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FRA’s Back2Basics is an educational information initiative directed to railroad professionals and focuses on the personal aspects and responsibilities of staying safe in the workplace. Every week we will post a Rule of the Week message here and on our social media platforms. The previous week’s awareness message will remain on this page for a week below the latest one, just in case you missed it. We encourage you to visit this page again, tell your colleagues, and share the messages to help remind us all of the importance of fostering a continuous culture of safety in the railroad industry.  

Railroad Safety Specialist John Brahaney created this initiative's artwork and messaging. If there is a topic you would like to see addressed, or if you want to request a copy of a past Rule of the Week message, please contact John at


The holidays are coming…Make Sure You’ll Be Around to Enjoy Them with Your Family

Last updated: Monday, December 14, 2020