
Assessment involves the systematic gathering and examination of information related to creating a safe and supportive learning environment for students. Assessing problems helps pinpoint where problems occur and the affected populations. Assessment examines the conditions that put a community at risk and identifies conditions that can protect against those risks.

Assessment helps campus task forces or working groups charged with developing a strategic plan come to a shared understanding of the nature, extent, and underlying issues affecting safety, student engagement, and the environment on campus and in the surrounding community. An assessment of the campus and community climate includes the following steps:


Featured Resources

Cover image of What You Should Know About Prescription Drug Misuse Among College Students resource

Providers readers with data on prescription drug use among college students, including information on prevalence, consequences, and tips for prevention.

Cover image - two people under an building archway - Turning the Tide: Inspiring Concern for Others and the Common Good through College Admission

Outlines a new approach to college admission that is emerging across the nation. This approach increases the focus on motivating high school students to engage in community service and assessing students on their contributions to others and their communities, rather than more traditional approaches that solely assess candidates based on grades, extracurricular activities, and test scores.

Making Caring Common
Cover image of the Tracking Transfers: New Measures of Institutional and State Effectiveness in Helping Community College Students Attain Bachelor's Degrees resource

Proposes metrics for measuring the effectiveness of states and two- and four-year institutions in enabling degree-seeking students who start at community colleges to earn a bachelor's degree. The metrics are then used to assess student data from different institutions of higher education. The report specifically focuses on outcomes of lower-income students in comparison to higher-income students.

Davis Jenkins, John Fink
Cover image of the Methods for Assessing College Student Use of Alcohol and Other Drugs

Offers a straightforward method for gathering and reporting student survey data on substance use-related problems. Administrators must understand the nature and extent of these problems at their institutions in order to develop effective programs and policies to reduce alcohol- and other drug-related (AOD) problems on campus.

The Higher Education Center for Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse and Violence Prevention
Cover page of the ERIC Clearinghouse on Assessment and Evaluation resource

Provides a library of information concerning assessment, evaluation, and research methodology. Resources include tutorials, FAQs, abstracts, digests, journals, web links, and other publications.

Cover image of the College Alcohol Risk Assessment Guide: Environmental Approaches to Prevention resource

Assists college administrators in identifying factors within the campus environment that contribute to alcohol-related problems. These factors are examined within the context of the public health approach, which emphasizes how the environment shapes behavior. Methods for identifying problems include scanning, analysis, response, and assessment. The publication also contains scanning and analysis exercises and selected resources. In addition, some analysis and scanning exercises are also provided in an online format, which can be downloaded, distributed, and used electronically.

U.S Department of Education
Cover image of the Campus Climate Survey Validation Study Final Technical Report resource

Presents the results of a nine-school pilot test that was conducted to develop a campus climate survey that collects school-level data on sexual victimization of undergraduate students. The report describes the development of the survey instrument and procedures for data collection, non-response bias analysis, weighting, and validity assessment. It presents estimates for each school on the prevalence and incidence of sexual assault, rape, and sexual battery during the 2014–15 academic year, as well as characteristics of the victims and incidents. 

Christopher Krebs, Christine Lindquist, Marcus Berzofsky, Bonnie Shook-Sa, and Kimberly Peterson; Michael Planty, Lynn Langton, and Jessica Stroop

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