and processes are built around summary information and need to be updated to handle the new IBR NIBRS data. Funds will also be used to continue the development of the backend IBR data processing engine (CRIBD) to handle the new incident-based data in Alabama. The primary objective of CRIBD is to integrate the new IBR data into the reporting channels of ALEA so that it can replace the existing summary-based reporting mechanisms that are currently in place.

Alaska ($56,906) The Alaska Justice Information Center (AJiC) was established in 2015, with a mission to compile, analyze, and report on criminal justice topics to policymakers and practitioners in order to improve public safety to increase criminal justice system accountability, and to reduce recidivism. In 2017, AJiC merged with the Alaska Justice SAC (AJSAC) which was designated as Alaska's SAC in 1986. The SJS FY20 project will use funds to allow the SAC to increase access to statistical data through the creation of crime dashboards. The SAC will develop dynamic, interactive data visualizations and data downloads to display crime data from AK Department of Corrections, AK Court System, and AK Department of Public Safety. This is year 2 of this project.

Delaware ($72,751) The Delaware SAC is a separate state research and analysis agency reporting to the Director of the Criminal Justice Council (CJC), the organization which serves as Delaware's State Administering Agency. The SAC works in close partnership with the CJC to identify priority criminal justice issues in Delaware which focus on the SAC's analytic work. The SJS FY20 project will further build the SAC's ability to work with incident-level DIBRS data and produce maps and interactive visualizations in order to expand the SAC's catalogue of interactive products, data files for research, and analytic products using a broader collection of DIBRS data, along with data incorporated from other sources.  Tasks will include 1) expanding the number and complexity of DIBRS-based files, incorporating data overlays, census data, and trace file data, for mapping and use in interactive charts and tables; 2) preparing incident-level DIBRS data files for research purposes using "R" and Microsoft Access software; 3) building a library of advanced IBRS analyses syntax based on "R" software and Microsoft Access queries; and, 4) reviewing patterns of how victim-offender relationships are entered into the reporting system and how this impacts Delaware's ability to analyze and track domestic violence incidents.

District of Columbia ($150,000) The SAC for the District of Columbia (DC SAC) was established in 2001 by a Mayoral Executive Order to provide a division dedicated to the collection, analysis, and dissemination of criminal justice system information. The DC SAC was originally a unit of the Office of Research, Analysis, and Evaluation under the Office of the Deputy Mayor for Public Safety and Justice. The District of Columbia has taken several steps to support the successful reentry of formerly incarcerated individuals, including the launch of the READY (Resources to Empower and Develop You) Center in February 2019. The READY Center is a one-stop shop where formerly incarcerated District residents, whether returning from the local jail or from a Federal Bureau of Prisons facility, can access critical post-release services, obtain vital documents, and get connected to substance use disorder and mental health services and aftercare. These services and supports are provided in the hopes of preventing their return to the justice system. The DC SAC will use SJS FY20 funds to analyze administrative data, obtain perspectives of READY center clients and non-READY clients to determine whether persons released from incarceration who engage with the READY Center and use available services are more or less likely than a comparable group of individuals to recidivate. The DC SAC will disseminate a report that outlines the results of its analysis exploring the effects of service provision and utilization on patterns of offending and recidivism at the District of Columbia READY Center.

Georgia ($218,711) The State of Georgia's Statistical Analysis Center (GA SAC) is housed in the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council and is the state administering agency (SAA). Under the core capacity area, the GA SAC will use SJS FY20 funds to focus on NIBRS data quality, analytics, and utility for criminal justice policy research and practice. The GA SAC will assess the quality and completeness of NIBRS data on an ongoing basis and provide reports to agencies regarding their NIBRS data quality, which is important given that agencies in Georgia are new to reporting NIBRS data. The SAC will demonstrate the uses of NIBRS to law enforcement agencies as well as analyze the degree to which NIBRS data can be used as an early warning system about potential impacts on the criminal justice system during emergencies such as the COVID-19 pandemic. Under the special emphasis area, the SAC will use SJS FY20 funds to conduct an evaluation of the impact of an eligibility screener on health and recidivism outcomes in local county jails. This study will use computerized criminal history data in combination with jail and self-report data to examine both health and recidivism outcomes. Recidivism will be measured as both rate of re-arrest, chronicity of offending within and between counties, and escalation or de-escalation of offense. The SAC will test the hypothesis that inmates who qualify for Medicaid and begin receiving mental health services will desist from crime commission as they stabilize and engage in treatment.

Hawaii ($51,722) The State of Hawaii's Statistical Analysis Center (SAC) is located in the Research & Statistics Branch, Crime Prevention & Justice Assistance Division, of the Department of the Attorney General. The Research & Statistics Branch is Hawaii's primary source of data, analyses, and other objective information on the nature and extent of crime in Hawaii. The SAC will use SJS FY20 funds to conduct activities under the core capacity area of increasing access to statistical data. To facilitate the submission of data from Honolulu's Police Department (HPD), the NCS-X project funded CPJAD (Hawaii's Crime Prevention and Justice Assistance Division), through its state UCR program, to build the capacity for the state to report NIBRS criminal incident data from local police agencies to the FBI. On March 31, 2020, the state UCR program attained the primary goal of the NCS-X project by successfully receiving, verifying, and submitting crime data from HPD to the FBI for crime incidents reported in January 2020. The SJS FY20 project will expand Hawaii's capacity to collect, manage, analyze, and report on incident-based crime data. The SAC, which also serves as Hawaii's federally-designated state UCR program, will use project funds to: 1) provide technical assistance to Hawaii's county police departments to the extent necessary for each agency to report certified data to the state program's data repository; 2) enhance and expand the repository's analytical and reporting tools; and, 3) implement a program sustainability plan and other operational enhancements.

Idaho ($147,186) The Idaho SAC (ISAC) has been located within the Idaho State Police since its inception in 1978. The ISAC is tasked to provide statistical, analytical, planning, evaluation, and technical support to state, local, and national criminal justice agencies. In partnership with the Boise State University, the ISAC will collect and analyze victimization data.  The SJS FY20 project will increase the public's access to victimization data and evaluate the state of victimization data in Idaho and in general. By integrating data from several sources into an interactive visualization of victimization and victim resources data, the SAC will be able to better understand and track specific factors that contribute to victimization.  In addition, this data collection will allow us to assess victimization data to determine what data is available, what is known, and what further data is needed. Under the special emphasis area, the SAC will conduct an analysis of the state's criminal history records to study the pattern of domestic violence offender behavior. This analysis is critical to local and state criminal justice agencies and community organizations as they develop programs and policies related to domestic violence and victim services. A second component of this project will be a systematic assessment of the quality of the data and whether future research project, potentially on a multi-state level, would be feasible.

Illinois ($78,209) The Illinois SAC is located in the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority (ICJIA). The ICJIA was created in 1983 and is located in the executive branch of state government, within the Public Safety domain of state agencies. The Illinois SAC will use SJS FY20 funds for a core capacity project to increase access to a new source of statistical data, state parole information. Currently, no parole data is available on the SAC website, which creates challenges for conducting research studies in this area. Though parole data is available on the Illinois Department of Corrections (IDOC) website, it is not easily understandable and offers no opportunity for further analysis. The SJS FY20 project will improve upon both of these issues. First, SAC staff will obtain and clean the parole records provided by IDOC. Once the data is cleaned, the dataset will be provided on the SAC website for research and public use, and SAC staff will develop user-friendly, interactive dashboards of the data using Tableau visualization software. Those who access the data will be able to execute their own analyses using the dashboards to answer research questions or learn more about parole utilization in their communities.

Indiana ($162,923) The Indiana SAC is housed within the Research and Planning Division of the Indiana Criminal Justice Institute (ICJI). ICJI serves as the State's planning agency for criminal justice, drug and crime services, youth services, traffic safety, and victim services. The Indiana SAC will use SJS FY20 funds for a core capacity multi-year project to develop and improve the process of collecting, analyzing, contextualizing, and disseminating data representing juvenile contacts within the justice system, and how to adequately address the racial and ethnic disparities that affect this group. Tasks will include: 1) enhancing the racial/ethnic disparities data collection environment by obtaining juvenile arrest incidents, and acquiring data fields to better understand referral data; 2) collaborating with the Indiana Office of Court Technology and the Indiana Office of Court Services to deliver a training to justice professionals who are responsible for entering racial/ethnic disparities data, and build a system that safeguards against inaccurate reporting; 3) reviewing the literature and assessing the state to identify factors that influence and protect against youth justice system involvement, explore social systems that both perpetuate inequity and lead to minority justice involvement, and investigate methodologies for analyzing these data; and 4) conducting a statewide analysis of counties' disproportionality data in relation to identified contextual data. An analytical tool will be made accessible to counties, alongside an action guide, to address the overrepresentation of justice-involved minority youth in their communities.

Iowa ($228,796) The Division of Criminal and Juvenile Justice Planning (CJJP), codified as Iowa's SAC, is located within the Iowa Department of Human Rights (DHR). The Iowa SAC will use SJS FY20 funds for continuation projects under both the core capacity and special emphasis priority areas. The 1st core capacity project will use funds to enhance the Decision Matrix (DM) by making changes that have been recommended to the Iowa Delinquency Assessment (IDA) and lessons learned from the pilot sites from previous DM projects. The DM is a model for determining levels of supervision and services based upon risk level and serious offenses. The goal is to make changes to the D in order to minimize recidivism. The 2nd core capacity project will use funds to enhance and update the CJJP's dashboard with predictive models (PMs). The PMs will allow policy makers and stakeholders to visualize trends for adult criminal and juvenile justice decisions. The 1st special emphasis will use funds to assess the data quality in Iowa's Justice Data Warehouse (JDW). The Iowa SAC will work will data sources to develop methods for improving the current data quality situation. The 2nd special emphasis project will use funds to conduct an evaluation and outcomes assessment for Iowa's DOC Apprentice Programs. The IDOC has a policy to provide offenders with Apprentice Program opportunities to assist them in re-entry to the public and reduce recidivism. The outcomes include identifying success in current programs and assessing recidivism rates using criminal history records. 

Kansas ($20,121) The Kansas Sentencing Commission (KSC) was established by the 1989 Senate Bill 50 and is located within the Executive Branch. The KSC is the designated SAC for the State of Kansas. The SAC conducts research and analysis on issues and processes in the criminal justice system, identifies alternative solutions and makes recommendations for improvements. The SAC will use SJS FY20 to allow the SAC to have access to all felony journal entry data electronically. This will reduce the amount of time used for printing, scanning, and faxing. The reduced administrative duties will allow research staff to conduct more in-depth evaluations of the data. The SAC collects data on over 700 variables related to felony sentences. This data can be used to inform policy regarding the prison population and crime trends, but can also be used to evaluate the plea bargaining process through the evaluation of sentences. The increased data management capacity will benefit more than just the KSSC, but will assist with criminal justice policy initiatives across the state, as well as inform courts and prosecutors of up-to-date sentencing trends that encompass crime severity, criminal history, demographics, and numerous other aspects of each particular felony sentence in the state of Kansas.

Kentucky ($223,963) The Kentucky SAC was officially transferred from the Office of the Attorney General to the Kentucky Justice and Public Safety Cabinet (KJPSC), Office of the Kentucky Criminal Justice Council, in March 2000. The KY SAC will use SJS FY20 funds to conduct a 21-month project in two phases. The first phase of the project will address the core capacity area and will allow the KY SAC to create a dataset of all cases that were reviewed by the Parole Board, the outcomes, and specifics of the offender and offense, which will then be linked with additional sources of administrative and case management data. The dataset will include all of those individuals who were either eligible for Parole or who appeared before the Board for a revocation hearing, and will provide information about their demographics, risk/protective factors, criminogenic needs, substance use, custody classifications, administrative sanctions, treatment programming, and offense type as well as the decision reached by the Board. The special emphasis project will build upon the core capacity data linkage project described above. Created data sets will be used to identify outcomes (e.g. re-arrest, return to custody, additional charges, deferment/serve out, revocation, etc.) for those who appeared before the Parole Board. This phase of the project will provide evidence that will help Kentucky better understand the Parole Board process and operations, and identify factors that influence outcomes.

Louisiana ($190,769) The Louisiana SAC is the research division of the Louisiana Commission on Law Enforcement (LCLE). The mission of the SAC is to provide research and analytic support for policy development on significant criminal justice issues at all levels of government, while producing basic information for the public and policymakers on the operation of the state's criminal justice system. The LSAC will use SJS FY20 funds for a 12-month core capacity project focusing on increasing access to statistical data through continued enhancements to the LSAC section of the LCLE website.  The project will expand the present LSAC website to electronically collect, analyze, and disseminate statewide sexual assault data and other criminal justice statistics. Under the special emphasis area, the LA SAC has been tasked with determining through research how the opioid crisis is affecting the state of Louisiana's law enforcement. The SAC began research on this topic with funds from the SJS FY19 program and are now using SJS FY20 funds to continue the project.  After the completion of the data collection and research to determine the impact of the opioid crisis on the Louisiana's criminal justice system, a compilation of this data will be available to assist policymakers in making changes to the criminal justice process as it relates to opioid drug arrests and convictions.

Maine ($209,581) The Maine SAC is staffed by the University of Southern Maine (USM) Muskie School of Public Service (MSPS). The SAC will use SJS FY20 funds to continue two projects, one under the core capacity and the other under special emphasis. The core capacity project will continue the examination of bias and hate crimes in Maine through reconciling reported and investigated crime. In the second year of this study the SAC will continue to work with several criminal justice stakeholders including the Maine Attorney General's Office and local Mane district attorneys to determine clearance rates for hate and bias crimes. In addition, the SAC will explore whether any law enforcement agencies investigated hate or bias crimes that were not reported through the Crime in Maine and UCR reports. The SAC will compile the number of hate/bias crimes in Maine over a ten year period from 2008-17. Each agency with a reported hate/bias crime reported over the ten year period will be asked to provide details on hate crimes they reported. The special emphasis project will continue the assessment of the scope of the pretrial population in Maine jails. To carry out this study, the SAC is assessing length of stay data for the pretrial jail detainees from five counties. In the second year of the study, the SAC, working in conjunction with the Maine Sheriffs' Association, will request three years of data on the pretrial population from two of the five jails listed above for a total of five over the two year study period. From the jails, the SAC will continue to collect and analyze demographic data and offense and booking information. In addition, the SAC will meet with district attorneys in these five counties to gauge how long these cases are taking to process.

Maryland ($67,659) The Maryland's SAC (MSAC) is located within the Maryland Governor's Office of Crime Control and Prevention (GOCCP), Maryland's State Administering Agency (SAA). The MSAC works in conjunction with GOCCP, and is aligned programmatically with the state's public safety priorities. The MSAC will use SJS FY20 funds for a core capacity project for collecting and analyzing data on criminal justice system processes and increasing access to statistical data. Assessing court level data to do any type of aggregate analysis has always been challenging state. Recently the Maryland Volunteer Lawyer Service created the Client Legal Utility Engine (CLUE). This tool is a datascraper that pulls data directly from Maryland's Judiciary Case Search, which is the state's public facing court records search. The database includes Maryland district court and circuit records dating back to 1990. The MSAC recently received access to this database and is proposing 8 different research projects using analysis of this data including tracking various arrest trends, pretrial hearing results, prosecution rates, sentencing length trends, court ordered restitution, local recidivism rates, and pretrial failure rates. The MSAC will also use funds to further analyze the court data over the COVID-19 timeframe to determine what impact if any COVID-19 has had on court trends in the state.

Michigan ($222,500) The Michigan Justice Statistics Center (MJSC) is located in the School of Criminal Justice at Michigan State University (MSU). On October 1, 1993, the Executive Order 1993-18 created MJSC and designated MSU School of Criminal Justice to operate the center and carry out the duties of collecting, analyzing, and interpreting criminal history data; producing reports; and providing information to policymakers and the public. The MISAC will use SJS FY20 funds for two core capacity projects. The first involves research on the state's NIBRS system, Michigan Incident Crime Reporting System (MICR). The second involves collecting and analyzing data on criminal justice system processes. Both projects represent a focus on enhancing or building access to new sources of data and improving analytical capability to collect, analyze, and interpret data on criminal justice issues, and are new projects for the MISAC and priorities for the SAA and MISAC. The special emphasis component includes a study of firearms crime offending patterns using state criminal history records. The study using NIBRS to identify and estimate nonfatal shootings builds on both the SAC's collaboration with the Detroit PD and other community stakeholders as well as the state's secure city program that seeks to reduce violence in Michigan communities. The special emphasis project similarly focuses on violence and gun violence specifically and builds upon recent SAC research using criminal history records to address this important problem.

Mississippi ($78,026) The School of Criminal Justice at the University of Mississippi was designated as Mississippi's SAC (MS-SAC) by Governor Musgrove on October 6, 2000. The mission of the MS-SAC is to provide Mississippi justice agencies and the public with sound statistical information and technical assistance in order to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the criminal justice system. The MS SAC will use SJS FY20 funds for "Building Capacity in Mississippi Corrections: An Analysis of Workforce, Training, and Technological Infrastructures." The first phase of which will assess the existing landscape of personnel, workforce recruitment, training, and technological capacities in correctional institutions in the state of Mississippi. The focal challenges of the first phase of this study are personnel management, training, and technological capacity, which are hypothesized to be related to larger issues of workforce dysfunction, inmate and employee safety, and disposition to criminal activity among staff.  The target population of study is correctional staff at the state's 22 corrections venues and state offices. Through an electronic survey, project data will provide impressions of personnel strength and demographics, recruiting capacity, training strength and weakness, and potential for employee turnover.  Statistical analysis will disclose patterns of and trajectories pertaining to workforce health and potential for training and technological growth. Additionally, supervisors and management will participate in roundtable discussions that will provide data about leadership and management impressions of the current crisis as well as the viability of proposed solutions. 

Montana ($71,481) The Montana Board of Crime Control (MBCC) has served as the designated state criminal justice planning and program development agency since 1968 and the Montana SAC (MTSAC). MBCC provides policy analysis to the Governor, Legislature, and law enforcement agencies at the local and state level to use in developing and evaluating criminal and juvenile justice policies and issues. Under the core capacity building area of increasing access to statistical data, the MTSAC will use SJS FY20 funds to develop a statewide victim services dashboard. Specifically, the MTSAC will create hybrid incident-based datasets by combining NIBRS and victim services datasets and publish them through a Tableau dashboard to provide a more comprehensive dataset for state funding decisions, as well as guides to victim services for Montanans impacted by crime. The dashboard will provide a state view map of the services provided that can be drilled down to the community level. The state map can be viewed with the following filters which can overlay each other: 1) All victims service agencies and their service area; 2) All victim service agencies and their menu of service; 3) Specific services statewide coverage or gaps; 4) Non-MBCC funded faith-based or tribal services and service areas; 5) State service funding or gaps in funding; 6) Population as it relates to crimes, funding, services, and service area coverage and 7) Crimes against person, property or society by law enforcement jurisdiction.

Nebraska ($178,533) The Nebraska SAC is located within the Nebraska Commission on Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice (Commission). Since 2002, it has been a part of the Information Services Division of the Commission. The NE SAC will use SJS FY20 funds for both a core capacity and special emphasis project. The core capacity project will increase access to statistical data through the creation of a population forecaster. The NE SAC will build off the technology that was developed in years 1 and 2 of the Special Emphasis – Justice Data Transformation System (JDTS) project, funded with SJS funds.  Specifically, the Nebraska SAC plans to develop and implement a population forecaster for the state's criminal justice partners to examine the impact of proposed legislative changes. The Nebraska Forecaster would entail prison, probation and jail information as well as a control to determine how proposed changes could impacts all three systems. It would be statute-based, not just by a broad crime category, and would use data obtained from the JDTS, the Nebraska Department of Correctional Services, Probation administration, Parole Administration, Jail Standards, and Problem Solving Courts. This includes admission and release records for each dataset, including offense information. The forecaster will examine past trends, and establish county baselines. Users will be able to make assumptions around admissions and length of stay within the tool. For the special emphasis project, the NE SAC will use funds for a continuation of the SJS FY18 and FY19 JDTS efforts to develop the justice data warehouse.  The project plans to create and develop a warehouse that will bring all agency partner data sources together for the purposes of applied data integration.

New Hampshire ($64,506) The New Hampshire Statistical Analysis Center (NHSAC) is located within the New Hampshire Department of Justice. The NHSAC will use SJS FY20 funds for one core capacity project to increase access to statistical data through an upgrade NH's NIBRS system. The NIBRS Beyond 2020 Repository is outdated and in need of enhancements to the electronic infrastructure to improve the system's capabilities and capacity. The current NIBRS Beyond 2020 system lacks clarity and does not have the function to provide statistical reports that are detailed and informative to better understand the state's crime data. The upgrades to the NIBRS Beyond 2020 system includes purchasing a reporting segment that is capable of generating three pre-designed themes related to statistics gathered on drugs/DUI, violent crime, and property crime. The themed reports will contain statistical data for the user in the form of a variety of graphs separated into tables for users to better understand the state's statistical crime reported data. Data will be able to be viewed by year of offense, geographical location, or by agency. With the NIBRS system upgrade, users will be able to create pre-designed, visual, summary reports with multiple interactive tables. The upgrade project will enhance the analytical capabilities of the NHSAC and allow users to collect, analyze and interpret data on criminal justice issues, creating a more informative, transparent, and user-friendly system.

New Mexico ($219,432) The New Mexico Criminal Justice Analysis Center began operation in June 1988 and later changed its name to the New Mexico SAC (NMSAC). The NMSAC is located within the Institute for Social Research (ISR) at the University of New Mexico. The NMSAC is responsible for providing data and technical assistance to criminal justice planners, improving the quality and usefulness of research and planning for criminal justice agencies, and increasing communication between state criminal justice agencies with regard to common issues of research and analysis. The NMSAC will use SJS FY20 funds to explore the progression of felony cases in New Mexico. The study will also examine charging decisions across judicial districts, by crime type, and by case initiation type. The SAC will explore whether and how the restrictions placed on the state due to the COVID-19 pandemic influence case progression and prosecutorial decision-making. Finally, among a smaller sample of cases, the SAC will explore the progression and outcomes of cases initiated via preliminary hearings as compared to those initiated via grand jury indictment. This study will help the SAC understand the proportion of cases that are dismissed in the state overall, by judicial district, by most serious offense, and by case initiation type. Additionally, the SAC will learn about prosecutorial discretion with respect to charging decisions. Relatively few studies have compared the impact of preliminary hearings with grand jury indictments. Finally, the SAC will better understand what happens with cases that are dismissed, as looking solely at administrative data can obscure true case resolution.

Ohio ($74,117) The Ohio SAC (SAC) is placed within the Ohio Office of Criminal Justice Services (OCJS). Although housed within the Ohio Department of Public Safety, OCJS is by constitution and statute separate from enforcement, courts, and corrections, providing a neutral criminal justice branch within state government. The OH SAC will use SJS FY20 funds for two core capacity projects using the state's incident-based data. The first project focuses on automating the estimation of missing incident-based data. Approximately 63% of Ohio's law enforcement agencies covering 83% of Ohio's population participate in the Ohio Incident-Based Reporting System, OIBRS. The Ohio SAC uses OIBRS data to create numerous reports, dashboards, and other statistical products to provide information about crime in Ohio; however, accounting for incomplete OIBRS participation in these analyses is challenging and requires disclaimers about the completeness of the dataset. The current project will address this issue by developing a procedure for accurately estimating missing OIBRS monthly crime totals in an automated or semi-automated format. The second project is a study of the impact of COVID-19 on law enforcement and victims of domestic violence. The University of Cincinnati (UC) Institute of Crime Science will be working with the OCJS and the OH SAC to study the impact of law enforcement agencies' responses to COVID-19 and look at domestic violence rates prior to, during, and following the stay-at-home order issued by Ohio's governor, using the OIBRS dataset.

Oklahoma ($45,586) The Oklahoma SAC is located at the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation (OSBI). The Oklahoma's SAC is co-located with the state's criminal history repository and the state's incident-based reporting system. The OK SAC will use SJS FY20 funds to analyze drug-related offenses reported in SIBRS from selected agencies for calendar years 2016 through 2019, with a possible expansion to include 2015 and/or 2020. The primary objective of the project will be to evaluate trends in drug related offenses, especially before and after two key legislative changes which have occurred in Oklahoma. First, State Question 780 was approved during the November 2016 elections, making all possession of controlled dangerous substances a misdemeanor, effective July 1, 2017. Second, on June 26, 2018, voters approved State Question 788, which legalized marijuana use for any medical use with a doctor's recommendation, effective July 26, 2018.  The SAC is interested in identifying the dynamics of drug-related crime over the last several years and whether the passage of either state question impacted the number and type of drug-related offenses, the number or types of drugs seized, or the type of related offenses which occurred. The SAC is also interested in collecting data on suspects and arrestees linked with drug-related offenses. In cases where an individual was arrested, the SAC will collect the arrest description, type of arrest, and other information for the arrestee.

Oregon ($224,547) The Oregon SAC (SAC) is housed Oregon Criminal Justice Commission (CJC) which became the State Administering Agency (SAA) in 2009. The ORSAC will use SJS FY20 funds to conduct one core capacity project and one special emphasis project. The core capacity project will use funds to analyze public safety measures to identify the impacts of the COVID-19 events and responses. This will address the SJS priority area of collecting and analyzing data on criminal justice system processes. The research includes examining police traffic stops, jail and prison system safety, police interaction with citizens, domestic violence escalation, and overall concern in the increase in crime rates. The special emphasis project will analyze the intersection of criminal justice involvement and behavioral health treatment. The project addresses the SJS priority area of analyzing state criminal history records. The project intends to improve the state's understanding of health care service use and spending among individuals with mental health conditions and criminal justice involvement. The goal is to provide needed research on the treatment use for criminal justice involved populations.  

Pennsylvania ($225,000) The Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency (PCCD) is the SAA which also houses the state's SAC. The PA SAC will use SJS FY20 funds to support a core capacity project to increase access to statistical data by using GIS-mapping and data analytics and a special emphasis project to support analysis of state criminal history records to establish a statewide recidivism rate for a cohort of the county probation/parole population, and establish individual county recidivism rates for the same population. The core capacity project intends to use Alteryx software to enhance our ability to process large data sets to facilitate research projects conducted by SAC research consultants (i.e., recidivism calculations, analysis of school safety survey results, analysis of Uniform Crime Report data, etc.). The project will build upon the SAC's digital dashboards, crime trend reports and GIS-mapping projects that were funded through previous SJS/SAC grants. The special emphasis project will build off the SAC's pilot Automated Recidivism Calculator (ARC), which utilizes the Alteryx software. The SAC is currently partnering with Cumberland County to leverage the existing ARC pilot to calculate recidivism rates on the County's population of released county prisoners and probationers. It is the intention of this project to expand this pilot into other counties throughout the Commonwealth to perform similar benchmark recidivism calculations that have never been undertaken in the state. By establishing a statewide recidivism rate and potentially establishing individual county recidivism rates for the same population, the SAC seeks to enhance county and state criminal justice practitioners' ability to evaluate county adult probation and parole practices and programs, and increase the metrics available to conduct county-based system research in the Commonwealth.

Rhode Island ($77,900) The Rhode Island SAC (RI SAC) is located within the Public Safety Grant Administration Office ("PSGAO"). The PSGAO is comprised of a Criminal Justice Policy Board, a Steering Committee, and such permanent and ad hoc committees and task forces as the Policy Board deems necessary. The SAC functions are to plan, coordinate, collect data, perform statistical analyses, and administer/distribute grants for the adult criminal and juvenile justice systems. The RI SAC will use SJS FY20 funds to continue the project initially funded in SJS FY18 to develop a data exchange to collect information from the Department of Corrections and the State Courts to monitor the outcomes of the Justice Reinvestment legislation enacted in 2017. The SAC will also conduct an evaluation of the statewide NIBRS records to help prepare the SAC to publish a public-facing data dashboard and make the data sets available to policymakers and researchers. A better understanding of NIBRS data will enhance the ability of the SAC to engage in deeper research projects in the future.

Tennessee ($79,180) The Tennessee SAC located within the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation (TBI), was established by Executive Order and mandated by legislation to act as a clearinghouse for statewide criminal justice statistics and to operate the statewide UCR Program. The TN SAC will use SJS FY20 funds for a core capacity project that will (a) improve the quality and process of maintaining agency user data required for access to report and review statistics on crime and criminal justice at the state and local level in Tennessee (b)  improve the quality of offense data being reported to TIBRS and the ability to identify cybercrime in Tennessee, and (c) improve the ability of the SAC to ensure the quality of incident location data being reported in relation to secondary locations and latitude and longitude fields in TIBRS. The TN SAC will use funding to implement four key core capacity projects designed to (a) meet the demand for data reports, analysis, and studies from state government, TBI administration, law enforcement agencies, college and university administrators, the media, and the public at large (b) improve the efficiency of the SAC by implementing the ability for agencies to submit data in an XML format, (c) improve the ability of the SAC to ensure timely data reports by implementing machine to machine automated data submissions, and (d) ensure the new SAC Director is appropriately trained in the new role.

Utah ($75,000) Utah's SAC is located in the Utah Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice (CCJJ) and has been established in CCJJ since the inception of the SAC program in the state. The Research and Data section of the CCJJ is the functional area that houses the SAC. The UTAH Sac will use SJS FY20 funds for the continuation of a study to assess the feasibility of bringing together county jail offender management systems into some form of a statewide jail data system. Currently, all 25 counties with jails operate their own independent offender record management systems, with no means to connect them together or for state agencies, researchers, or policy-makers to be able to easily and efficiently access data to track populations and offender outcomes. The Utah SAC and SAA will work with the Utah Department of Technology Services (DTS) to hire an experienced consultant to assess the status of all county jail data systems along with the data needs of CCJJ, other statewide agencies (e.g., Department of Corrections, Department of Public Safety, Administrative Office of the Courts), and the counties, and determine if these systems and the needs are amenable to a larger system of data sharing and/or integration.

Vermont ($203,700) The Vermont Department of Public Safety (DPS) is the SAA for Vermont. To successfully fulfill SAC responsibilities, DPS has contracted with the Crime Research Group, Inc. (CRG). CRG is a non-profit organization formed in 2014 with staff from the Vermont Center for Justice Research (the former SAC). Under the SJS FY20 program, the SAC will use funds for a core capacity and special emphasis projects. For the core capacity project: Law Enforcement Meet Mental Health. Police officers spend hours responding to calls for service from and/or about people with mental health issues, who may or may not be involved in criminal activity. Some police departments have embedded social workers, and some may work closely with community mental health centers. However, currently there is no inventory to identify programs and strategies being used to respond to these calls. For this project, the SAC will compile an inventory of programs used by Vermont police departments, conduct a literature review on evidence-based/informed law enforcement programs being used nationally, and share this information with police departments. For the special emphasis project: DOC Risk Intervention Services Evaluation. After a multi-year planning period, the Vermont Department of Corrections (DOC) made significant changes in the way programs were delivered. DOC adopted the National Institute of Corrections' Eight Evidence-Based Principles and transitioned from an offense based to a risk-based system; from one curriculum to multiple curricula; from one set dose to dosage based upon assessed risk and needs from multiple programs; and from one provider per curriculum to providers who have attained flexibility in curriculum delivery. These changes were completed with consistent oversight and coordination through a Risk Reduction Coordinator. This model is the only one of its kind that combines several evidence-based/informed curricula to address education, job training, clinical services, and domestic violence. The SAC will conduct a process evaluation to document the process and program activities including how this model was conceptualized, planned, and implemented. The SAC will employ a research design that includes document and records review, interviews with staff, fidelity to overall concept and individual curriculum, and a preliminary outcome evaluation.

Virginia ($74,755) The Virginia SAC, the Criminal Justice Research Center, provides research and data to the Department of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS). The DCJS houses the SAC as well as serves as the SAA. The VASAC will use SJS FY2o funds for four sub-projects to assess the quality and completeness of NIBRS reporting, produce NIBRS data reports, and improve the timeliness of published NIBRS reports. Project 1) Examine Quality and Content of Economic Crimes Reported in Virginia NIBRS. The SAC will examine and assess economic crime incidents reported in VAIBRS, and characterize trends and characteristics of these crimes. Crimes include fraud, impersonation, bribery, counterfeiting/forgery, embezzlement, and bad checks. Project 2) The VASAC will examine the effects of the COVID-19 disruption in the criminal justice system using VA NIBRS data. Indicators that will be examined include domestic violence incidents, retail and domestic burglaries, juvenile offenses and arrests, drug offenses, and biased-based arrests. Project 3) Continue using NIBRS to examine the use of firearms in domestic incidents. The VASAC is now collecting data on domestic violence incidents involving firearms, to assess 2020 legislation that clarified and "toughened" the 2016 law. The VASAC will examine domestic violence incidents in NIBRS following the new 2020 law. Project 4) continue using NIBRS to examine reporting of misdemeanor and felony offenses. The VASAC is now collecting data on felony/larceny incidents and arrests, to assess 2020 legislation raising Virginia's felony/larceny threshold from $500 to $1,000 up from $200 to $500 that was raised in 2018. The VASAC will use NIBRS data to determine if retail theft offense, arrests or stolen property values change following the 2020 increase.

Washington ($76,293) The Washington State SAC is located in the Health and Human Services Section of the Washington State Office of Financial Management's (OFM) Forecasting and Research Division. The Washington SAC has successfully conducted and distributed numerous research, forecast, and statistical summaries of key criminal justice indicators investigating the causes of change in the criminal justice system. The SAC also serves as an information clearinghouse for criminal justice research and statistics by collecting state and federal documents and reports, representing data from such entities as the Administrative Office for the Courts, the Department of Corrections, the Caseload Forecast Council, the Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs (WASPC) and the OFM. The Washington SAC will use SJS FY20 funds for a core capacity project that will expand access to and use of administrative data by improving the quality of Washington NIBRS data for use in research and analysis. For this work, the SAC will partner with the Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs (WASPC), which is the administrative agency for Washington NIBRS. WASPC staff will review and assess the quality of the data to identify gaps and will then focus training and outreach activities for submitting law enforcement agencies on those gaps. The SAC will also work with WASPC on a targeted analysis using the NIBRS data.

West Virginia ($86,624) The West Virginia SAC is one of the two subunits of the West Virginia Office of Research and Strategic Planning (ORSP) tasked with statistical analysis of data and research on critical matters related to the administration of justice in the state. The SAC is located within the Division of Administrative Services (DAS), Justice and Community Services (JCS) per Executive Order No. 3-97 and 42 U.S.C. 3732. The WV SAC will use SJS FY20 funds for the core capacity project to analyze data on the patterns and trends in violent crimes and property crimes in West Virginia residents for CY 2017 - 2019. This study will provide an insight into the patterns and levels of these crimes across West Virginia, compare WV's rates with the national aggregate levels and examine victim-offender relationships for various crime categories by utilizing data collected from the West Virginia Incident Based Reporting System (WVIBRS). Distributions and trends in crime rates in West Virginia will be illustrated graphically for various crime categories. WV crime levels will be compared with national average through charts. An analysis of patterns in crime rates using various demographic characteristics as well as any relationship patterns between victims and offenders will be discussed and shown graphically. For the special emphasis project, the WV SAC will conduct a recidivism study of clients of Day Reporting Centers (DRCs) in West Virginia. The study seeks to explore the recidivism patterns of DRC clients who are released between January and December 2015 and tracked over a 36-month follow-up period. Recidivism will be measured by the first occurrence of arrest, jail booking or re-incarceration.

Wyoming ($208,020) The Wyoming SAC (WYSAC) is located within the College of Arts and Science at the University of Wyoming. The WYSAC will use SJS FY20 funds for one core capacity project and one special emphasis project. For the core capacity project, the WYSAC will continue its partnership with Volunteers of America Northern Rockies (VOA), begun under the SJS FY19 program, to 1) expand the SAC's electronic juvenile justice data collection system to include new variables, 2) increase access to and use of this data by more juvenile diversion programs, 3) evaluate the effectiveness of all (up to 15) county juvenile diversion programs that contribute data to the system, and 4) identify effective components of the diversion programs and encourage the use of these elements across all programs. The WYSAC will calculate recidivism rates at 12- and 24-months following program completion. For each participating juvenile, the SAC will also use a validated risk assessment tool to examine how the assessed risk level of the juveniles is associated with or predicts their success. The special emphasis project will use funds to build off the SJS FY19 program and link the state's criminal history records with the crime victim compensation data to estimate the number of misdemeanor crimes of domestic violence not captured in the NICS. The project addresses the SJS objectives of using administrative or operational criminal justice data for research and the analysis of state criminal history records.


Past Summaries:

2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010

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State Statistical Analysis Center (SAC) Contacts

Antrecia Summers
Planning Economic Development Specialist III
Alabama Law Enforcement Agency
301 South Ripley Street
P.O. Box 304115
Montgomery, Alabama 36104
Phone: (334) 242-4265    FAX: (334) 240-3704
E-mail address:

Troy Payne, Ph.D.
Alaska Justice Statistical Analysis Center
The Justice Center
University of Alaska Anchorage
3211 Providence Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99508
Phone: (907) 786-1816   FAX: (907) 786-7777
E-mail address:

Jillian Ware
Interim Director, Statistical Analysis CenterSAC Director
Arizona Criminal Justice Commission
1110 West Washington, Suite 230
Phoenix, Arizona 85007
Phone: (602) 364-1394   FAX: (602) 364-1175
E-mail address:

Ralph Ward
SAC Director/UCR Program Manager
Arkansas Crime Information Center
322 South Main Street, Suite 615
Little Rock, Arkansas 7220l
Phone: (501) 682-2222   FAX: (501) 682-7444
E-mail address:

Alyson Lunetta
SAC Contact, Criminal Justice Statistics Center
Attorney General's Office
California Department of Justice
4949 Broadway, #B-234
Sacramento, California 95820
Phone: (916) 227-3282   FAX: (916) 227-0427
E-mail address:

Kim English, Research Director
Statistical Analysis Center
Colorado Division of Criminal Justice
Colorado Department of Public Safety
700 Kipling Street, Suite 1000
Denver, Colorado 80215
Phone: (303) 239-4453   FAX: (303) 239-4491
E-mail address:

Kyle Baudoin
Policy Development Coordinator
Office of Policy and Management
Criminal Justice Policy and Planning Division
Research, Analysis, and Evaluation Unit
450 Capitol Avenue
Hartford, Connecticut 06106-1379
Phone: (860) 418-6350   FAX: (860) 418-6496
E-mail address:

Spencer Price, SAC Director
ATTN: Eric Rager, Research Specialist III
Delaware Statistical Analysis Center
410 Federal Street, Suite 6
Dover, Delaware 19901-3640
Phone: (302) 739-4846 FAX: (302) 739-4630
E-mail address:

Mannone Butler, Executive Director
Attn: Charisma Howell, Deputy Executive Director
Criminal Justice Coordinating Council
One Judiciary Center
441 4th St. NW, Room 727N
Washington, D.C. 20001
Phone: (202) 442-9283   FAX: (202) 724-3691
E-mail address:


Lisa Dukhovskaya (SAC Contact)
Statistical Analysis Center
Florida Department of Law Enforcement
2331 Phillips Road
Tallahassee, Florida 32302
Phone: (850) 410-7144 FAX: (850) 410-7150
E-mail address:

Stefanie Lopez-Howard
Planning and Evaluation Program Coordinator
Statistical Analysis Center
Georgia Criminal Justice Coordinating Council
104 Marietta Street, NW, Suite 440
Atlanta, Georgia 30303-2743
Phone: (404) 657-1960    FAX: (404) 657-1957   
E-mail address:

Paul Perrone, Chief of Research and Statistics
Crime Prevention & Justice Assistance Division
Department of the Attorney General
235 South Beretania Street, Suite 401
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813-2427
Phone: (808) 586-1420   FAX: N/A
E-mail address:

Misty Kifer, SAC Director
Planning, Grants, and Research
Idaho State Police
700 South Stratford Drive
Meridian, Idaho 83642-0700
Phone: (208) 884-7044  FAX: (208) 884-7094
E-mail address:


ATTN: Jessica Reichert, Acting SAC Director
Statitical Analysis Center
Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority
300 West Adams, Suite 200
Chicago, Illinois 60606
Phone: (312) 793-8550  FAX: (312) 793-8422
E-mail address:

Christine Reynolds, Research Manager
Indiana Criminal Justice Institute
101 West Washington Street, Suite 1170 East Tower
Indianapolis, Indiana 46204
Phone: (317) 232-1259   FAX: N/A
E-mail address:

Mindi TenNapel, SAC Director
Executive Officer and Research Coordinator
Division of Criminal and Juvenile Justice Planning
Lucas State Office Building
321 East 12th Street, 2nd Floor
Des Moines, Iowa 50319
Phone: (515) 725-2884  FAX: (515) 242-6119
E-mail address:

Scott Schultz, Executive Director
Kansas Sentencing Commission
Jayhawk Tower, Suite 501
700 S.W. Jackson Street
Topeka, Kansas 66603-3731
Phone: (785) 296-0923   FAX: (785) 296-0927
E-mail address:

Marjorie Stanek, Research Coordinator
Statistical Analysis Center
Kentucky Justice and Public Safety Cabinet
125 Holmes Street
Frankfort, Kentucky 40601
Phone: (502) 564-8295    FAX: N/A
E-mail address:

Fredia Dunn, SAC Director
Attn: Kimberly Lax, SAC Contact
Louisiana Commission on Law Enforcement
P.O. Box 3133 (602 N. 5th Street, Baton Rouge, LA 70802-5312)
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70821-3133
Phone: (225) 342-1867  FAX: (225) 342-1824
E-mail address:


Criminal Justice Planning Agency
Commonwealth N. Mariana Islands
Post Office Box 501133
Saipan, MP 96950
Phone:   FAX:
E-mail address:

George Shaler, MPH
Senior Research Associate
Maine Statistical Analysis Center
Cutler Institute for Health and Social Policy
Muskie School of Public Service
University of Southern Maine
P.O. Box 9300
Portland, Maine 04104-9300
Phone: (207) 228-8344  FAX: (207) 228-8340
E-mail address:

Jeffrey Zuback
Chief, Research & Analysis
Governor's Office of Crime Control and Prevention
300 E. Joppa Road, Suite 1105
Towson, Maryland 21286
Phone: (410) 697-9344 FAX: (410) 321-3482
E-mail address:

Lisa Lorant Sampson, SAC Director
Attn: Patricia Bergen, SAC Contact
Office of Grants and Research
Executive Office of Public Safety and Security
Ten Park Plaza, Suite 3720
Boston, Massachusetts 02116
Phone: (617) 725-3306   FAX: (617) 725-5356
E-mail address:

Edmund McGarrell, Ph.D.
Michigan Justice Statistics Center
Michigan State University
School of Criminal Justice
Baker Hall, Room 441
655 Auditorium Road
(Contract and Grant Administration, 301 Administration Building)
East Lansing, Michigan 48824-1118
Phone: (517) 355-6649   FAX: (517) 432-1787
E-mail address:


Tricia Hummel
Assistant Director
Minnesota Office of Justice Programs
445 Minnesota Street, Suite 2300
St. Paul, Minnesota 55101-2139
Phone: (651) 201-7309   FAX: (651) 284-3317
E-mail address:

Charles Scheer, Ph.D., SAC Director
Statistical Analysis Center
The University of Southern Mississippi
School of Criminal Justice
118 College Drive, #5157
Hattiesburg, Mississippi 39406
Phone: (601) 266-4516   FAX: (601) 266-4391
E-mail address:

Robert MacKenzie, Director
Statistical Analysis Center
Missouri State Highway Patrol
(1510 East Elm Street)
Post Office Box 568
Jefferson City, Missouri 65102
Phone: (573) 526-6259    FAX: (573) 526-6383
E-mail address:

Kathy Wilkins
Montana Board of Crime Control
Post Office Box 201408
5 S. Last Chance Gulch
Helena, Montana 59620
Phone: (406) 444-3615 FAX: (406) 444-4722
E-mail address:

Mike Fargen, SAC Director
Nebraska Crime Commission
301 Centennial Mall South
State Office Building
Post Office Box 94946 Lincoln, Nebraska 68509-4946
Phone: (402) 471-3992 FAX: (402) 471-2837
E-mail address:

William H. Sousa, Ph.D.
Center for Analysis and Crime Statistics
Department of Criminal Justice
University of Nevada Las Vegas
4505 Maryland Parkway - Box 5009
Las Vegas, Nevada 89154-5009
Phone: (702) 895-0247  FAX: (702) 895-0252
E-mail address:

Travis Teeboom, Criminal Justice Program Specialist
Office of the Attorney General
33 Capitol Street
Concord, New Hampshire 03301
Phone: (603) 271-8091 FAX: (603) 271-2110
E-mail address:

Jean Petherbridge, SAC Director
Manager, Research and Evaluation
Department of Law and Public Safety, Division of Criminal Justice
25 Market Street, P.O. Box 081
Trenton, New Jersey 08625-0081
Phone: (609) 984-5693     FAX: (609) 341-2077
E-mail address:

Kristine Denman
Statistical Analysis Center
Institute for Social Research
University of New Mexico
1700 Lomas Blvd., NE, Suite 2200

1 University of New Mexico  
Albuquerque, New México 87131-0001
Phone: (505) 277-0801  FAX: (505) 277-4185
E-mail address:

Theresa Salo, SAC Director
Office of Justice Research & Performance
Division of Criminal Justice Services
Alfred E. Smith Office Building
80 South Swan Street
Albany, New York 12210-8002
Phone: (518) 457-7301    FAX: (518) 457-0988
E-mail address:

Colleen Weltz, SAC Director
NIBRS/UCR Program Manager
North Dakota Office of the Attorney General
Bureau of Criminal Investigation
(4205 State Street, Bismarck, North Dakota 58503)
Post Office Box 1054
Bismarck, North Dakota 58502-1054
Phone: (701) 328-5527   FAX: (701) 328-5510
E-mail address:

Lisa Shoaf, Ph.D.
Statistical Analysis Center
Office of Criminal Justice Services
1970 West Broad Street
Columbus, Ohio 43223
Phone: (614) 466-5997   FAX: (614) 728-8330
E-mail address:

Erin Henry, SAC Director
Statistical Analysis Center
Oklahoma Criminal Justice Statistics
Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation
6600 North Harvey
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73116-7912
Phone: (405) 879-2598 FAX: N/A
E-mail address:

Ken Sanchagrin, SAC Director
Criminal Justice Commission
885 Summer Street, NE
Salem, Oregon 97301
Phone: (503) 373-7449 FAX: (503) 378-4861
E-mail address:

Kirsten Kenyon, Director
Office of Research, Evaluation, and Strategic Policy Development
Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency
P.O. Box 116 (3101 North Front Street)
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17108-1167
Phone: (717) 265-8505   FAX: (717) 705-4566
E-mail address:

Michael J. Hogan
Administrative Manager
Rhode Island Public Safety Grant Administration Office
311 Danielson Pike
North Scituate, Rhode Island 02857
Phone: (401) 222-4493 FAX: (401) 222-1294
E-mail address:

Sarah Osbourne, SAC Director
South Carolina Office of Highway Safety and Justice Programs
Department of Public Safety
P.O. Box 1993
Blythewood, South Carolina 29016
Phone: (803) 896-8702   FAX: (803) 896-8714
E-mail address:

David Natvig, SAC Director
Attn: LaDonna Holm, SAC Contact
Division of Criminal Investigation
South Dakota Office of the Attorney General
George S. Mickelson Criminal Justice Center
1302 East Highway 14, Suite 5
Pierre, South Dakota 57501-8505
Phone: (605) 773-3331 or   (605) 773-5400  FAX: (605) 773-4629 or  (605) 773-6471
E-mail address:

Dale King
CJIS Support Center Supervisor
Tennessee Bureau of Investigation
CJIS Division
901 R.S. Gass Blvd.
Nashville, Tennessee 37216-2639
Phone: (615) 744-4026   FAX: (615) 744-4555
E-mail address:

Benjamin Peterson, Ph.D.
SAC Director/Director of Research
Statistical Analysis Center
Utah Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice
Utah State Capitol Complex
Senate Building, Suite 330
Salt Lake City, Utah 84114
Phone: (801) 538-1143   FAX: N/A
E-mail address:

Karen Gennette
SAC Director
Crime Research Group, Inc.
P.O. Box 1433
Montpelier, Vermont 05664
Phone: (802) 230-4768  FAX: N/A
E-mail address:


Attn:  Angela Lloyd Campbell
Law Enforcement Planning Commission
8172 Subbase, Suite 3
St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands 00802-5803
Phone: (340) 774-6400   FAX: (340) 776-3317
E-mail address:

James McDonough, Ph.D.
Manager, Criminal Justice Research Center
Department of Criminal Justice Services
1100 Bank Street
Richmond, Virginia 23219
Phone: (804) 371-0532   FAX: (804) 225-3853
E-mail address:

Thea Mounts
Statistical Analysis Center
Office of Financial Management
Insurance Building
Post Office Box 43113
Olympia, Washington 98504-3113
Phone: (360) 902-0552   FAX: (360) 725-5174
E-mail address:

Mobolaji Otunuga, Ph.D
Office of Research and Strategic Planning
Division of Justice and Community Services
1124 Smith Street, Suite 3100
Charleston, West Virginia 25301
Phone: (304) 558-8814, Ext. 53313   FAX: (304) 558-0391
E-mail address:


Ashley Billig, SAC Contact
Wisconsin Justice Information Center
Wisconsin Department of Justice
17 W. Main St.
Madison, WI 53703
Phone: (608) 266-2659   FAX: (608) 267-1338
E-mail address:

Tiffany Comer Cook
Senior Research Scientist
Wyoming Survey and Analysis Center
Department 3925
University of Wyoming
1000 E. University Avenue
Laramie, Wyoming 82071-2000
Phone: (307) 766-2189  FAX: (307) 766-2759
E-mail address: