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NHC Publications

Data Archive | Publications

Here are details on NHC publications and how to find them:

We have begun to offer recent publications in a .pdf format for immediate download, and links to these documents will appear below as they become available.

Annual Hurricane Season Articles

NHC publishes three annual summaries of tropical cyclone activity in its area of responsibility. These include: 1) The Atlantic Hurricane Season, 2) The Eastern North Pacific Hurricane Season, and 3) Atlantic Tropical Systems. The Hurricane Season summaries include descriptions of named storms along with pertinent meteorological data and satellite imagery. The Atlantic Tropical Systems article gives a description of tropical disturbances in the Atlantic (especially tropical waves) and provides information on non-developing cyclones.

The annual summaries can be found in the following periodicals:

These journals can be found in your public library or university library, and are also available to NOAA staff via the NOAA Libraries per licensing agreements. The Monthly Weather Review and Weatherwise are found in the science section, while the Mariner's Weather Log is found in the Government Documents section under the Department of Commerce. To find a NOAA library, please visit

Atlantic Hurricane Season Summaries can be found in the Monthly Weather Review back to the 1930's, with descriptions of individual storms available back to the journal's beginnings in 1886. They are found in the other journals for a similar length of time. Eastern Pacific Hurricane Season Summaries (including those from the former Eastern Pacific Hurricane Center in Redwood City, CA) are available in the journals dating back to the early 1960's.

The Atlantic Tropical Systems article dates back to the 1970's, with a break in the publication from 1980 to 1988. It is found only in the Monthly Weather Review.

NHC Technical Memoranda/Reports

Many NHC publications are found in the NOAA/ESSA Technical Memorandum Series published by the Department of Commerce. These should be available in the Government Documents section of your public or university library. Memoranda starting with WBTM SR 38 are also available from the following:

National Technical Information Service
Technology Administration
U. S. Department of Commerce
Springfield, VA 22161
Phone: 703-487-4650

Please check with NTIS for the latest prices. The accession number for ordering is given in parentheses at the end of the entry when available.

ESSA Technical Memoranda

SRTM 28: The Weather Distribution with Upper Tropospheric Cold Lows in the Tropics - Neil L. Frank - September, 1966.

WBTM SR 38: Florida Hurricanes - Gordon E. Dunn and Staff NHC - November, 1967. (PB 182 220)

WBTM SR 42: Memorable Hurricanes of the United States Since 1873 - Arnold L. Sugg and Robert L. Carrodus - January, 1969. (PB 182 228)

WBTM SR 44: Climatology of Atlantic Tropical Cyclones by Two and One-Half Degree Latitude-Longitude Boxes - John R. Hope and Charles J. Neumann - February, 1969. (PB 183 308)

WBTM SR 45: On the Maximum Sustained Winds Occurring in Atlantic Hurricanes - Charles Holliday - May, 1969. (PB 184 609)

WBTM SR 46: Hemispheric Circulation and Anomaly Patterns Observed When Tropical Storms Reach Hurricane Intensity - Paul J. Hebert and Banner I. Miller - May, 1969. (PB 184 610)

WBTM SR 47: Disturbances in the Tropical and Equatorial Atlantic - Robert H. Simpson - June, 1969. (PB 184 740)

WBTM SR 49: A Mean Storm Surge Profle - Arnold L. Sugg - December, 1969. (PB 188 422)

WBTM SR 50: A Reassessment of the Hurricane Prediction Problem - Robert H. Simpson - February, 1970. (PB 189 846)

WBTM SR 51: The Satellite Applications Section of the National Hurricane Center - Robert H. Simpson and D. C. Gaby - September, 1970. (COM 71 00005)

NOAA Technical Memoranda NWS

NWS SR 53: The Decision Process in Hurricane Forecasting - Robert H. Simpson - January, 1971. (COM 71 00336)

NWS SR 55: Digitized Atlantic Tropical Cyclone Tracks - John R. Hope and Charles J. Neumann - February, 1971. (COM 71 00984)

NWS SR 56: Memorable Hurricanes of the United States Since 1873 - Arnold L. Sugg, Leonard G. Pardue, and Robert L. Carrodus - April, 1971. (COM 71 00610)

NWS SR 58: Atlantic Hurricane Frequencies Along the U.S. Coastline - Robert H. Simpson and Miles B. Lawrence - June 1971. (COM 71 00796)

NWS SR 62: An Alternate to the HURRAN (Hurricane Analog) Tropical Cyclone Forecast System - Charles J. Neumann - January, 1972. (COM 72 10351)

NWS SR 63: A Statistical Method of Combining Synoptic and Empirical Tropical Cyclone Prediction Systems - Charles J. Neumann, John R. Hope, and Banner I. Miller - May, 1972. (COM 72 10553)

NWS SR 69: Statistical-Dynamical Prediction of Tropical Cyclone Motion - Charles J. Neumann and Miles B. Lawrence - April, 1973. (COM 73 10728)

NWS SR 71: A Decision Proceedure for Application in Predicting the Landfall of Hurricanes - Robert H. Simpson and Brian R. Jarvinen - August, 1973. (COM-73-11663/AS)

NWS SR 72: Objective Analysis of the Sea Surface Temperature - Brian R. Jarvinen - August, 1973. (COM 73-11643)

NWS SR 81: The Effect of Initial Data Uncertainties on the Performance of Statistical Tropical Cyclone Models - Charles J. Neumann - March, 1975. (COM 75-10483/AS)

NWS SR 82: A Statistical Study of Tropical Cyclone Positioning Errors with Economic Applications - Charles J. Neumann - March, 1975. (COM 75-11362/AS)

NWS SR 83: A Satellite Classification Technique for Subtropical Cyclones - Paul J. Hebert and Kenneth O. Poteat - July, 1975. (COM 75-11220/AS)

Documents digitized by the NOAA Miami Regional Library

NWS NHC 1 (PDF): Annual Data and Verification Tabulation of Atlantic Tropical Cyclones 1974 - John R. Hope and Staff, NHC - March, 1976. (PB285261/AS)

NWS NHC 2 (PDF): Annual Data and Verification Tabulation - Atlantic Tropical Cyclones 1975 - Paul J. Hebert and Staff, NHC - January, 1977. (PB285263/AS)

NWS NHC 3 (PDF): Intensification Criteria for Tropical Depressions in the Western North Atlantic - Paul J. Hebert - April, 1977. (PB285415/AS)

NWS NHC 4 (PDF): Annual Data and Verification Tabulation of Atlantic Tropical Cyclones 1976 - Paul J. Hebert and Staff, NHC - May, 1977. (PB285262/AS)

NWS NHC 5 (PDF): Atlantic Tropical Cyclone Tracks by 5-, 10-, 15-, and 30-Day Periods - Brian R. Jarvinen and Charles J. Neumann - May, 1978. (PB284009/AS)

NWS NHC 6 (PDF): A Tropical Cyclone Data Tape for the North Atlantic Basin, 1886-1977; Contents, Limitations, and Uses - Brian R. Jarvinen and Eduardo L. Caso - June, 1978. (PB285504/AS)

NWS NHC 7 (PDF): The Deadliest, Costliest, and Most Intense United States Hurricanes of the Century (And Other Frequently Requested Hurricane Facts) - Paul J. Hebert and Glenn Taylor - August, 1978. (PB286753/AS)

NWS NHC 8 (PDF): Annual Data and Verification Tabulation of Atlantic Tropical Cyclones 1977 - Miles B. Lawrence, Paul J. Hebert and Staff, NHC - March, 1979. (PB295702)

NWS NHC 9 (PDF): Annual Data and Verification Tabulation of Atlantic Tropical Cyclones 1978 - Paul J. Hebert and Staff, NHC - April, 1979. (PB296323)

NWS NHC 10 (PDF): Statistical Forecasts Of Tropical Cyclone Intensity for the North Atlantic Basin - Brian R. Jarvinen and Charles J. Neumann - April, 1979. (PB297185)

NWS NHC 11 (PDF): A Guide to Atlantic and Eastern Pacific Models for The Prediction of Tropical Cyclone Motion - Charles J. Neumann - April, 1979. (PB297141/AS)

NWS NHC 12 (PDF): Modificantion of NMC Analyses and Prognoses for Use in Statistical Tropical Cyclone Prediction Models - Preston W. Leftwich, Jr. - May, 1979. (PB297190)

NWS NHC 13 (PDF): Annual Data and Verification Tabulation Atlantic Tropical Cyclones 1979 - Paul J. Hebert and Staff, NHC - June, 1980.

NWS NHC 14 (PDF): A Statistical Tropical Cyclone Motion Forecasting System for the Gulf of Mexico - Robert T. Merril - August, 1980.

NWS NHC 15 (PDF): Annual Data and Verification Tabulation Atlantic Tropical Cyclones 1980 - Glenn Taylor and Staff, NHC - June, 1981.

NWS NHC 16 (PDF): A Compilation of Eastern and Central North Pacific Tropical Cyclone Data - Gail M. Brown and Preston W. Leftwich, Jr. - August, 1982. (PB83115444)

NWS NHC 17 (PDF): Annual Data and Verification Tabulation Atlantic Tropical Cyclones 1981 - Staff, NHC - November, 1982.

NWS NHC 18 (PDF): The Deadliest, Costliest, and Most Intense United States Hurricanes of the Century (And Other Frequently Requested Hurricane Facts) - Paul J. Hebert and Glenn Taylor, NHC - January, 1983. (PB83-163527)(Revised as NOAA TM NWS NHC 31)

NWS NHC 19 (PDF): Annual Data and Verification Tabulation Atlantic Tropical Cyclones 1982 - Gilbert B. Clark and Staff, NHC - February, 1983. (PB83184077)

NWS NHC 20 (PDF): The Miss/Hit Ratio - An Estimate of Reliability for Tropical Cyclone Track Prediction - Preston W. Leftwich - April, 1983.

NWS NHC 21 (PDF): Annual Data and Verification Tabulation Atlantic Tropical Cyclones 1983 - Gilbert B. Clark and Staff, NHC - January, 1984.

NWS NHC 22 (PDF): A Tropical Cyclone Data Tape for the North Atlantic Basin, 1886-1983; Contents, Limitations, and Uses - Brian R. Jarvinen, Charles J. Neumann, and Mary A. S. Davis - March, 1984.

NWS NHC 23 (PDF): Frequency and Motion of Western North Pacific Tropical Cyclones - Congyuan Xue and Charles J. Neumann - May, 1984. (PB85106466)

NWS NHC 24 (PDF): Hurricane Experience Levels of Coastal County Populations Texas to Maine - Paul J. Hebert, Glenn Taylor (Retired), and Robert, A. Case - June 1984. (PB85111383)(Revised as NOAA TM NWS NHC 46)

NWS NHC 25 (PDF): A Tropical Cyclone Data Tape for the Eastern and Central North Pacific Basins, 1949-1983: Contents, Limitations, and Uses - Mary A. S. Davis, Gail M. Brown, and Preston Leftwich - September, 1984. (PB85110054)

NWS NHC 26 (PDF): Annual Data and Verification Tabulation Atlantic Tropical Cyclones 1984 - Gilbert B. Clark and Robert A. Case, NHC - February, 1985.

NWS NHC 27 (PDF): A Storm Surge Atlas for Corpus Christi, Texas - Brian R. Jarvinen, A. Barry Damiano, and Gloria J. D. Lockett - August, 1985.

NWS NHC 28 (PDF): A Statistical Model for the Prediction of Western Pacific Tropical Cyclone Motion - Yimiing Xu and Charles J. Neumann - November, 1985.

NWS NHC 29 (PDF): Annual Data and Verification Tabulation - Atlantic Tropical Cyclones 1985 - Gilbert B Clark and Robert A. Case - March, 1986.

NWS NHC 30 (PDF): A Storm Surge Atlas for the Sabine Lake (Texas/Louisiana) Area - Victor Wiggert and Brian Jarvinen - April, 1986.

NWS NHC 31 (PDF): The Deadliest, Costliest, and Most Intense United States Hurricanes of This Century (and Other Frequently Requested Hurricane Facts) (Revision of NOAA TM NWS NHC 18) - Paul J. Hebert (WSFO Miami); Glenn Taylor and Robert A. Case (NHC) - Revised March, 1990.

NWS NHC 32 (PDF): Comparison of Observed Versus SLOSH Model Computed Storm Surge Hydrographs Along the Delaware and New Jersey Shorelines for Hurricane Gloria, September, 1985 - Brian Jarvinen (NHC) and Jeff Gebert (Army COE, Philadelphia, PA) - September, 1986.

NWS NHC 33 (PDF): Hurricane Tracking Using an Envelope Approach - Impacts Upon Forecasts - Robert C. Sheets - October, 1986.

NWS NHC 34 (PDF): An Experiment in Statistical Prediction of Tropical Cyclone Intensity Change - Robert T. Merril - February, 1987.

NWS NHC 35 (PDF): Annual Data and Verification Tabulation - Atlantic Tropical Cyclones 1986 - Gilbert B Clark and Robert A. Case - March, 1987.

NWS NHC 36 (PDF): Observed Versus SLOSH Model Storm Surge for Connecticut, New York, and Upper New Jersey in Hurricane Gloria, September, 1985 - Brian Jarvinen and Jeff Gebert - August, 1987.

NWS NHC 37 (PDF): Observed Versus SLOSH Model Storm Surge for North Carolina in Hurricane Gloria, September, 1985 - Brian Jarvinen and Alan McDuffie - August, 1987.

NWS NHC 38 (PDF): The National Hurricane Center Risk Analysis Program (HURISK) - Charles J. Neumann - November, 1987.

NWS NHC 39 (PDF): Satellite Interpretation Messages - A User's Guide - James S. Lynch - May, 1987.

NWS NHC 40 (PDF): Annual Data and Verification Tabulation - Atlantic Tropical Cyclones 1987 - Gilbert B Clark and Robert A. Case - March, 1988.

NWS NHC 41 (PDF): The National Hurricane Center NHC83 Model - Charles J. Neumann - May, 1988 - Robert A. Case and Gilbert B. Clark - March, 1988.

NWS NHC 42 (PDF): Annual Data and Verification Tabulation - Atlantic Tropical Cyclones 1988 - Gilbert B Clark and Robert A. Case - October, 1988.

NWS NHC 43 (PDF): Annual Data and Verification Tabulation - Eastern Pacific Tropical Cyclones 1988.

NWS NHC 44 (PDF): A Revised National Hurricane Center NHC83 Model (NHC90) - Charles J. Neumann (Science Applications International Corporation) And Colin J. McAdie (NHC) - November, 1991.

NWS NHC 45 (PDF): Hurricane Gilbert (1988) In Review and Perspective - Edward N. Rappaport and Colin J. McAdie - November, 1991.

NWS NHC 46 (PDF): Hurricane Experience Levels of Coastal County Populations from Texas to Maine - Jerry D. Jarrell, Paul J. Hebert, and Max Mayfield - August, 1992.

NWS NHC 47 (PDF): The Deadliest Atlantic Tropical Cyclones, 1492-1994 - Edward N. Rappaport and Jose Fernandez-Partagas - January, 1995.

NWS TPC 1 (PDF): The Deadliest, Costliest, and Most Intense United States Hurricanes of This Century (and Other Frequently Requested Hurricane Facts) (Revision of NOAA TM NWS NHC 31) - Paul J. Hebert (NWSFO Miami), Jerry D. Jarrell, and Max Mayfield - Updated February, 1996.

NWS TPC 2 (PDF): Tropical Cyclone Intensity Climatology of the North Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, and Gulf of Mexico - Paul J. Hebert (NWSFO Miami) and Colin J. McAdie - December, 1997.

NWS TPC 3 (PDF): The Deadliest, Costliest, and Most Intense United States Tropical Cyclones From 1900 to 2000 (and other Frequently Requested Hurricane Facts) - Jerry D. Jarrell (NHC Miami, retired), Max Mayfield (NHC Miami), Edward N. Rappaport (NHC Miami), and Eric S. Blake (NHC Miami) - October, 2001.

NWS TPC 4 (PDF): The Deadliest, Costliest, and Most Intense United States Tropical Cyclones From 1851 to 2004 (and other Frequently Requested Hurricane Facts) - Eric S. Blake (NHC Miami), Edward N. Rappaport (NHC Miami), Jerry D. Jarrell (NHC Miami, retired), and Christopher W. Landsea (HRD Miami) - Updated August, 2005.

NWS TPC 5 (PDF): The Deadliest, Costliest, and Most Intense United States Tropical Cyclones From 1851 to 2006 (and other Frequently Requested Hurricane Facts) - Eric S. Blake, Edward N. Rappaport, and Christopher W. Landsea - Updated April, 2007.

NWS NHC 6 (PDF): The Deadliest, Costliest, and Most Intense United States Tropical Cyclones From 1851 to 2010 (and other Frequently Requested Hurricane Facts) - Eric S. Blake, Christopher W. Landsea, and Ethan J. Gibney - Updated August, 2011.

NOAA Technical Reports

NOAA Technical Report NWS 37: The National Weather Service Hurricane Probability Program - Robert C. Sheets, 1984. (PB84 182757)

Other Technical Memoranda/Reports Related to NHC Duties

This section includes a list of publications from outside of NHC that relate to NHC duties.

National Hurricane Operations Plan: Office of the Federal Coordinator For Meteorological Services and Supporting Research.

ESSA Technical Report WB 6: Climatology of Atlantic Tropical Storms and Hurricanes - M. A. Alaka - May, 1968.

NOAA Technical Memorandum NESDIS 5: A Tropical Cyclone Precipitation Estimation Technique Using Geostationary Satellite Data" - LeRoy E. Spayd Jr. and Roderick A. Scofield - July, 1984.

NOAA Technical Memorandum NWS SR 152: A Simple and Practical Computerized Parametric Wave/Swell Forecast Model - Steven W. Lyons - March, 1994. (PB 94-144524)

NOAA Technical Report NESDIS 11: Tropical Cyclone Intensity Analysis Using Satellite Data - Vernon F. Dvorak - September, 1984 reprinted October, 1985. (PB85 112951)

NOAA Technical Report NESDIS 57: Water Vapor Imagery: Interpretation and Applications to Weather Analysis and Forecasting - Roger B. Weldon and Susan J. Holmes - April, 1991.

NOAA Technical Report NESDIS 63: A Systematic Approach for Estimating Central Pressures of Mid-Latitude Oceanic Storms - Frank J. Smigielski and H. Michael Mogil - December, 1992.

NOAA Technical Report NWS 15: Some Climatological Characteristics of Hurricanes and Tropical Storms, Gulf and East Coasts of the United States - Francis P. Ho, Richard W. Schwerde, and Hugo V. Goodyear - May, 1975. (COM-7511-88)

NOAA Technical Report NWS 17: Estimation of Hurricane Storm Surge in Apalachicola Bay, Florida - James E. Overland - June 1975. (COM-75-11132)

NOAA Technical Report NWS 32: Pertinent Meteorological and Hurricane Tide Data for Hurricane Carla - Frances P. Ho and John F. Miller - August, 1982. (PB83 118240)

NOAA Technical Report NWS 35: Pertinent Meteorological Data for Hurricane Allen of 1980 - Frances P. Ho and John F. Miller - September, 1983. (PB84 104322)

NOAA Technical Report NWS 38: Hurricane Climatology for the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts of the United States - Marshall Hansen - April, 1987. (PB88 114657)

NOAA Technical Report NWS 48: SLOSH: Sea, Lake, and Overland Surges from Hurricanes: Chester P. Jelesnianski, Jye Chen, and Wilson A. Shaffer - April, 1992.

Peer Reviewed Scientific Journal Articles

Listed below are a few pertinent articles in peer reviewed scientific journals. This list is by no means comprehensive.

Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society (BAMS) [link]

Landsea, C. W., and J. P. Cangialosi, 2018: Have we reached the limits of predictability for tropical cyclone track forecasting? Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 2237-2243.

Weinkle, J., C. Landsea, D. Collins, R. Musulin, R. P. Crompton, P. J. Klotzbach, and R. Pielke, Jr., 2018: Normalized hurricane damage in the continental United States 1900-2017. Nature Sustainability, 1, 808-813.

Kieper, M. E., C. W. Landsea, and J. L. Beven, II, 2016: A Reanalysis of Hurricane Camille. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 97, 367-384.

Landsea, C. W., 2015: Comments on "Monitoring and Understanding Trends in Extreme Storms: State of Knowledge". Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 96, 1175-1176.

Rappaport, Edward N., 2014: Fatalities in the United States from Atlantic Tropical Cyclones: New Data and Interpretation. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 95, 341-346.

Rappaport, E. N., J.-G. Jiing, C. W. Landsea, S. T. Murillo, and J. L. Franklin, 2012: The Joint Hurricane Testbed - Its first decade of tropical cyclone research-to-operations activities revisited. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 93, 371-380.

Brennan, M. J., H. D. Cobb III, and R. D. Knabb, 2010: Observations of Gulf of Tehuantepec Gap Wind Events from QuikSCAT: An Updated Event Climatology and Operational Model Evaluation. Wea. Forecasting, 25, 646-658.

Cohen, A. E., and J. P. Cangialosi, 2010: An Observational and High-Resolution Model Analysis of Gale Wind Events in the Gulf of California. Wea. Forecasting, 25, 613-626.

C. Velden, B. Harper, F. Wells, J. L. Beven Jr., R. Zehr, T. Olander, M. Mayfield, C. Guard, M. Lander, R. Edson, L. Avila, A. Burton, M. Turk, A. Kikuchi, A. Christian, P. Caroff, and P. McCrone. 2006: The Dvorak Tropical Cyclone Intensity Estimation Technique. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society: Vol. 87, No. 9, pp. 1195-1214.

R. A. Pielke Jr., C. Landsea, M. Mayfield, J. Laver, and R. Pasch. 2005: Hurricanes and Global Warming. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society: Vol. 86, No. 11, pp. 1571-1575.

Christopher W. Landsea, James L. Franklin, Colin J. McAdie, John L. Beven II, James M. Gross, Brian R. Jarvinen, Richard J. Pasch, Edward N. Rappaport, Jason P. Dunion and Peter P. Dodge. 2004: A Reanalysis of Hurricane Andrew's Intensity. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society: Vol. 85, No. 11, pp. 1699-1712.

James L. Franklin, Colin J. McAdie and Miles B. Lawrence. 2003: Trends in Track Forecasting for Tropical Cyclones Threatening the United States, 1970-2001. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society: Vol. 84, No. 9, pp 1197-1203.

Colin J. McAdie and Miles B. Lawrence. 2000: Improvements in Tropical Cyclone Track Forecasting in the Atlantic Basin, 1970-98. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society: Vol. 81, No. 5, pp. 989-997.

Christopher S. Velden, William L. Smith and Max Mayfield. 1984: Applications of VAS and TOVS to Tropical Cyclones. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society: Vol. 65, No. 10, pp. 1059-1067.

Weather and Forecasting (American Meteorological Society) [link]

Cangialosi, J., E. Blake, M. DeMaria, A. Penny, A. Latto, E. Rappaport, and V. Tallapragada, 2020: Recent Progress in Tropical Cyclone Intensity Forecasting at the National Hurricane Center. Wea. Forecasting, 35, 1913-1922. 10.1175/WAF-D-20-0059.1.

Sangster, S. J., and C. W. Landsea, 2020: Constraints in Dvorak wind speed estimates: How quickly can hurricanes intensify?. Wea. Forecasting, 35, 1235-1241.

Cangialosi, J.P., and C.W. Landsea, 2016: An examination of model and official National Hurricane Center tropical cyclone size forecasts. Weather and Forecasting, 31, 1293-1300.

Cangialosi, J.P., T.B. Kimberlain, J.L. Beven II, and M. DeMaria, 2015: The Validity of Dvorak Intensity Change Constraints for Tropical Cyclones. Weather and Forecasting, 30, 1010-1015.

Carrasco, C. A, C. W. Landsea, and Y.-L. Lin, 2014: The Influence of Tropical Cyclone Size on its Intensification. Wea. Forecasting, 29, 582-590.

Brennan, Michael J., Sharanya J. Majumdar, 2011: An Examination of Model Track Forecast Errors for Hurricane Ike (2008) in the Gulf of Mexico. Weather and Forecasting, 26, 848-867.

DeMaria M., J. A. Knaff, R. Knabb, C. Lauer, C. R. Sampson, and R. T. DeMaria, 2010: A New Method for Estimating Tropical Cyclone Wind Speed Probabilities. Weather and Forecasting, 24, 1573-1591.

Brennan, M. J., C. C. Hennon, and R. D. Knabb, 2009: The operational use of QuikSCAT ocean surface vector winds at the National Hurricane Center. Weather and Forecasting, 24, 621.645.

Rappaport, E. N., J. L. Franklin, L. A. Avila, S. R. Baig, J. L. Beven II, E. S. Blake, C. A. Burr, J.-G. Jiing, C. A. Juckins, R. D. Knabb, C. W. Landsea, M. Mainelli, M. Mayfield, C. J. McAdie, R. J. Pasch, C. Sisko, S. R. Stewart, and A. N. Tribble, 2009: Advances and Challenges at the National Hurricane Center. Weather and Forecasting, 24, 395-419.

Robert C. Sheets. 1990: The National Hurricane Center – Past, Present, Future. Weather and Forecasting: Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 185-231.

Journal of Climate (American Meteorological Society) [link]

Delgado, S., C. W. Landsea, and H. Willoughby, 2018: Reanalysis of the 1954-63 Atlantic hurricane seasons. J. Climate, 31, 4177-4192.

Klotzbach P. J. and C. W. Landsea, 2015: Extremely intense hurricanes: Revisiting Webster et al. (2005) after 10 years. Journal of Climate, 28, 7621-7629.

Landsea, C. W., A. Hagen, W. Bredemeyer, C. Carrasco, D. A. Glenn, A. Santiago, D. Strahan-Sakoskie, and M. Dickinson, 2014: A reanalysis of the 1931-1943 Atlantic hurricane database. Journal of Climate, 27, 6093-6118.

Hagen, A. B., and C. W. Landsea, 2012: On the classification of extreme Atlantic hurricanes utilizing mid-Twentieth-Century monitoring capabilities. J. Climate, 25, 4461-4475.

Landsea, C. W., S. Feuer, A. Hagen, D. A. Glenn, J. Sims, R. Perez, M. Chenoweth, and N. Anderson, 2012: A reanalysis of the 1921-1930 Atlantic hurricane database. Journal of Climate, 25, 865-885.

Landsea, C. W., G. A. Vecchi, L. Bengtsson, and T. R. Knutson, 2010: Impact of duration threshold on Atlantic tropical cyclone counts. Journal of Climate, 23, 2508-2519.

Landsea, C. W. , D. A. Glenn, W. Bredemeyer, M. Chenoweth, R. Ellis J. Gamache, L. Hufstetler, C. Mock, R. Perez, R. Prieto, J. Sanchez-Sesma, D. Thomas, and L. Woolcock, 2008: A Reanalysis of the 1911-20 Atlantic Hurricane Database. Journal of Climate, 21,138-2168.

Monthly Weather Review [link]

Landsea, C. W., and J. L. Franklin, 2013: Atlantic Hurricane Database Uncertainty and Presentation of a New Database Format. Mon. Wea. Rev., 141, 3576-3592.

Natural Hazards Review [link]

Pielke, R. A., Jr., J. Gratz, C. W. Landsea, D. Collins, M. A. Saunders, and R. Muslin, 2008: Normalized hurricane damage in the United States: 1900-2005. Natural Hazard Review, 9, p.29-42.

Nature Geoscience [link]

Knutson, T. R., J. L. McBride, J. Chan, K. Emanuel, G. Holland C. Landsea, I. Held, J. P. Kossin, A. K. Srivastava,and M. Sugi, 2010: Tropical Cyclones and Climate Change. Nature Geoscience, DOI: 10.1038/NGEO779, 7 pp.

NOAA Historical Climatology Series

Historical Climatology Series 6-2: Tropical Cyclones of the North Atlantic Ocean, 1851-2006 - Colin J. McAdie, Charles J. Neumann, Joan E. David, Eric S. Blake and Gregory R. Hammer - July 2009.

Available from the National Climatic Data Center

Historical Climatology Series 6-5: Tropical Cyclones of the Eastern North Pacific Basin, 1949-2006 - Eric S. Blake, Ethan J. Gibney, Daniel P. Brown, Michelle Mainelli, James L. Franklin, Todd Kimberlain, and Gregory R. Hammer - June 2009.

Available from the National Climatic Data Center

Tropical Analysis and Forecast Branch Quarterly Recaps of Significant Tropical Marine Weather Events in the Mariners Weather Log

Marine Weather Log