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Federal Agencies - Invoice Processing Platform

Federal Agencies

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Save time and taxpayer dollars.

The U.S. Department of the Treasury estimates that by adopting IPP, the federal government can reduce the cost of entering invoices and responding to invoice inquiries by $450 million annually. One federal agency reduced the cost of processing undisputed and disputed invoices by 46 percent and 54 percent, respectively.

Federal Agency Benefits

IPP adoption brings many benefits to federal agencies. It saves taxpayer dollars through more efficient invoice processing, improves financial management and makes it easier for agencies to conduct business.

  • Saves time by automating a formerly paper-intensive procurement process
  • Available at no charge to federal agencies
  • Helps federal agencies avoid Prompt Payment penalties and capture early payment discounts
  • Supports paperwork reduction initiatives
  • Leverages cloud computing best practices to help federal agencies comply with the federal “cloud-first” policy
  • Partners with Treasury's Do Not Pay business center to help agencies prevent, reduce and stop improper payments

Federal Agency News

OMB Memo:
Adopt E-Invoicing

Learn about the Office of Management and Budget's directive to adopt E-Invoicing by end of FY 2018.

See Agency News

IPP Federal Agency Downloads

Use our downloadable materials to share how IPP can save your agency time and money while improving your financial management.
View all downloads >

Federal Agencies Using IPP