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Conserving the Nature of America
Three manatees swimming under water.
Crystal River National Wildlife Refuge was established in 1983 specifically to protect critical habitat for the Florida manatee. Credit: David Hinkel

Trump Administration Finalizes Endangered Species Critical Habitat Designation Rule

December 17, 2020

Today, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service finalized new regulations regarding critical habitat designations under the Endangered Species Act that provide greater legal certainty and create an orderly and transparent public process for the public to understand the requirements of ESA section 4(b)(2) and promote better conservation for endangered and threatened species through stronger collaboration with private landowners and other partners.  

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Group photo of Director and nine law enforcement staff at Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge
USFWS Director Aurelia Skipwith meets with Federal Wildlife Officers. Credit: USFWS

More Than 13,600 Pounds of Illegal Narcotics Seized on National Wildlife Refuges in 2020

December 15, 2020

Today, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service recognizes the public safety protection efforts of Federal Wildlife Officers who in 2020 successfully led the seizure of 13,615 pounds of illegal narcotics on national wildlife refuges. The 2020 street value of the seizures was $43 million -- 17 times more than in 2019, which was $2.5 million. The Trump Administration has made it a priority to end the drug overdose epidemic that kills approximately 70,000 Americans each year.  

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A Mississippi gopher-frog in a patch of dead grass.
The definition addresses a 2018 Supreme Court ruling in a case regarding dusky gopher frog critical habitat. Credit: John A. Tupy/Western Carolina University

Service and NOAA Fisheries Finalize Regulatory Definition of Habitat

December 15, 2020

To improve implementation of the Endangered Species Act, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and NOAA Fisheries have defined the term “habitat” under the act. Not previously defined by the act, the definition will help stimulate more effective conservation, and improve consistency and predictability around critical habitat designations. 

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