It’s been a long year in Leader McConnell’s legislative graveyard, where more than 300 pieces of legislation have been met with inaction.

Bipartisan legislation that is stalled in the Senate includes bills to protect people with pre-existing conditions, strengthen our elections, and enact critical gun safety measures.

But these bills have been left on Leader McConnell’s desk as the Senate is held hostage by the self-proclaimed grim reaper.

Examples of bipartisan bills stalled in the Senate include:

  • H.R.3, Lower Drug Costs Now Act
  • H.R.5, Equality Act
  • H.R.6, The American Dream and Promise Act
  • H.R.7, Paycheck Fairness Act
  • H.R.8, Bipartisan Background Checks…

This week marks the second anniversary of the Federal Communication Commission’s party-line decision to repeal net neutrality rules.

To restore the safeguards of a free and open internet, Senators Markey, Cantwell, Wyden, and Schumer took to the floor yesterday to demand that the Senate pass the Save the Internet Act — legislation that restores the rules of the road that protect a free and open internet.

But Senator Wicker objected. And Senator McConnell has buried this bill in his legislative graveyard.

Net neutrality is based on the simple idea that the internet — just like our phones, highways, and power sources — is a public good that all Americans should have access to without discrimination. …

Our nation is less than one year away from the 2020 election.

But the Senate remains, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s legislative graveyard, where critical issues like election security have been continuously neglected.

With each passing day nearing the 2020 election, the window to address election security effectively is getting smaller and smaller.

Unfortunately, again and again, Senator McConnell and Senate Republicans have blocked commonsense legislation to protect our democracy.

This is unacceptable.

Earlier this year, FBI Director Wray confirmed that Russia interfered in our elections, and will continue attempting to interfere in the future.

“The Russians are absolutely intent on trying to interfere with our elections.”

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Bills currently in Leader McConnell’s legislative graveyard

Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Senate Republicans have turned the Senate into a legislative graveyard. Under Senator McConnell’s watch, the Senate has not even considered a bill on the floor in weeks — instead, Republicans have spent the American people’s time confirming radical, unqualified nominees who all too often have not even been vetted by the Trump White House.

The American people need action on critical priorities: universal background checks; protecting their health care; securing our elections from foreign interference; and more. …

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Photo by Senate Democratic Media Center

This week, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments that will determine the future of the widely popular and successful DACA program. Senate and House Democrats united in defense of DACA and Dreamers.

President Trump’s administration argued before the highest court in the land that Dreamers — many of whom have been in America virtually their whole lives — do not belong.

After flip-flopping on the issue, and failing to pass commonsense, comprehensive immigration reform, it’s shameful that President Trump is trying to get the Supreme Court to do his dirty work by putting Dreamers under threat of mass deportation.

When the DACA program was established in 2012, under a long tradition of administrative discretion, it changed the lives of thousands of Dreamers for the better. And our country was made better for it. …

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Photo by Senate Democratic Media Center

This week, Senator Doug Jones, joined by Senate Democrats, urged Leader McConnell to consider and pass The FUTURE Act, bipartisan and bicameral legislation that will restore critical funding to minority-serving institutions like Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU), Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCU), Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs), and Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander Serving Institutions (AANAPISI) nationwide.

There are over 100 accredited HBCUs across the country, and more than 130,000 students attending TCUs across the nation. HSIs enroll 66% of all Hispanic undergraduates and in the past decade enrollment has increased by 98%. AANAPISIs confer nearly half of the associate’s degrees for Asian American and Pacific Islander students. …

Over the past three years, President Trump has routinely nominated and Senate Republicans have confirmed federal judicial nominees who are unqualified and radical.

These are judges on the very extremes of jurisprudence; right-wing ideologues whose views cut against the majority of Americans on nearly every issue.

Judges who oppose:

  • Roe v. Wade and a woman’s constitutional right to make her own medical decisions
  • Legal protections for LGBTQ+ Americans
  • Commonsense gun safety laws
  • Environmental protections
  • Collective bargaining rights
  • Fair access to the ballot box and voting rights

The list of unqualified nominees is so long that for the sake of time, let’s only consider nominations from the past three weeks. …

Today began another day in Leader McConnell’s legislative graveyard, where the list of legislation the Senate is failing to take up continues to get longer.

In the House of Representatives, the Democratic majority has passed hundreds of bipartisan bills on key legislative priorities like health care, infrastructure, and gun violence.

Meanwhile, Leader McConnell — the self-proclaimed “grim reaper”- has repeatedly blocked bill after bill that Americans want Congress to pass.

And as a result, the American people are suffering.

Too many House-passed bills have not received a vote in the Senate:

-Pre-existing condition protections

-Bipartisan background checks

-Election security

-Renewal of the Violence Against Women…


Senate Democrats

News from leadership staff of Senate Democrats. Edited by @SenSchumer’s staff.

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