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Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is an infectious disease that attacks the human body’s immune system. If left untreated, the virus can lead to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). Over time, HIV destroys CD4 cells, a key infection-fighting cell. Without a sufficient number of CD4 cells, the immune system becomes weakened and can no longer effectively fight off infections. Within VA, HIV research focuses on testing, prevention, and delivery of care to Veterans with HIV.

Search results were generated based on the search term "HIV". Results are updated weekly, as new data are available.

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(5 of more than 1392 HIV focused publications)

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Publication Briefs

(5 of more than 22 HIV focused publication briefs)

  • VA Successfully Implements Interferon-free Treatment for Hepatitis C Virus in Previously Undertreated Patient Populations
    This study examined the adoption of interferon-free treatment for hepatitis C virus (HCV) in VA to learn who received this therapy and whether the limitations of interferon-containing treatments have been overcome, including low rates of use among VA healthcare users who are African American or Hispanic, and among those with HCV-HIV co-infection. Findings showed that with the advent of interferon-...
    Date: March 7, 2018
  • Evidence Review Identifies Modest Mortality Disparities among Racial and Ethnic Minority Groups in VA Healthcare
    To support VA’s efforts to better understand the scale and determinants of disparities in racial and ethnic mortality – and to develop interventions to reduce disparities, investigators from the VA Evidence-based Synthesis Program (ESP) Coordinating Center in Portland, OR conducted an evidence review of mortality disparities specific to VA. Findings showed that although VA’s equal access healthcar...
    Date: March 1, 2018
  • Racial Disparities in HIV Quality of Care that May Extend to Common Comorbid Conditions
    To more fully understand patterns of racial disparities in the quality of care for persons with HIV infection, this study examined a national cohort of Veterans in care for HIV in the VA healthcare system during 2013. Findings showed that racial disparities were identified in quality of care specific to HIV infection – and in the care of common comorbid conditions. Blacks were less likely than whi...
    Date: September 22, 2016
  • New Guidelines May Significantly Decrease Cost for Testing Immune Function in Veterans with HIV
    In 2012, the Department of Health and Human Services recommended CD4 testing in patients with HIV every 3 to 6 months – except in patients with consistently suppressed virus and sustained CD4 cell count, who could be tested every 6 to 12 months. In 2014, updated guidelines recommended that in individuals with viral suppression, CD4 testing be considered either optional or annual, depending on the ...
    Date: July 1, 2016
  • Consequences of Notifying VA Patients about Potential Exposure to Large-Scale Adverse Events
    This study sought to determine the intended and unintended consequences of patient notification following a large-scale adverse event (LSAE) within the VA healthcare system, which systematically looks for LSAEs, tracks potentially exposed patients, and communicates with them after LSAE notification. Findings showed that more than two-thirds of potentially exposed patients returned for HCV, HBV, an...
    Date: May 1, 2015

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( 5 of more than 79 HIV focused projects )

Project No.  Title  PI  Funding Start   
IIR 19-418 A nurse-led intervention to extend the Veteran HIV treatment cascade for cardiovascular disease prevention (V-EXTRA-CVD) Bosworth, Hayden 2020-09-01
SDR 19-500 HIV Translating Initiatives for Depression into Effective Solutions – Hyb Painter, Jacob 2020-02-01
CDA 17-005 A Personalized mHealth Approach to Smoking Cessation for Veterans Living with HIV Wilson, Sarah 2018-04-01
CDA 14-156 A Patient-centered Approach to Comorbidity Management in Aging Veterans with HIV Fix, Gemmae 2016-05-01
IIR 15-147 Effectiveness of Telehealth Collaborative Care for Veterans with HIV in Ruraland Outlying Settings Ohl, Michael 2016-02-01

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HSR&D Briefs, Reports, Newsletters

5 sample "HIV" publications displayed.

  • Telehealth Collaborative Care for Veterans with HIV Living in Rural Settings || In Progress

    Collaborative Care for Veterans with HIV Living in Rural Settings Health Services...Collaborative Care for Veterans with HIV Living in Rural Settings Feature Article

  • Search Publications

    Searched for: =HIV Telehealth Collaborative Care for Veterans with HIV Living in...Collaborative Care for Veterans with HIV Living in Rural Settings Health Services

  • Search Publications

    Searched for: =HIV Telehealth Collaborative Care for Veterans with HIV Living in...Collaborative Care for Veterans with HIV Living in Rural Settings Health Services

  • Search Publications

    Searched for: =HIV Telehealth Collaborative Care for Veterans with HIV Living in...Collaborative Care for Veterans with HIV Living in Rural Settings Health Services

  • Search Publications

    Searched for: =HIV Telehealth Collaborative Care for Veterans with HIV Living in...Collaborative Care for Veterans with HIV Living in Rural Settings Health Services

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Topic Spotlight

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The most recent "HIV" seminars are displayed.

Date Title Presenter(s)
10/5/2020 HSR&D Winter 2021 RFA Cyberseminar Ross-Shepard, Tiffin  
Plouzek, Cathie  
3/30/2020 RFA Informational Session for Summer 2020 Review Cycle Plouzek, Cathie  
9/9/2019 Applying Comorbidity Measures: Part 2 Hynes, Denise  
10/18/2018 QUERI and HSRD RFA Informational Session for Winter 2018 Review Cycle Braganza, Melissa  
Tomoyasu, Naomi  
Kilbourne, Amy  
Atkins, David  
6/20/2016 Behavioral Management During Opioid Tapering: Q & A with Dr. Murphy Murphy, Jennifer  

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Other Resources

  • Visit the HIV/AIDs information section of the VA's Office of Public Health website.
  • Visit the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention HIV information section.
  • Learn more about all VA research related to HIV on the VA Office of Research & Development’s infectious disease topic page.

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