WAPA » Transmission » Transmission Infrastructure Program » Types of Assistance

Types of Assistance

The Transmission Infrastructure Program (TIP) leverages WAPA's borrowing authority and transmission development expertise to help selected Project Applicants secure financing for a project, and if needed, address barriers and streamline project development activities. A Project Applicant does not have to request project development assistance to pre-qualify for a loan.

Project Financing: Loan

Eligible projects may apply for a loan to support new or upgraded electric power transmission lines and related facilities that meet eligibility requirements. Learn more about project criteria and project financing.

Project Development: Development Assistance

The majority of projects that meet the TIP project criteria often need development (technical) assistance from TIP to address specific project development requirements necessary to secure financing(e.g., environmental analysis and review; permitting; WAPA Electricity Coordinating Council path rating; and/or technical design work for a transmission line). Learn more about project development assistance.

Additional Information

For additional information about TIP's project development assistance, see the Federal Register Notice. For questions or concerns about the application process, contact TIP via email or by calling 720-962-7710.

Page Last Updated: 6/12/2020 9:07 AM