Order Extending Restricted Access to the Courthouse through January 24, 2021 (Posted November 23, 2020)

On November 20, 2020, the Chief Judges of the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit and the United States Court of Federal Claims issued a joint administrative order extending restricted access to the National Courts Building through January 24, 2021.

The full order can be found here.


Order Continuing Suspension of Paper Filing Requirements in Pro Se Cases (Posted November 13, 2020)

Based on declared public health emergencies impacting Washington, D.C. and the National Capital Region, and ongoing efforts to mitigate community transmission and the impact of COVID-19, the United States Court of Federal Claims continues to take steps to limit the number of court personnel who are required to be available to process filings submitted through the U.S. Postal Service, by messenger, or in the court's night box.

For more information, please see the General Order.


Order Extending Restricted Access to the Courthouse through November 22, 2020 (Posted October 19, 2020)

On October 19, 2020, the Chief Judges of the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit and the United States Court of Federal Claims issued a joint administrative order extending restricted access to the National Courts Building through November 22, 2020.

The full order can be found here.


Order Extending Restricted Access to the Courthouse until October 19, 2020 (Posted September 11, 2020)

On September 11, 2020, the Chief Judges of the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit and the United States Court of Federal Claims issued a joint administrative order extending restricted access to the National Courts Building until October 19, 2020.

The full order can be found here.


Order Extending Restricted Access to the NCB until September 14, 2020 (Posted August 13, 2020)

On August 13, 2020, the Chief Judges of the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit and the United States Court of Federal Claims issued a joint administrative order extending restricted access to the National Courts Building until September 14, 2020.

The full order can be found here.


Order Requiring Face Coverings in the National Courts Building (Posted July 13, 2020)

On July 13, 2020, the Chief Judges of the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit and the United States Court of Federal Claims issued a joint administrative order requiring face coverings in the National Courts Building until August 14, 2020.

The full order can be found here.


Order Restricting Access to the National Courts Building until August 14, 2020 (Posted June 26, 2020)

On June 26, 2020, the Chief Judges of the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit and the United States Court of Federal Claims issued a joint administrative order restricting access to the National Courts Building until August 14, 2020.

The full order can be found here.


Administrative Order re: In-Person Proceedings UPDATED (Posted June 5, 2020)

On June 5, 2020, Chief Judge Margaret Sweeney amended the previous Order of May 12, 2020, extending the suspension of in-person proceedings until July 6, 2020.

You can read the full order here.


Administrative Order re: In-Person Proceedings (Posted May 12, 2020)

Upon consideration of current circumstances relating to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, and to supplement this court’s Order of March 16, 2020, the court has enacted some additional directives.

For more information, please see the General Order.


Vaccine Petitions – Electronic Service on Secretary of Health and Human Services (Posted April 22, 2020)


Due to the COVID-19 public health emergency, petitioners may, until further notice, serve the Department of Health and Human Services with petitions electronically. Contact Carole Marks at HHS for instructions.


Order Suspending Paper Filing Requirements in Pro Se Cases (Posted March 18, 2020)

Based on declared public health emergencies impacting Washington, D.C. and the National Capital Region, and ongoing efforts to mitigate community transmission and the impact of COVID-19, there is an immediate need for the United States Court of Federal Claims to take steps to limit the number of court personnel who are required to be available to process filings submitted through the U.S. Mail, by messenger, or in the court’s night box. Providing pro se litigants with the ability to submit and be served with filings electronically will reduce the number of court staff required to process paper filings, which will minimize the risk to the health and safety of both court staff and the public conducting business with the court.

For more information, please see the General Order.


Public Access Restriction (Posted March 16, 2020)

Based on declared public health emergencies impacting Washington, D.C. and the National Capital Region, and ongoing efforts to mitigate community transmission and the impact of COVID-19, there is an immediate need for the United States Court of Federal Claims to restrict public access to the Howard T. Markey National Courts Building. These restrictions will be in place as a temporary measure in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and to minimize the risk to the health and safety of both court staff and the public conducting business with the court.

For more information, please see the Administrative Order.


Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update (Posted March 12, 2020)

The United States Court of Federal Claims (USCFC) is actively monitoring new developments regarding the Coronavirus (COVID-19).

The USCFC is undertaking added measures to protect staff and visitors as concern over COVID-19 spreads throughout the legal community.

  • Sanitation stations have been placed throughout the courthouse—in all public lobbies, private hallways at the elevators, and in the clerk's office.
  • "Step-pulls" have been added on the back of all restroom doors to help alleviate the need to use the pull handles.
  • Judges and special masters may choose to limit in-person proceedings to the extent possible, conducting telephonic and videoconference proceedings where appropriate.

The USCFC urges counsel and pro se plaintiffs to closely monitor the information provided by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and to review the CDC's simple list of steps to prevent illness, available at The USCFC will continue to monitor information and guidance provided by the CDC and the Administrative Office of the United States Courts.