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2018 Cancer Systems Biology Consortium and Physical Sciences - Oncology Network Junior Investigator Meeting


The 2018 Cancer Systems Biology Consortium and Physical Sciences - Oncology Network Junior Investigator Meeting brought together senior graduate students through early stage faculty members who work at the interface of computation, physical sciences, and biology, as a way to build a community of interdisciplinary scientists facing similar career decisions and challenges. The 2018 meeting would not have been possible without the dedicated and diligent work of the planning committee which included: Dani Burgenske*, David Wooton*, Jisoo Park, Chun-Lin Lin, Jason Griffiths, Peter Winter, Young Hwan Chan, Renee Brady, Huaiying Zhang, Eric Aird, Sara Nizzero, & Pragya Shah.

Oncology Network Junior Investigator MeetingMeeting Attendees
Oncology Network Junior Investigator Meeting* Planning Committee Co-Chair