• Full Title: Telecommunications Relay Services and Speech-to-Speech Services for Individuals with Hearing and Speech Disabilities; Structure and Practices of the Video Relay Service Program
  • Document Type(s): Order
  • Bureau(s): Consumer and Governmental Affairs

Extends through November 30, 2020 the temporary COVID-19 waivers of certain rules governing the Telecommunications Relay Services (TRS)

  • DA/FCC #: DA-20-946
  • Docket/RM: 03-123, 10-51
  • FCC Record Citation: 35 FCC Rcd 9783 (12)

FCC Record: DA-20-946A1_Rcd.pdf


Document Dates

  • Released On: Aug 26, 2020
  • Adopted On: Aug 26, 2020
  • Issued On: Aug 26, 2020