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Welcome to the FDIC’s Electronic Deposit Insurance Estimator (EDIE)

EDIE lets consumers and bankers know, on a per-bank basis, how the insurance rules and limits apply to a depositor's specific group of deposit accounts—what's insured and what portion (if any) exceeds coverage limits at that bank. EDIE also allows the user to print the report for their records.

EDIE calculates the insurance coverage for Personal Accounts—deposits held by people in single accounts, joint accounts, POD/ITF accounts, living trust account, and Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs); Business Accounts—deposits held by corporations, partnerships, and organizations, both for-profit and not-for-profit; and Government Accounts—deposits held by public units such as school districts, cities, municipalities, counties, and states.

EDIE can be used to calculate the insurance coverage of all types of deposit accounts offered by an FDIC-insured bank, including:

  • Checking Accounts
  • Savings Accounts (both statement and passbook)
  • Money Market Deposit Accounts (MMDAs), and
  • Certificates of Deposit (CDs)

EDIE should NOT be used for investments, including:

  • Mutual Funds
  • Stocks
  • Bonds
  • Annuities
  • ANY investment that is not a deposit

Even if the above investments were purchased from an insured bank.

Remember—If the accounts entered into EDIE are not deposits in an FDIC-insured bank,
the coverage information provided in the EDIE report does not apply.