The National Indian Gaming Commission submits and responds to various articles and news items in order to support and clarify the agency’s policies. This page is a collection of our feature articles, including editorials and letters to the editor or opinion editorials that have been published in various periodicals.


Title Date
Reflections of a NIGC Chairman 4/1/2019
The Future is Not Yet Written: The Importance of Adherence to Self-Determination Principles in the Next 30 Years of IGRA 10/1/2018
The State of Indian Gaming: An Exit Interview With NIGC Chair Jonodev Chaudhuri 5/9/2018
Sound Regulation Grounded in Respect for Sovereignty and Self-Determination: Lessons from Three Decades of IGRA 4/1/2018
Identifying Gamesmanship 2016
Tribal Gaming Regulators ‘Stay In Our Lane’ in Gambling Compliance 9/26/2016
Partnerships and Pathways: Latest Numbers Reflect Health of Indian Gaming Industry 9/1/2016
Identifying Gamesmanship: Protecting the Integrity of Indian Gaming 4/1/2016

Identifying Gamesmanship in Tribal Government Gaming

Employing IT Vulnerability Assessments to Identify Cybersecurity
NIGC bids farewell to Associate Commissioner Dan Little published in Indian Gaming Magazine 7/7/2015 

New Chief of Staff brings perspective and extensive Indian law and policy experience to Commission published in BMM


Commission moves beyond recommendations of the General Accounting Office Report published in Indian Gaming Magazine

Springing Forward to Increase Efficiency Through the Use of


EXECUTIVE Q&A: Spotlight on Tracie Stevens-Former Chair of the NIGC published in Indian Gaming Magazine 9/1/2013
A Term in Review: Reflecting on the past, looking toward the future published in Global Gaming Business Magazine 9/1/2013

Sequestration Impacts on the National Indian Gaming Commission by Chair Tracie Stevens published in Indian Gaming Magazine


Daniel Little reappointed as Associate Commissioner at the NIGC published in Indian Gaming Magazine


NIGC Regulation Insight by Acting General Counsel Eric Shepard published in Indian Gaming Magazine


Chair reflects in Agency’s regulatory history by Chairwoman Tracie Stevens published in Indian Gaming Magazine

The New NIGC: Improving Consultation with Tribes and Renewing Relationships by NIGC Chair Tracie Stevens published in Indian Gaming Magazine 1/7/2011
NIGC Regulatory Review by NIGC Chair Tracie Stevens published in Indian Gaming Magazine 2/1/2011

Strengthening the tribal consultation process by Vice Chair Steffani A. Cochran published in Indian Gaming Magazine
