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Evidence Matters

Evidence Matters is PD&R's quarterly publication that demonstrates HUD’s commitment to evidence-based policymaking. Each quarterly issue focuses on a key theme and highlights policy-relevant research that connects policymakers at all levels, as well as researchers, advocates, and industry members, with clear, accessible, and timely information. For more on the history and development of the publication, read “Five Years of Evidence Matters” on The Edge.

Current Issue: Supporting Homeowners and Renters During Times of Disruption (Summer/Fall 2020)

The housing market helps undergird the U.S. economy, and when the housing market faces challenges, it often generates far-reaching ripples of economic stress. As the COVID-19 pandemic creates new and unfamiliar uncertainties, it is more important than ever to ensure that the housing market and the larger economy remain the powerful engines for growth and prosperity that we have relied on for so many years. This issue of Evidence Matters examines the strains on, and supports for, the various actors in the housing market, including renters, homeowners, landlords, mortgage lenders, and investors. Read More >>

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