Get to Know NARIC

In August, Director Mark Odum and Media and Information Services Manager Jessica Chaiken met with members of the ACL community and presented an overview of NARIC, our services, and how we promote the use and dissemination of the work of the NIDILRR grantee community. The presentation covered how to search the NIDILRR Program Database and how to look for peer-reviewed and consumer-oriented publications indexed in NARIC's REHABDATA database. We also highlighted some other members of the NIDILRR community and the ready-to-use resources they offer to the disability and rehabilitation community. A version of the presentation is available here and on our YouTube channel. The script and a PDF of the PowerPoint slides are available below.

Get to Know NARIC, Part 1

Introduces NARIC, our role in supporting the NIDILRR community, our information services, and how to find information about the current and completed NIDILRR projects. 

This video uses Flash. If your browser cannot display this properly, you can also Watch Part 1 on our YouTube channel.

Get to Know NARIC, Part 2

Covers how to search REHABDATA and the NARIC collection, how to stay up to date on what the NIDILRR community is producing, and other projects with ready-to-use resources.

This video uses Flash. If your browser cannot display this properly, you can also Watch Part 2 on our YouTube channel.

These videos include closed captions.

Coming soon: Open caption and described video.