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Office of Urban Indian Health Programs

Urban city scene

The Urban Indian Health Program (UIHP) consists of 41 non-profit 501 (c)(3) programs nationwide. The programs are funded through grants and contracts from the I.H.S., under Title V of the Indian Health Care Improvement Act, PL 94-437, as amended. Approximately 45% of the UIHPs receive Medicaid reimbursement as Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHC) and others receive fees for service under Medicaid for allowable services, i.e. behavioral services, transportation, etc. Over 28.8 million dollars are generated in other revenue sources. In the Omnibus Reconciliation Act (OBRA) of 1993, Title V, and tribal 638 programs were added to the list of specific programs automatically eligible for FQHC designation. The range of contract and grant funded programs listed below are provided in facilities owned or leased by the Urban organization. The I.H.S. is required by law to conduct an annual program review using various program standards of I.H.S. and to provide technical assistance.

Range of I.H.S./Urban grant and contract programs include: information, outreach and referral, dental services, comprehensive primary care services, limited primary care services, community health, substance abuse (outpatient and inpatient services), behavioral health services, immunizations, HIV activities, health promotion and disease prevention, and other health programs funded through other state, federal, and local resources, i.e. WIC, Social Services, Medicaid, Maternal Child Health, etc.

Indian Health Service Office of Urban Indian Health Programs Strategic Plan 2017-2021 [PDF - 352 KB]