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Thursday, December 17, 2020

Become a PMF

Current Finalists


The PMF Class of 2021 Finalists was selected on Tuesday, November 24, 2020. Applicants can check whether they have been selected as Finalists by logging into their applicant user account on the Apply Site of the PMF Talent Management System at Those applicants selected as 2021 Finalists will see a "Welcome Finalist" message on the User Dashboard and see their PMF Application Status as “Selected as a Finalist”.

To see an interactive list of Finalists, please go to This interactive list identifies Finalists who have provided consent to be publicly recognized. The list may not be all inclusive in showing all current Finalists. The list also provides an “Appointed” tab to see where Finalists are appointed as Fellows.

Approximately 6,820 applications were received, and 551 applicants were selected as Finalists. The 2021 Finalists' pool represents approximately 77 different disciplines, 153 academic institutions worldwide, and 9.6% are veterans.

Finalists have an appointment eligibility period of 12 months, expiring on Wednesday, November 24, 2021. To learn more about finding an appointment as a Finalist, visit the Find a Job page.


Once Finalists are announced, agencies can search Finalists and post PMF appointment opportunities through the PMF TMS (Talent Management System). The PMF TMS enables Agency PMF Coordinators and Agency HR Staff to post PMF appointment opportunities, enables Agency Hiring Officials to search Finalists and view their resumes and transcripts, and enables Agency PMF Coordinators to manage their agency users and record PMF appointments. To access the PMF TMS and learn more about your agency's participation in the PMF Program, please contact your Agency PMF Coordinator


The PMF Program Office receives inquiries from academic partners and career counselors regarding applicants from a specific academic institution. The PMF Program Office does not publicly share specific applicant information.

Academia may consult the interactive list of Finalists available to the public at This list identifies Finalists who have provided consent to be publicly recognized and will update with appointment information when Finalists become Fellows. The list may not be all inclusive in showing all current Finalists or Fellows.

UPDATED:  11-24-2020