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Public Use Database - Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac

The loan-level Public Use Databases (PUDBs) are released annually to meet FHFA’s requirement under 12 U.S.C. 4543 and 4546(d) to publicly disclose data about the Enterprises’ single-family and multifamily mortgage acquisitions.  The datasets supply mortgage lenders, planners, researchers, policymakers, and housing advocates with information concerning the flow of mortgage credit in America’s neighborhoods.  Beginning with data for mortgages acquired in 2018, FHFA has ordered that the PUDBs be expanded to include additional data that is the same as the data definitions used by the regulations implementing the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act, as required by 12 U.S.C. 4543(a)(2) and 4546(d)(1).

The PUDB single-family datasets include loan-level records that include data elements on the income, race, and gender of each borrower as well as the census tract location of the property, loan-to-value (LTV) ratio, age of mortgage note, and affordability of the mortgage.  New for 2018 are the inclusion of the borrower’s debt-to-income (DTI) ratio and detailed LTV ratio data at the census tract level.  The PUDB multifamily property-level datasets include information on the unpaid principal balance and type of seller/servicer from which the Enterprise acquired the mortgage.  New for 2018 is the inclusion of property size data at the census tract level.  The multifamily unit-class files also include information on the number and affordability of the units in the property.  Both the single-family and multifamily datasets include indicators of whether the purchases are from “underserved” census tracts, as defined in terms of median income and minority percentage of population.

Prior to 2010 the single-family PUDB consisted of three files: Census Tract, National A, and National B files.  With the 2010 PUDB a fourth file, National C, was added to provide information on high-cost mortgages acquired by the Enterprises.  The single-family Census Tract file includes information on the location of the property based on the 2010 Census (beginning in 2012), while the National files contain other information but lack detailed geographic information in order to protect Enterprise proprietary data.  The multifamily datasets also consist of a Census Tract file, and a National file without detailed geographic information.


FHFA PUDB Orders and Federal Register Notices




Privacy and Proprietary Determination Matrices



Single-Family Mortgage-Level Owner-Occupied 1-Unit Properties (National File A)
2019 Data (zip) / Dictionary (pdf) / Previous Years

Single-Family Unit-Level Properties (1-4), includes Renter-Occupied 1-Unit Properties (National File B)
2019 Data (zip) / Dictionary (pdf) / Previous Years

Single-Family Mortgage-Level Properties, high-cost single-family mortgages purchased and securitized by the Enterprises (National File C)
2019 Data (zip) / Dictionary (pdf) / Previous Years

Single-Family Census Tract File
2019 Freddie Mac Data (zip) / 2019 Fannie Mae Data (zip) / 2019 GSE Data (zip) / Dictionary (pdf) / Previous Years

Multifamily National File, All Multifamily properties by Unit and Mortgages
2019 Data (zip) /Property Level Dictionary (pdf) / Unit Class Level Dictionary (pdf) /  Previous Years

Multifamily Census Tract File
2019 Data (zip) / Dictionary (pdf) / Previous Years


Public Use Database - Federal Home Loan Bank System

HERA Section 1212 requires the Director to make available to the public, in a form that is useful to the public (including forms accessible electronically), and to the extent practicable, census tract level data relating to mortgages purchased by each Federal Home Loan Bank.

The contents of these files are unaudited and are reported directly by the Federal Home Loan Banks to FHFA. Questions concerning the content of these files should be directed to the relevant Federal Home Loan Bank(s).



FHLBank Public Use Database
2019 CSV / 2019 Excel / 2019 Definitions / Previous Years​​

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