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Survey Instruments

HINTS 5, Cycle 4 (2020) Survey Materials
HINTS 5, Cycle 4 (2020) data were collected from February through June, 2020. The sample design for HINTS 5, Cycle 4 (2020) consisted of a single-mode mail survey, using the Next Birthday Method for respondent selection.

The sample design for the HINTS 5, Cycle 4 (2020) survey consisted of two-stages. In the first stage, an equal-probability sample of addresses was selected from within each explicit sampling stratum. In the second-stage, one adult was selected within each sampled household. The sampling frame consisted of a database of addresses used by Marketing Systems Group (MSG) to provide random samples of addresses. Complete data were collected from 3,865 respondents.

  • HINTS 5, Cycle 4 (2020) Full-content, English Version:  (PDF 1.8MB)
  • HINTS 5, Cycle 4 (2020) Full-content, Spanish Version: (PDF 1.2MB)

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HINTS 5, Cycle 3 (2019) Survey Materials
HINTS 5, Cycle 3 (2019) data were collected from January through May, 2019. HINTS 5, Cycle 3 (2019) consisted of two samples (the traditional HINTS mail survey and a push-to web pilot (Web Pilot)).

The sampling strategy for both Cycle 3 and the Web Pilot consisted of a two-stage design. In the first stage, a stratified sample of addresses was selected from a file of residential addresses. In the second stage, one adult was selected within each sampled household using the Next Birthday method for respondent selection. The sampling frame consisted of a database of addresses used by Marketing Systems Group (MSG) to provide random samples of addresses. In the Web Pilot, respondents were offered the choice to respond via paper (in English or Spanish) or via a web survey (in English only). Complete data were collected from 5,247 respondents.

  • HINTS 5, Cycle 3 (2019) Full-content, English Version: (PDF 1.5MB)
  • HINTS 5, Cycle 3 (2019) Methodology Report: (PDF 797KB)
  • HINTS 5, Cycle 3 (2019) Full-content, Spanish Version: (PDF 1.5MB)

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HINTS 5, Cycle 2 (2018) Survey Materials
HINTS 5, Cycle 2 (2018) data were collected from January through May, 2018. The sample design for HINTS 5, Cycle 2 (2018) consisted of a single-mode mail survey, using the Next Birthday Method for respondent selection.

The sample design for the HINTS 5, Cycle 2 (2018) survey consisted of two-stages. In the first stage, an equal-probability sample of addresses was selected from within each explicit sampling stratum. In the second-stage, one adult was selected within each sampled household. The sampling frame consisted of a database of addresses used by Marketing Systems Group (MSG) to provide random samples of addresses. Complete data were collected from 3,504 respondents.

  • HINTS 5, Cycle 2 (2018) Full-content, English Version: (PDF 2.4MB)
  • HINTS 5, Cycle 2 (2018) Methodology Report: (PDF 596KB)
  • HINTS 5, Cycle 2 (2018) Full-content, Spanish Version: (PDF 1.5MB)

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HINTS 5, Cycle 1 (2017) Survey Materials
HINTS 5, Cycle 1 (2017) data were collected from January through May, 2017. The sample design for HINTS 5, Cycle 1 (2017) consisted of a single-mode mail survey, using the Next Birthday Method for respondent selection.

The sample design for the HINTS 5, Cycle 1 (2017) survey consisted of two-stages. In the first stage, a stratified sample of addresses was selected from a file of residential addresses. In the second-stage, one adult was selected within each sampled household. The sampling frame consisted of a database of addresses used by Marketing Systems Group (MSG) to provide random samples of addresses. Complete data were collected from 3,191 respondents.

  • HINTS 5, Cycle 1 (2017) Full-content, English Version: (PDF 2.4 MB)
  • HINTS 5, Cycle 1 (2017) Methodology Report: (PDF 651KB)
  • HINTS 5, Cycle 1 (2017) Full-content, Spanish Version: (PDF 1.5MB)

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HINTS-FDA, Cycle 2 (2017) Survey Materials
HINTS-FDA, Cycle 2 (2017) data were collected from January through May, 2017. The sample design for HINTS-FDA, Cycle 2 (2017) consisted of a single-mode mail survey, using the Next Birthday Method for respondent selection.

The sample design for the HINTS-FDA, Cycle 2 (2017) survey consisted of two-stages. In the first stage, a stratified sample of addresses was selected from a file of residential addresses. In the second-stage, one adult was selected within each sampled household. The sampling frame consisted of a database of addresses used by Marketing Systems Group (MSG) to provide random samples of addresses. Complete data were collected from 1,676 respondents.

  • HINTS-FDA, Cycle 2 (2017) Full-content, English Version: (PDF 2.4MB)
  • HINTS-FDA, Cycle 2 (2017) Methodology Report: (PDF 581KB)
  • HINTS-FDA, Cycle 2 (2017) Full-content, Spanish Version: (PDF 1.5MB)

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HINTS-FDA (2015) Survey Materials
HINTS-FDA (2015) data were collected from May through September, 2015. The sample design for HINTS-FDA (2015) consisted of a single-mode mail survey, using the Next Birthday Method for respondent selection.

The sample design for the HINTS-FDA (2015) survey consisted of two-stages. In the first stage, a stratified sample of addresses was selected from a file of residential addresses. In the second-stage, one adult was selected within each sampled household. The sampling frame consisted of a database of addresses used by Marketing Systems Group (MSG) to provide random samples of addresses. Complete data were collected from 3,738 respondents.

  • HINTS-FDA (2015) Full-content, English Version: (PDF 1,137KB)
  • HINTS-FDA (2015) Methodology Report: (PDF 590 KB)
  • HINTS-FDA (2015) Full-content, Spanish Version: (PDF  758 KB)

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HINTS 4, Cycle 4 (2014) Survey Materials
HINTS 4, Cycle 4 (2014) data were collected from August through November, 2014. The sample design for HINTS 4, Cycle 4 (2014) consisted of a single-mode mail survey, using the Next Birthday Method for respondent selection.

The sample design for the HINTS 4, Cycle 4 (2014) survey consisted of two-stages. In the first stage, a stratified sample of addresses was selected from a file of residential addresses. In the second-stage, one adult was selected within each sampled household. The sampling frame consisted of a database of addresses used by Marketing Systems Group (MSG) to provide random samples of addresses. Complete data were collected from 3,677 respondents.

  • HINTS 4, Cycle 4 (2014) Full-content, English Version: (PDF 971 KB)
  • HINTS 4, Cycle 4 (2014) Methodology Report: (PDF 2.2 MB)
  • HINTS 4, Cycle 4 (2014) Full-content, Spanish Version: (PDF 476 KB)
  • HINTS 4, Cycle 4 (2014) Reduced-content, Spanish Version: (PDF 495 KB)

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HINTS 4, Cycle 3 (2013) Survey Materials
HINTS 4, Cycle 3 (2013) data were collected from September 2013 through December 2013. The sample design for HINTS 4, Cycle 3 (2013) consisted of a single-mode mail survey, using the Next Birthday Method for respondent selection.

The sample design for the HINTS 4, Cycle 3 (2013) survey consisted of two-stages. In the first stage, a stratified sample of addresses was selected from a file of residential addresses. In the second-stage, one adult was selected within each sampled household. The sampling frame consisted of a database of addresses used by Marketing Systems Group (MSG) to provide random samples of addresses. Complete data were collected from 3,185 respondents.

  • HINTS 4, Cycle 3 (2013) Full-content, English Version: (PDF 1 MB)
  • HINTS 4, Cycle 3 (2013) Methodology Report: (PDF 652 KB)
  • HINTS 4, Cycle 3 (2013) Full-content, Spanish Version: (PDF 628 KB)
  • HINTS 4, Cycle 3 (2013) Reduced-content, Spanish Version: (PDF 2 MB)

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HINTS 4, Cycle 2 (2012) Survey Materials
HINTS 4, Cycle 2 (2012) data were collected from October 2012 through January 2013. The sample design for HINTS 4, Cycle 2 (2012) consisted of a single-mode mail survey, using the Next Birthday Method for respondent selection.

The sample design for the HINTS 4, Cycle 2 (2012) survey consisted of two-stages. In the first stage, a stratified sample of addresses was selected from a file of residential addresses. In the second-stage, one adult was selected within each sampled household. The sampling frame consisted of a database of addresses used by Marketing Systems Group (MSG) to provide random samples of addresses. Complete data were collected from 3,630 respondents.

  • HINTS 4, Cycle 2 (2012) Full-content, English Version: (PDF 814 KB)
  • HINTS 4, Cycle 2 (2012) Full-content, Spanish Version: (PDF 540 KB)
  • HINTS 4, Cycle 2 (2012) Methodology Report: (PDF 533 KB)

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HINTS 4, Cycle 1 (2011) Survey Materials
HINTS 4, Cycle 1 (2011) data were collected from October 2011 through February 2012. The sample design for HINTS 4, Cycle 1 (2011) consisted of a single-mode mail survey, with two methods of respondent selection: the “All Adult” method and the “Next Birthday” method. The sampling consisted of a two-stage stratified sample of addresses used by Marketing Systems Group (MSG).

Two methods of respondent selection were used for HINTS 4, Cycle 1 (2011): the “All Adult” method and the “Next Birthday” method. In the All Adult method, two questionnaires were sent with each mailing, where all adults residing in a sampled household were asked to complete the questionnaire. In the next birthday method, one questionnaire was sent with each mailing so that the adult who would have the next birthday in the sampled household was asked to complete the questionnaire. Data were collected from 3,959 respondents.

Refer to the HINTS 4, Cycle 1 (2011) Methodology Report for more information about the design, testing, and implementation of the HINTS 4, Cycle 1 (2011) survey. You may also download the complete dataset.

  • All-Adult, Full-content, English Version: (PDF 777 KB)
  • All-Adult, Reduced-content, English Version: (PDF 716 KB)
  • Next-Birthday, Full-content, English Version: (PDF 779 KB)
  • Next-Birthday, Reduced-content, English Version: (PDF 531 KB)
  • Next-Birthday, Full-content, Spanish Version: (PDF 715 KB)
  • Next-Birthday, Reduced-content, Spanish Version: (PDF 590 KB)

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HINTS Puerto Rico 2009
The University of Puerto Rico Comprehensive Cancer Center, the Puerto Rico Behavioral Risk Factors Surveillance System, and the U.S. National Cancer Institute, implemented HINTS in Puerto Rico in 2009. A total of 639 (603 complete and 36 partially complete) interviews were conducted. Documentation is available to assist with analyzing the HINTS Puerto Rico data, including instructions on how to combine the dataset with HINTS 2007 for comparisons. See the Final Report below for more information about the design, testing, and implementation of the HINTS Puerto Rico survey. You may also download the complete dataset.

  • HINTS Puerto Rico 2009 Final Report: (PDF 191 KB)
  • HINTS Puerto Rico 2009 Extended Interview Instrument (Spanish): (PDF 319 KB)
  • English language full instrument not available.

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HINTS 3 (2008) Survey Materials
HINTS 3 (2008) data were collected from January 2008 through May 2008. The sample design for HINTS 3 (2008) consisted of two samples with each sample selected from a separate sample frame. One sample was drawn as a Random Digit Dial telephone survey, using a Computer Assisted Telephone Interview (CATI) format. The CATI survey for HINTS 3 (2008) was conducted using the same methodology as HINTS 2 and 1. Survey administration averaged 30 minutes per respondent. Data were collected from 4,092 respondents via CATI.

The second national random sample was selected from a list of addresses from the United States Postal Service administrative records. After the CATI instrument was modified to produce a printed questionnaire, the survey and a cover letter were sent to the address sample. All adults at each sampled address were asked to fill out the questionnaire and return it in a postage-paid envelope. Data were collected from 3,582 respondents via mail.

See the Final Report below for more information about the design, testing, and implementation of the HINTS 3 (2008) survey. You may also download the complete dataset.

  • HINTS 3 (2008) Final Report: (PDF 1 MB)
  • HINTS 3 (2008) Mail Instrument: (PDF 404 KB)
  • HINTS 3 (2008) CATI Instrument (English) (PDF 445 KB)
  • HINTS 3 (2008) CATI Instrument (Spanish) (PDF 450 KB)

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HINTS 2 (2005) Survey Materials
HINTS 2 data were collected from February 2005 through August 2005. HINTS 2 was fielded as a Random Digit Dial telephone survey, using a Computer Assisted Telephone Interview (CATI) format to accommodate complex skip-patterns. Data collection procedures were identical to HINTS 2003. Survey administration averaged 30 minutes per respondent. Data were collected from 5,586 respondents. Materials describing the 2005 administration of the survey are available below. See the Final Report below for more information about the design, testing, and implementation of the HINTS 2 survey. You may also download the complete dataset.

  • HINTS 2 (2005) Final Report: (PDF 208 KB)
  • HINTS 2 (2005) Main Survey Instrument (English): (PDF 510 KB)
  • HINTS 2 (2005) Main Survey Instrument (Spanish): (PDF 475 KB)

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HINTS 1 (2003) Survey Materials
The first collection of HINTS data was conducted from October 2002 to April 2003. This initial data collection effort was fielded as a Random Digit Dial telephone survey, using a Computer Assisted Telephone Interview (CATI) format to accommodate complex skip-patterns. Telephone numbers were generated at random from a sampling frame of all telephone exchanges throughout the 50 United States. Numbers were submitted to a telephone matching service to remove nonresidential numbers, where feasible, before calling. Screening calls were then placed to households. Interviewers followed an on-screen sampling algorithm to select a single sampled person from all adults 18 years and older in the household. Survey administration averaged 30 minutes per respondent. Data were collected from 6,369 respondents. See the Final Report link below for more information about the design, testing, and implementation of the HINTS 2003 survey.

Materials describing the first administration of the survey are available for download. You may also download the complete dataset

  • HINTS 1 (2003) Final Report: (PDF 1 MB)
  • HINTS 1 (2003) Survey Instrument (English): (PDF 448 KB)
  • HINTS 1 (2003) Survey Instrument (Spanish): (PDF 451 KB)

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