Fisheries of the United States, 2018

February 21, 2020

Each year NOAA Fisheries compiles key fisheries statistics from the previous year into an annual snapshot documenting fishing’s importance to the nation.

Northeast fishing boats. New England fisheries video shoot for NOAA and Ocean Media Center.

Fisheries of the United States has been produced in its various forms for more than 100 years. It is the NOAA Fisheries yearbook of fishery statistics for the United States. The 2018 report provides landings totals for both domestic recreational and commercial fisheries by species and allows us to track important indicators such as annual seafood consumption and the productivity of top fishing ports. These statistics provide valuable insights—but to fully understand the overall condition of our fisheries, they must be looked at in combination with other biological, social, and economic factors of ecosystem and ocean health.

Please see our commercial landings queries for the most up-to-date numbers for landings volume and value. See the menu to the right to download the report and all associated materials.



2018 U.S. Commercial Fisheries and the Seafood Industry Highlights


2018 U.S. Commercial Fisheries and Seafood Industry, Top Ports by Volume and Value of Seafood Landed


2018 Value of Processed Fishery Products


2018 U.S. Recreational Fisheries, Saltwater Trips and Catch


2017 U.S. Aquaculture Production, Highlights

Last updated by Office of Science and Technology on February 21, 2020