About the WAISCORES Program

WAISCORES map and cross section
WAISCORES location map and cross section


The WAISCORES project is part of the National Science Foundation Office of Polar Programs' West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) initiative, which is aimed at understanding the influence of the West Antarctic ice sheet on climate and sea level change.

This Web site offers access to permanently archived WAISCORES data and metadata, and related information about the project and the core sites.

WAISCORES researchers have proposed analysis of two ice cores -- one from Siple Dome, in the Siple Coast region, and one from upslope of Byrd Station in West Antarctica. Access to two cores, one from near the coast and one from an inland site, should allow researchers to distinguish local from regional influences on the climate records recovered from the cores. Drilling for the Siple Dome core began in November 1996 and finished in January 1999. The core site is located between ice streams C and D at approximately 81° 40' S and 148° 49' W. Preliminary studies indicate that the paleoclimate record preserved in the 1003-meter Siple Dome ice core extends back more than 90 thousand years.

For an overview of the results of WAISCORES research, please read the scientists' descriptions of their major findings.