About the Accessibility of SERC Websites

SERC is committed to making the materials on its websites accessible to the widest possible audience. Our websites are built using current web standards and we strive to follow best practices with regard to accessibility. In general public pages are Section 508 compliant and meet WCAG Priority 1 guidelines.

We are always looking for ways we can improve the accesibility of our websites. If you have suggestions, and especially if you have difficulty using any part of our website we strongly encourage you to get in touch.

About Web Standards and Older Browsers

Our ability to make our websites as widely accessible as they are is largely a result of our use of web standards (also see here). The upside of this approach is that our pages load quickly and work flexibly for a very wide range viewers. The downside is that some folks are using older web browsers that that don't support current web standards--most notably Internet Explorer.

While it should be possible access the content of our sites in these older browsers you won't get the same pleasing experience you would using a modern browser. So we'd encourage everyone who can to make sure they are using an up to date web browser.