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Real-Time and Open Source Analysis (ROSA) Resource Guide

Cover Page

The Real-Time Open Source Analysis (ROSA) Resource Guide was developed by the National Network of Fusion Centers, in partnership with the Office of the Director of National Intelligence's (ODNI) Office of Partner Engagement for the Information Sharing Environment (PE-ISE), the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and the associations represented on the Criminal Intelligence Coordinating Council (CICC), to assist law enforcement agencies and fusion centers in understanding the lawful and appropriate use of open source information, focusing on social media.  It is designed to help law enforcement agencies and analytic personnel understand the potential tools and resources available to support law enforcement operational and analytic activities, while ensuring P/CRCL concerns are addressed. 

Bibliographic Information

Formal Document Title Real-Time and Open Source Analysis (ROSA) Resource Guide
Author State, Local, and Federal Law Enforcement and Homeland Security Partners
Last Revision Date 7/10/2017
Version Number 1.0
Pages 52
File Format Portable Document Format
File Size 1.29 MB

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