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The Performance Improvement Council (PIC) is the heartbeat of government performance management.
The PIC shares best practices and builds capacity across the federal government to help agencies set, plan, and achieve priorities for the American Public.

What We Do

The PIC creates opportunities for government employees to learn performance management best practices, spread breakthroughs and successes across government, and to solve complex challenges through collaboration.

Our Projects

  • The Performance Management Line of Business (PMLoB) is an investment by agencies to jointly contribute to the creation of shows progress on the Administration’s efforts to create a government that is more effective, efficient, innovative, and responsive. The PIC is the primary business owner of, working with agencies and OMB to develop its vision, create requirements, and track its use.

  • The federal performance framework has three primary types of goals: Cross-Agency Priority Goals, Agency Priority Goals, and Agency Strategic Goals. Cross-Agency Priority Goals are a limited number of Presidential priorities areas where implementation requires active collaboration between multiple agencies. PIC provides tools, collaboration opportunities, and space to improve the process of setting, planning, and achieving goals.

  • One of the PIC’s benefits to the government is its ability to convene and facilitate conversation on cross-agency challenges and opportunities. Each year PIC provides a variety of forums for performance management professionals to deepen knowledge of the federal performance framework and sharpen performance improvement skills.

  • The PIC holds occasional Speaker Series to provide Federal performance professionals an opportunity to learn from experts in the private sector, state/local sector, academia, or agency peers and gain insight about successful approaches that are being implemented elsewhere.

Who We Are

Performance professionals are catalysts within their respective organizations for creating a performance management infrastructure that drives improvement and sustainable change

The Council