About OCPL

The Office of Communications and Public Liaison (OCPL) oversees communications on NIH programs and activities to the public, the media, and stakeholder communities. Located in the Office of the Director, OCPL coordinates its activities with communication offices in the NIH’s 27 Institutes and Centers.

OCPL Leadership

John T. Burklow
NIH Associate Director for Communications and Public Liaison
Director, Office of Communications and Public Liaison

Renate Myles
Deputy Director for Public Affairs, Office of Communications and Public Liaison

Scott Prince
Deputy Director for Public Information, Office of Communications and Public Liaison
Chief, Online Information Branch

Amy Blackburn
Chief, Special Projects and Visitor Services Branch

Amanda Fine
Chief, News Media Branch

Gorka Garcia-Malene
Chief, NIH Freedom of Information Act Office

Rebecca Kolberg
Chief, NIH Director’s Presentations Branch

Rich McManus
Chief, Editorial Operations Branch

Denean Standing-Ojo
Chief, Online Information Branch

Harrison Wein
Chief, Science Communication Branch