

Bank Enterprise Award Program › The BEA Program awards FDIC-insured depository institutions for increasing their support of CDFIs and advancing their community development activities in many of our country’s most highly distressed communities. These activities promote economic opportunity and impact real lives nationwide.

Capital Magnet Fund › Through the Capital Magnet Fund, the CDFI Fund provides competitively awarded grants to CDFIs and qualified non-profit housing organizations. These awards can be used to finance affordable housing activities, as well as related economic development activities and community service facilities.

CDFI Bond Guarantee Program › Through the CDFI Bond Guarantee Program, the Secretary of the Treasury makes debt available to CDFIs from the Federal Financing Bank. The loans provide long-term capital not previously available to CDFIs, and inject new and substantial investment into our nation’s most distressed communities.

CDFI Program › The CDFI Program uses monetary awards (Financial Assistance and Technical Assistance) and training opportunities to invest in and build the capacity of CDFIs, empowering them to grow, achieve organizational sustainability, and drive community revitalization.

Native Initiatives › Through the use of monetary awards (Financial Assistance and Technical Assistance) and training opportunities, the CDFI Fund’s Native Initiatives program creates jobs, builds businesses, and fosters economic self-determination in Native Communities nationwide.

New Markets Tax Credit Program › The NMTC Program incentivizes community development and economic growth through the use of tax credits that attract private investment to distressed communities. This tax incentive sparks the revitalization of communities in need.