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2020 Telework Call for Data

Thursday, October 1, 2020
2020 Telework Call for Data

The purpose of this memorandum is to inform each Executive Branch agency that the Fiscal Year 2020 Telework Call for Data (Call) will be administered by the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) in early November.  Agency telework managing officers and telework coordinators who have been designated as the points of contact for the survey will be notified shortly via email and will be provided individual passwords to enter their data into a web-based form.  Agency responses will cover Fiscal Year 2020 and must be entered electronically by Friday, December 18, 2020. 

The information in the Call is required by the Telework Enhancement Act (Act) and is reported to Congress.  Each year, OPM assesses the data received from this Call, as well as feedback from agencies and other stakeholders. Given the unprecedented nature of the COVID-19 pandemic and anticipated Congressional interest in the expanded use of telework and other forms of work from home across the Federal workforce, OPM has added a number of related questions that will assist us in determining if new policy guidance is necessary in the area of telework and long-term emergencies. The information gathered from the Call will be included in the Fiscal Year 2020 Status of Telework in the Federal Government Report to Congress, which will be issued in 2021. 

OPM’s Work-Life and Leadership & Executive Development office will provide support and assistance to agency points of contact as they respond to the 2020 Call.  Further information is available by contacting 

Telework is an important flexibility that has proven its effectiveness in helping agencies to meet mission critical requirements while balancing the health and safety of the Federal workforce during the COVID-19 pandemic health emergency. OPM is committed to supporting telework and assisting agencies to meet their goals. 

cc:  Chief Human Capital Officers (CHCOs), Deputy CHCOs, and Telework Coordinators