
Press Week Ahead: May 21 - 27


Saturday, May 21

May 21-25, Ambassador Froman will travel to Vietnam as part of the President’s travel.
Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City
Open press opportunities
For media inquiries, please contact Trevor Kincaid at

Sunday, May 22

No public events.

Monday, May 23

Ambassador Holleyman will travel to Arizona to participate in Mayor Stanton’s Mixer on Exporting, where he will highlight the Administration’s trade agenda.
Phoenix, Arizona
Open press
For media inquiries, please contact Roya Stephens at

Tuesday, May 24

No public events.

Wednesday, May 25

Ambassador Vetter will deliver remarks at the Organic Trade Association’s Policy Conference to discuss the TPP and the expansion of organic equivalency arrangements.
Washington, D.C.
Open press
For media inquiries, please contact Roya Stephens at

Thursday, May 26

Ambassador Holleyman will travel to Michigan for a factory tour and roundtable discussion Wolverine, a domestic shoe manufacturer.
Grand Rapids, MI
Open press
For media inquiries, please contact Trevor Kincaid at

Friday, May 27

No public events.