Current Schedule Contractors

GSA provides resources and tools to support current contractors, including a welcome package with tips on how market your contract or modify your contract to keep up with your company’s offerings.

Understanding Schedules and the regulations, features and policies that guide your Schedule are key to success. The Vendor Support Center will be your go to guide to keeping up with Schedule updates.

Authorized Schedule buying agencies are listed in GSA Order, Eligibility to Use GSA Sources of Supply and Services [PDF - 447 KB]. For orders above the minimum order specified in each Schedule contract, up to the maximum order threshold, GSA Schedule contractors are obligated to accept orders placed by buyers within the executive branch of the federal government. Schedule contractors are not obligated, but are encouraged, to accept orders from agencies and activities outside the executive branch.

If a Schedule contractor is unwilling to accept an order above the maximum order threshold or from an agency or activity outside the executive branch, the order will be returned to the ordering activity within five workdays after receipt by the contractor. For orders that propose payment by the governmentwide commercial purchase card, the contractor must advise the ordering activity within 24 hours after receipt of the order. If the Schedule contractor fails to return the order, or advise the ordering activity, within the specified time frames, the order is considered to be "accepted" by the contractor and all provisions of the Schedule contract shall then apply.

Last Reviewed: 2018-09-07