
Press Week Ahead: October 17 - 21


Monday, October 17
From October 17-18, Ambassador Froman will travel to Geneva to deliver a speech at the Graduate Institute in Geneva.
Geneva, Switzerland
Open Press Opportunities
For press inquiries, please email Matt Swenson at

From October 17 – 20, Ambassador Punke and USTR officials will attend the 17th Round of Environmental Goods Agreement (EGA) negotiations.
Geneva, Switzerland
Closed Press

Ambassador Holleyman and Deputy Commerce Secretary Bruce Andrews will travel to Beijing for a vice-ministerial meeting in advance of the 2016 U.S.-China Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade (JCCT).
Beijing, China
Closed Press

Tuesday, October 18
Ambassador Froman will travel to Islamabad for the U.S.-Pakistan TIFA Meeting.
Islamabad, Pakistan
Open Press Opportunities
For press inquiries, please email Roya Stephens at 

The Office of the U.S. Trade Representative will hold a public hearing on the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) to consider the possible addition of travel and luggage goods items as eligible articles for more advanced Beneficiary Developing Countries.
Washington, D.C.
Open Press
For press inquiries, please email Roya Stephens at

Wednesday, October 19
Ambassador Froman will travel to Mumbai for stakeholder meetings.
Mumbai, India
Closed Press

Acting Assistant USTR for Japan, Korea, and APEC Kenneth Schagrin will attend the Global Services Summit, and participate on the Growth & Impact of Services Trade in the Asia Pacific panel.
Washington, D.C.
Open Press
For press inquiries, please email Roya Stephens at

Thursday, October 20
Ambassador Froman and Ambassador Holleyman will travel to Delhi for the U.S.-India Trade Policy Forum.
Delhi, India
Open Press Opportunities
For press inquiries, please email Roya Stephens at

Friday, October 21
From October 21-22, Ambassador Froman and Ambassador Punke will travel to Oslo for meetings of select Ministers responsible for the World Trade Organization (WTO), Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA), and Environmental Goods Agreement (EGA).
Oslo, Norway
Closed Press

Ambassador Holleyman will travel to Mumbai for bilateral and stakeholder meetings.
Mumbai, India
Closed Press