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Current Search: View Articles, including only International Research, whose full text is available online, and Year Published is between 2018 and 2018

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Total Found:  597.  Click the Accession Number to see the full record. Articles, Books, & Reports - New Search

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1 of 597.
Ambulatory care of patients with somatically unexplained complaints. A comparative qualitative study.
Accession Number: I244491.
2 of 597.
Anxiety disorders: which psychotherapy for whom?.
Accession Number: I244495.
3 of 597.
Attitudes towards psychotherapy in South Korea and Germany. A cross-cultural comparative study.
Accession Number: I244496.
4 of 597.
Delusions: current psychodynamic and neurocognitive approaches.
Accession Number: I244497.
5 of 597.
King’s Parkinson’s disease pain scale. Intercultural adaptation in the German language.
Accession Number: I244502.
6 of 597.
Psychotherapy for people with bipolar disorders. An overview of evidence-based procedures and new developments.
Accession Number: I244504.
7 of 597.
Psychotherapy of depressive disorders. Procedures, evidence and perspectives.
Accession Number: I244505.
8 of 597.
Psychotherapy of depressive disorders: Evidence in chronic depression and comorbidities.
Accession Number: I244506.
9 of 597.
Therapy drop-out as a predictor of re-delinquency. Legal probation of substance addicted patients according to §64 of the German Legal Code.
Accession Number: I244515.
10 of 597.
Effect of a rehabilitation programme through dual-task treadmill training on balanceand gait alterations in acquired brain damage.
Á. Aguilera-Rubio; P. Fernández-González; F. Molina-Rueda; A. Cuesta-Gómez.
Accession Number: I244645.
11 of 597.
Report by the Spanish Foundation for the Brain on the social impact of amyotrophiclateral sclerosis and other neuromuscular disorders.
A. Camacho; J. Esteban; C. Paradas.
Accession Number: I244836.
12 of 597.
Experience with botulinum toxin in chronic migraine.
A. Castrillo Sanz; N. Morollón Sánchez-Mateos; C. Simonet Hernández; B. Fernández Rodríguez; D. Cerdán Santacruz; A. Mendoza Rodríguez; M.F. Rodríguez Sanz; C. Tabernero García; P. Guerrero Becerra; et al.
Accession Number: I245218.
13 of 597.
Resilience to mental disorders in old age.
A. Fellgiebel.
Accession Number: I245109.
14 of 597.
Diagnostics and conservative treatment of cervical and lumbar spinal stenosis.
A. Hug; S. Hähnel; N. Weidner.
Accession Number: I245063.
15 of 597.
Motor learning and neuroplasticity in chronic pain: A narrative review.
A. Ilbacache Palma; F. Araya Quintanilla; R. Aguilera Eguía; M.J. Muñoz Yañez.
Accession Number: I245079.
16 of 597.
Relationship between temporomandibular disorders and whiplash after a traffic accident. Cohorts study.
A. Martin Berrocal; A. Pedro Pascual; M. Martin Baranera; J. Tinoco González; S. Mateo Lozano.
Accession Number: I245045.
17 of 597.
Artificial intelligence in psychiatry—an overview.
A. Meyer-Lindenberg.
Accession Number: I245093.
18 of 597.
Use of smartphones in cardiac rehabilitation programmes. A sistematic review.
A. Muzas Fernández; M. Soto González.
Accession Number: I245085.
19 of 597.
Efficacy of passive standing programmes in children with cerebral palsy: a systematic review.
A. Occhipintti; S. Montero Mendoza.
Accession Number: I244827.
20 of 597.
The effects of kinesio tape on balance and gait of inactive older adults.
A. Ortiz-Rubio; I. Cabrera-Martos; J. Casilda-López; M.J. Ariza-Mateos; R. Romero-Fernandez; M.C. Valenza.
Accession Number: I244842.
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