The Personnel Appeals Board is an independent entity established by the Government Accountability Office Personnel Act of 1980 (GAOPA) to adjudicate disputes, issue decisions and order corrective or disciplinary action, as appropriate, involving employees (and applicants for employment) of the U.S. Government Accountability Office. The Board performs the adjudicatory functions of its executive branch counterparts: the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission; the Federal Labor Relations Authority; the Merit Systems Protection Board; and the Office of Special Counsel.

The GAOPA provides that the Board may consider and order corrective or disciplinary action in cases involving: an appeal from a removal, suspension for more than 14 days, reduction in grade or pay, or furlough of not more than 30 days; a prohibited personnel practice; a decision on the appropriateness of a unit of employees for collective bargaining; an election or certification of a collective bargaining representative; certain labor-management relations issues; an action involving discrimination; and personnel-related issues that the Comptroller General by regulation decides are for PAB resolution. (31 U.S.C. § 753 (a)).

The Personnel Appeals Board also is charged by statute with oversight of equal employment opportunity at GAO. The provisions of GAOPA, 31 U.S.C. § 731 et seq., can be found online.

The Board

By statute, the PAB is comprised of five members who are appointed to five-year, nonrenewable terms by the Comptroller General. The members are selected pursuant to GAO Order 2300.4 (Personnel Appeals Board Vacancies) in a process that involves employee and management participation.

Personnel Appeals Board

Chair Carol A. De Deo
Vice Chair Rosa M. Koppel
Member Richard S. Ugelow
Member Barbara S. Fredericks
Member Carole W. Wilson