Mobile Device Security

Organizations understand the value mobile devices can add to their employees’ productivity by providing access to business resources at any time. Not only has this reshaped how traditional in-office tasks are accomplished, but organizations are devising entirely new ways to work. Yet mobile devices may be lost or stolen. A compromised mobile device may allow remote access to sensitive on-premises organizational data, or any other data that the user has entrusted to the device. The NCCoE mobile device security efforts are dedicated to solving businesses most pressing mobile cybersecurity challenges.

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Mobile devices offer convenience and flexibility for organizations. This video provides an overview of how the NCCoE’s efforts can help organizations improve their mobile device deployments, while taking into consideration their security and privacy needs.

Mobile Device Security: Corporate-Owned Personally-Enabled

Provides a clear and repeatable reference mobile architecture that an organization can use to grant secure access while preserving privacy for end users or other organizations that own data on the device. Learn more about this project and download NIST Cybersecurity Practice Guide 1800-21.

Mobile Device Security: Bring Your Own Device

Provides a clear and repeatable reference mobile architecture  in which strong data confidentiality is implemented using certified and validated technologies. Learn more about this project.

Mobile Device Security: Cloud & Hybrid Builds

Demonstrates how to secure sensitive enterprise data accessed by and/or stored on employees’ mobile devices. Learn more about this project and download NIST Cybersecurity Practice Guide 1800-4.

Mobile Threat Catalogue

Identifies threats to mobile devices and associated mobile infrastructure to support development and implementation of mobile security capabilities, best practices, and security solutions to better protect enterprise IT. Learn more about this project and view the Mobile Threat Catalogue.