
Statement on Meetings Between the United States and Japan to Advance the Bilateral Trade Relationship


Washington, DC -- Japanese Minister for Economic Revitalization Toshimitsu Motegi and U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer had constructive discussions yesterday and today.  The United States and Japan had this round of ministerial consultations with the recognition of the importance of expanding bilateral trade between the two countries in a mutually beneficial way in order to achieve free and open economic development.  Both sides also agreed to deepen U.S.-Japan cooperation in various international economic issues.

Both sides, through the consultations for two days, had frank discussions on both countries’ interests and views on trade and investment expressed so far, and deepened the understanding on their respective basic views and positions.

Based on these discussions, both sides agreed to explore ways to fill the gap between their positions and to promote trade between the United States and Japan, and to expand areas of cooperation based on common understanding.

The United States and Japan also agreed to continue the consultations based on mutual trust and to further deepen the discussions in the next round of the ministerial consultations to be held sometime in September.
