
2019 Hope II Annual Report

2019 Hope II Annual Report

The Haitian Hemispheric Opportunity through Partnership Encouragement Act of 2008 (HOPE II) affords preferential treatment for imports of apparel, textiles, and certain other goods from Haiti. To be eligible for preferential treatment under HOPE II, Haiti must first have (i) implemented the Technical Assistance Improvement and Compliance Needs Assessment and Remediation (TAICNAR) program; (ii) established a Labor Ombudsperson’s Office; (iii) agreed to require producers of articles for which preferential tariff treatment may be requested to participate in the TAICNAR program; and (iv) developed a system to ensure participation by such producers, including by establishing a producer registry. On October 16, 2009, the President certified to Congress that Haiti had taken these actions. Further, to remain eligible for preferential treatment, Haiti must also have established or be making continual progress towards establishing the protection of internationally recognized worker rights.1 On June 29, 2015, the President signed the Trade Preferences Extension Act of 2015, which included the extension of Haiti’s preferential tariff treatment until September 30, 2025.

You may read the full report here.