NCUA Posts 2021–2022 Draft Staff Budget, Sets Dec. 2 Public Briefing

November 2020
NCUA Posts 2021–2022 Draft Staff Budget, Sets Dec. 2 Public Briefing

Agency Now Accepting Comments and Budget Briefing Presentation Requests

ALEXANDRIA, Va. (Nov. 13, 2020) – The National Credit Union Administration’s draft staff budget for 2021–2022 is now available on the agency’s website for review and comment and has been submitted for publication in the Federal Register. The public comment period is open until Dec. 11.

“As we consider the draft staff budget for 2021–2022, the NCUA remains firm in its commitment to be a sound and prudent steward of the funds we collect from credit unions and any other resources entrusted to us,” NCUA Chairman Rodney E. Hood said. “This responsibility includes holding ourselves accountable by maximizing our resources and upholding transparency by inviting the public to comment on our proposed budget. Through this process, stakeholders are aware of how and why we allocate resources in the service of our safety and soundness mission.”

The draft 2021 operating budget is $315.6 million, which is 0.1 percent lower than the comparable 2020 budget. The draft 2021 capital budget is $18.8 million, or 24.8 percent lower than 2020. Largely because of surplus travel funds from 2020 and a lower estimated travel budget for 2021 due to anticipated COVID-19 travel restrictions, the NCUA is able to lower its operating budget for 2021 without compromising its mission of protecting the safety and soundness of the credit union system.

The draft staff budget summary and detailed budget justifications can be found on the Budget and Supplementary Materials page of

The agency will hold a public budget briefing on Wednesday, Dec. 2 beginning at 10 a.m. Eastern. The meeting will be livestreamed on

To Comment on the Proposed Budget:

  • Email comments to by Dec. 11.
  • Comments should provide specific, actionable recommendations.

To Request a Presentation at the Dec. 2 Budget Briefing:

  • Email your request to by Nov. 20.
  • Include the presenter’s name, title, affiliation, mailing address, email address, and telephone number.
  • The Board Secretary will notify approved presenters and give them their allotted presentation times.
  • Email a copy of your presentation to by 5 p.m. Eastern on Nov. 30.

The Board is scheduled to approve a final budget at its Dec. 17 open meeting.

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