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Accredited CE (Continuing Education)

HSR&D is excited to announce that its Cyberseminar program has begun to offer sessions accredited for Accredited CE (Continuing Education)! Please read the following Q&A about this new opportunity.

Will there be a fee for Accredited CE?
- No, it is free to all VA and non-VA attendees.

Will all sessions offer Accredited CE accreditation?
- No, although as many sessions as possible will be accredited, not all sessions lend themselves to accreditation. Currently, the Spotlight on Pain Management series is accredited, but the offerings will increase over time, so stay tuned.

Which sessions will have Accredited CE offered first?
- Spotlight on Pain Management began offering Accredited CE in September 2018, and we plan to add an additional series in October 2018 and another in November 2018. We have not yet received approvals on those, so keep an eye on our announcement for more information.

Who will be offered Accredited CE?
- MDs, nurses, PAs, social workers, psychologists, and pharmacists. Your discipline may not receive credit for every session, but we plan to add more disciplines going forward. Until then, please take advantage of ACCME-NP credit if you do not see accreditation for your specific discipline.

cyberseminar CEU check

How will I know if a session has been approved for Accredited CE?
- Look for the green "CE Accredited" checkmark (right) in our announcements and catalog.

I really think you should offer Accredited CE for _____.
- We agree. However, there are a lot of rules and deadlines in place for seeking Accredited CE. We are working with our sponsoring centers and presenters to accredit as many sessions as possible.

How do I apply for Accredited CE?
- VA employees may register in TMS for Accredited CE. Non-VA employees will register in for Accredited CE. All links will be included in our announcements and catalog.

** Accredited CE registration is IN ADDITION to registering for the live session **

Please forward this email to any colleagues you think might be interested.

Thank you,
HSR&D's Cyberseminar Team

Please click here to view the upcoming Cyberseminar catalog.
Please email us to be added to our distribution list.

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