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U.S. Department of Justice
Civil Rights Division

Disability Rights Section - NYA
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20530


September 29, 2014


The Honorable Stan Stanart
Harris County Clerk
Elections Division
1001 Preston
4th Floor, Rm. 439
Houston, TX 77002

Re: Investigation of the Harris County Clerk's Office Regarding Polling Place Accessibility DJ #204-74-351

Dear Mr. Stanart:

We write concerning the Department of Justice’s investigation of Harris County’s voting program under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended, 42 U.S.C. §§ 12131-12134 (ADA), and the Department of Justice’s implementing regulation, 28 C.F.R. Part 35. Title II prohibits discrimination against qualified individuals with disabilities by public entities, such as Harris County. The investigation focused on the physical accessibility of polling places for persons with mobility disabilities and persons with vision disabilities. The Department conducted its investigation by meeting with County officials, reviewing information provided by the County, and surveying 86 polling places used by the County in the January 26, 2013 Special Election for Texas Senate District No. 6. We appreciate the cooperation we received from you and your staff while conducting our investigation and the County’s commitment to accessibility.

The Department finds that the County is in violation of Title II by denying voters with disabilities an equal opportunity to participate in the County’s voting programs, services, and activities, including by failing to select facilities to be used as polling places that are accessible to persons with disabilities on Election Day and during Early Voting. Set forth below are the Department’s findings of fact and conclusions of law, as well as the minimum steps the County must take to meet its legal obligations and remedy the violations the Department has identified.

I. Background and Findings of Fact

This matter began as a compliance review of the accessibility of the County’s polling places for persons with disabilities. In addition to voting in person on Election Day at an assigned polling place, voters may alternatively vote in person during the Early Voting period at designated Early Voting locations, by mail, or curbside on Election Day at an assigned polling place. The Department investigated this matter by reviewing information provided by the County and by conducting site visits to 86 polling places used by the County in the January 26, 2013 Special Election. Based on our site visits and review of other information, the Department finds that there are a number of polling place locations selected by the County and used for Election Day or Early Voting that were not physically accessible to persons with disabilities; of these, many but not all can be made temporarily accessible on Election Day.

We conducted our surveys on January 15-16, 2013, during the Early Voting period (from January 9 to 22, 2013), and on January 25-26, 2013, the day before and the day of the Special Election. Although Harris County generally has over 775 Election Day polling places (many housing multiple voting precincts) and 39 Early Voting polling places, only those within the County’s Texas Senate District No. 6, or approximately 142 Election Day polling places and seven Early Voting polling places, were used for the Special Election. The Department surveyed a sample of 86 polling places, including the seven Early Voting locations and 79 polling places used exclusively on Election Day, from different sections of the County and of different types of buildings, including public buildings, schools, churches, private businesses, and community and recreational centers. Four of the Early Voting locations also were used as polling places on Election Day;1 three of the Early Voting locations were used exclusively as Early Voting locations.2

In conducting our surveys, we relied on the Department’s ADA Checklist for Polling Places;3 the 1991 ADA Standards for Accessible Design (1991 ADA Standards), 28 C.F.R. Part 36, App. D; and the 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design (2010 Standards), 28 C.F.R. § 35.104.4 In assessing ADA compliance in this matter, we used the 1991 Standards and the 2010 Standards, as appropriate. In order to remedy the non-compliant elements, however, the County must use the 2010 Standards as a guide.

In conducting our surveys, we did not review every architectural element at a polling place. We surveyed only those elements necessary to conduct the County’s voting program. We looked at off-street parking, if provided; the route from the parking or the street to the building entrance; the building entrance; the route to the voting area; and the voting area. We did not survey each facility to determine if it as a whole is compliant with either Title II or Title III of the ADA; we only assessed whether each facility is accessible on Election Day or during Early Voting as applicable. Additionally, our survey of the parking area was limited as we did not assess whether the parking area included the required number of accessible parking spaces overall; instead we indicated whether the parking area at a polling place had a minimum of one van accessible parking space. We leave the complete review of parking to the County to determine whether it is in compliance with the 2010 Standards (Sections 208 and 502).

Of the 83 Election Day facilities we surveyed, we found that only 29 were accessible on Election Day. Attachment A lists these accessible facilities. Of the remaining 54 Election Day facilities, we found that 49 were not accessible on Election Day, but have non-compliant elements that could be remedied with temporary measures such that the polling place would be accessible on Election Day. Attachment B lists these non-compliant but temporarily remediable facilities, along with a description of the non-complying elements and the temporary measures that will remedy each non-compliant element.

For the remaining five facilities surveyed, we found that they were not accessible on Election Day, and could not be made accessible on Election Day through the use of temporary measures. Permanent, architectural modifications would need to be made in order for these facilities to be accessible to persons with disabilities. Unless the County intends to make permanent modifications, these five polling places must be relocated to an accessible location. These five facilities, along with a description of the non-complying elements, may be found at Attachment C.

Of the seven Early Voting locations, we found that one of the four dual locations was accessible during Early Voting (and also on Election Day). The polling place location, HCC Southeast Campus, is included in Attachment A. We found that the remaining six Early Voting locations were not accessible on Early Voting Days, but have non-compliant elements that could be remedied with temporary measures such that the polling place would be accessible during Early Voting. The list of the non-compliant but temporarily remediable facilities, along with a description of the non-complying elements, is included in Attachment B. We have also included a temporary measure that will remedy each non-compliant element.

II. Conclusions of Law and Recommended Remedial Measures

Under Title II of the ADA, individuals with disabilities may not be excluded from participation in or be denied the benefits of the services, programs, or activities of a public entity, or be subjected to discrimination by a public entity, on the basis of disability. 42 U.S.C. § 12132, 28 C.F.R. § 35.130(a). The Title II regulation, set out at 28 C.F.R. Part 35, reflects and implements the statute’s broad nondiscrimination mandate. 42 U.S.C. § 12134 (directing the Attorney General to promulgate regulations). Under Title II and its implementing regulation, a public entity, in providing any aid, benefit, or service, may not afford qualified individuals with a disability an opportunity to participate in or benefit from the aid, benefit, or service that is not equal to that afforded to others, nor can the entity otherwise limit such individuals in the enjoyment of any right, privilege, advantage, or opportunity enjoyed by others receiving the aid, benefit, or service. See 28 C.F.R. § 35.130(b)(1).

A public entity’s obligations with respect to selection of sites or facilities in which to provide programs, services, or activities is explicitly addressed in the Title II regulation at 28 C.F.R. § 35.130(b)(4), and provides, in part:

A public entity may not, in determining the site or location of a facility, make selections—
(i) That have the effect of excluding individuals with disabilities from, denying them the benefits of, or otherwise subjecting them to discrimination.

Id. The Title II regulation also requires the County to administer its services, programs, and activities in the most integrated setting appropriate to the needs of persons with disabilities. Id. § 35.130(d). “[T]he most integrated setting appropriate” is “a setting that enables individuals with disabilities to interact with non-disabled persons to the fullest extent possible.” 28 C.F.R. pt. 35, app. B (analysis of § 35.130).

Applying the above, the County must ensure that qualified individuals with disabilities can fully participate in and benefit from the County’s voting programs, services, and activities. With respect to polling place selection, Title II’s site selection regulation prohibits the County from selecting sites for Early and Election Day Voting that have the effect of excluding individuals with disabilities from, denying them the benefits of, or otherwise subjecting them to discrimination. Thus, in order to afford individuals with disabilities the opportunity to vote alongside their neighbors at their local precinct or to participle in Early Voting with the same ease and convenience offered to nondisabled voters, the County must select polling places that are or can be made accessible to voters with disabilities. Voting is a fundamental right and the hallmark of our democracy, and voters with disabilities should have an equal opportunity to cast a ballot in person on Election Day alongside their friends and neighbors.

In the rare circumstances that the County is unable to select an accessible facility (or one that can be made temporarily accessible) to be used as a polling place in a particular voting precinct, then the Program Accessibility provisions of the Title II regulation would apply to the County’s voting program. See 28 C.F.R. Part 35, Subpart D. These provisions prohibit a public entity from excluding or discriminating against individuals with disabilities because a facility is inaccessible. Id. § 35.149. In such instances, public entities must operate each program, service, or activity so that, when viewed in its entirety, it is readily accessible to and usable by persons with disabilities, unless doing so would result in a fundamental alteration in the nature of the service, program or activity or in undue financial and administrative burdens. Id. at § 35.150(a). When choosing among available methods for meeting program accessibility requirements, a public entity must give priority to those methods that offer services, programs, and activities to individuals with disabilities in the most integrated setting appropriate. Id. at § 35.150(b)(1).

Given the architectural barriers at the County’s polling places, as summarized above and listed in Attachments B and C, the Department finds that the County has violated Title II by failing to select facilities to be used as polling places that are accessible (including making them accessible through temporary measures) to persons with disabilities on Election Day and during Early Voting. The County has provided no information to indicate that inaccessible sites were selected only after determining that there were no accessible facilities that could serve as polling places in the voting precincts at issue, and therefore Title II’s Program Accessibility provisions are inapplicable. We thus conclude that the County’s use of inaccessible facilities as polling places has the effect of discriminating against voters with disabilities and denying them the opportunity to participate in the County’s voting programs, services, and activities in the most integrated setting appropriate, i.e., at their designated polling place and alongside their fellow citizens.

To remedy the deficiencies discussed above and protect the civil rights of individuals with disabilities who seek to participate in the County’s voting programs, services, and activities, the County must, at a minimum, implement the remedial measures identified by the Department as necessary to bring the County’s Election Day and Early Voting into compliance with Title II. As summarized above, Attachment B to this letter specifies the accessibility barriers found at each polling place surveyed as well as the temporary measures the County can take to make the polling place accessible on Election Day and during Early Voting. Attachment C identifies those polling places that cannot be made accessible through temporary measures; the County must relocate those polling places to facilities that are or can be made accessible to individuals with disabilities. In addition, the County must assess the remaining County polling places not surveyed by the Department and determine whether temporary measures or relocation to alternative accessible sites are necessary to bring all of the County’s polling places into compliance with Title II.

III. Conclusion

We hope to work with you and other officials in an amicable and cooperative fashion to resolve our outstanding concerns with respect to the County’s voting programs, services, and activities. Please contact Elizabeth Johnson, at 202-307-3543 by October 13, 2014, if you are willing to resolve this matter voluntarily in a manner that will bring the County into full compliance with Title II, or if you have any questions regarding this letter.5

We are obligated to advise you that, in the event that we are unable to reach a resolution regarding our concerns, the Attorney General may initiate a lawsuit pursuant to the ADA once we have determined that we cannot secure compliance voluntarily to correct the deficiencies identified in this letter. See 42 U.S.C. § 12133-34; 42 U.S.C. § 2000d-1. We would prefer, however, to resolve this matter by working cooperatively with you.


Rebecca Bond
Disability Rights Section

1The four locations used both for Early Voting and on Election Day included the Galena Park Library, Hardy Senior Center, HCC Southeast Campus, and Neighborhood Center Ripley House Campus.

2The three exclusively Early Voting locations included Baytown Community Center, Harris County Administrative Building, and Holy Name Church.

3This publication may be found on-line at

4Section 35.104 defines the 2010 ADA Standards as the requirements set forth in appendices B and D to 36 C.F.R. Part 1191 and the requirements contained in 28 C.F.R. § 35.151.

5Please note that this Letter of Findings is a public document and will be posted on the Civil Rights Division’s website.

Attachment A

Aldine Middle School, 14908 Aldine Westfield Road, Houston

Berry Elementary School, 2310 Berry Road, Houston

Burnett Elementary School, 11825 Teaneck Drive, Houston

Clark Park Community Center, 9718 Clark Road, Houston

Cloverleaf Elementary School, 1035 Frankie Street, Houston

Courtyard By Marriott Houston Hobby, 9190 Gulf Freeway, Houston

Crockett Elementary School, 2112 Crockett Street, Houston

Deepwater Elementary School, 309 Glenmore Drive, Pasadena

Denver Harbor Park Community Center, 6402 Market Street, Houston

DeZavala Community Center, 7521 Avenue H, Houston

Eastwood Park Community Center, 5020 Harrisburg Boulevard, Houston

Genoa Staff Development Center, 12900 Almeda Genoa Road, Houston

Garden Villas Park Community Center, 6720 S. Haywood Drive, Houston

Harvest Time Church, 17770 Imperial Valley Drive, Houston

HCC Southeast College Building D, 6815 Rustic Street, Houston

Herrera Elementary School, 525 Bennington Street, Houston

Hill Zion Missionary Baptist Church, 8317 Curry Road, Houston (Please note that the interior was closed so we did not conduct a full survey.)

Independence Hall Apartments, 6 Burress Street, Houston

Mae Smythe Elementary School, 2202 Pasadena Boulevard, Pasadena

Monte Beach Park Community Center, 915 Northwood Street, Houston

Pearl Rucker Elementary School, 5201 Vinett Street, Houston

Pomeroy Elementary School, 920 Burke Road, Pasadena

Ross Elementary School, 2819 Bay Street, Houston

Sam Rayburn High School, 2121 Cherry Brook Lane, Pasadena

Settegast Park Community Center, 3000 Garrow Street, Houston

Stuchberry Elementary School, 11210 Hughes Road, Houston

W. Stevenson Middle School, 9595 Winkler Drive, Houston

Williams Elementary School, 1522 Scarborough Lane, Pasadena

Woodland Acres Elementary School, 12936 Sarah Lane, Houston


American Legion Post, 708 E. Parker Road, Houston

Parking: the designated accessible van space does not include an access aisle that is at least 96 inches wide (1991 ADA Stds 4.1.2(5)(b), 4.6.3, Fig. 9; 2010 ADA Stds 502). (Remedy: Using traffic cones, provide an access aisle at least 96 inches wide for the designated van accessible parking space).

Building Entrance & Voting Area: the area in front of the exterior entrance contains no level landing (1991 ADA Stds 4.5.2, 4.13.6; 2010 ADA Stds 305.2, 404.2.4.4). (Remedy: Prop both doors open (if only one door is propped open, then the table, chair, and garbage can in the interior of the entrance interfere with 36 inches clear passage width and they must be moved) or provide a temporary doorbell to provide access).

Building Entrance: the pull side of the entrance door does not provide at least 18 inches clearance to the side of the latch (1991 ADA Stds 4.13.6, Fig. 25; 2010 ADA Stds 404.2.4). (Remedy: Prop doors open or provide a temporary doorbell to provide access).

Baytown Community Center, 2407 Market Street, Baytown (Early Voting Location Only)

Parking: no accessible van space with an access aisle that is at least 96 inches wide is provided (1991 ADA Stds 4.1.2(5)(b), 4.6.3, Fig. 9; 2010 ADA Stds 502). (Remedy: Using traffic cones, provide a van accessible parking space with an access aisle at least 96 inches wide in a level area; we suggest the area closest to the ramp where it is level).

Parking: signage for a van accessible parking space is not provided (1991 ADA Stds 4.6.4; 2010 ADA Stds 502.6). (Remedy: Provide a temporary sign for a van accessible parking space).

Hallways & Corridors: the pedestrian route from the entrance to the voting area contains a fire extinguisher and two hand sanitizers that protrude more than 4 inches into the route and the bottom of each object is more than 27 inches above the floor (1991 ADA Stds 4.4.1; 2010 ADA Stds 307.2). (Remedy: Place traffic cones under the protruding objects).

Voting Area: one side of the double leaf doors to the voting area does not provide at least 32 inches clear passage width when the door is open 90 degrees (1991 ADA Stds 4.13.4, 4.13.5, 4.13.6; 2010 ADA Stds 404.2.2, 404.2.3, 404.2.4). (Remedy: Prop both doors open).

Burbank Elementary School, 216 Tidwell Road, Houston

Sidewalks & Walkways: the ramp on the route to the building has a vertical drop-off on at least one side and no edge protection is provided (1991 ADA Stds 4.8.7; 2010 ADA Stds 405.9). (Remedy: Provide temporary edge protection).

Charlton Park Rec Center, 8200 Park Place Boulevard, Houston

Parking: the designated accessible van space does not include an access aisle that is at least 96 inches wide as the curb ramp is in the designated access aisle (1991 ADA Stds 4.1.2(5)(b), 4.6.3, Fig. 9; 2010 ADA Stds 502). (Remedy: Using traffic cones, provide an access aisle at least 96 inches wide for the designated van accessible parking space; this may be created on the other side of the designated van accessible space).

Church of the Living God Temple 1, 2110 E. Crosstimbers Street, Houston

Please note that the interior was closed so we did not conduct a full survey.

Parking: signage for a van accessible parking space is not provided (1991 ADA Stds 4.6.4; 2010 ADA Stds 502.6). (Remedy: Provide a temporary sign for a van accessible parking space).

Building Entrance: one side of the double leaf doors (the wood doors and the gated doors) at the designated accessible entrance does not provide at least 32 inches clear passage width when the doors are open 90 degrees (1991 ADA Stds 4.13.4, 4.13.5, 4.13.6; 2010 ADA Stds 404.2.2, 404.2.3, 404.2.4). (Remedy: Prop all four doors open or provide a temporary doorbell to provide access).

El Mesias United Methodist Church, 406 E. Rittenhouse Street, Houston

Building Entrance: the area in front of the exterior entrance contains no level landing (1991 ADA Stds 4.5.2, 4.13.6; 2010 ADA Stds 305.2, 404.2.4.4). (Remedy: Prop door open or provide a temporary doorbell to provide access).

Ernest F. Mendel Elementary School, 3735 Topping Street, Houston

Sidewalks & Walkways: the designated accessible route from the parking to the building entrance is not at least 36 inches wide as a flower pot blocks the path of travel (1991 ADA Stds 4.3.3; 2010 ADA Stds 403.5.1). (Remedy: Relocate flower pot out of path of travel).

Hallways and Corridors & Voting Area: one side of the double leaf doors in the interior of the school on route to the voting area does not provide at least 32 inches clear passage width when the door is open 90 degrees (1991 ADA Stds 4.13.4, 4.13.5, 4.13.6; 2010 ADA Stds 404.2.2, 404.2.3, 404.2.4). (Remedy: Prop both doors open and remove astragal).

Evelyn Thompson Elementary School, 220 Casa Grande Drive, Houston

Parking: the designated accessible van space does not include an access aisle that is at least 96 inches wide (1991 ADA Stds 4.1.2(5)(b), 4.6.3, Fig. 9; 2010 ADA Stds 502). (Remedy: Using traffic cones, provide an access aisle at least 96 inches wide for the designated van accessible parking space).

Parking: signage for a van accessible parking space is not provided (1991 ADA Stds 4.6.4; 2010 ADA Stds 502.6). (Remedy: Provide a temporary sign for a van accessible parking space).

Faith Presbyterian Church, 2301 S. Houston Road, Pasadena

Parking: the designated accessible van space does not include an access aisle that is at least 96 inches wide (1991 ADA Stds 4.1.2(5)(b), 4.6.3, Fig. 9; 2010 ADA Stds 502). (Remedy: Using traffic cones, provide an access aisle at least 96 inches wide for the designated van accessible parking space).

Parking: signage for a van accessible parking space is not provided (1991 ADA Stds 4.6.4; 2010 ADA Stds 502.6). (Remedy: Provide a temporary sign for a van accessible parking space).

Felix H. Morales Elementary School, 305 W. Harris Drive, Pasadena

Parking: the designated accessible van space does not include an access aisle that is at least 96 inches wide (1991 ADA Stds 4.1.2(5)(b), 4.6.3, Fig. 9; 2010 ADA Stds 502). (Remedy: Using traffic cones, provide an access aisle at least 96 inches wide for the designated van accessible parking space).

Parking: signage for a van accessible parking space is not provided (1991 ADA Stds 4.6.4; 2010 ADA Stds 502.6). (Remedy: Provide a temporary sign for a van accessible parking space).

Fire Station #20, 6902 Navigation Boulevard, Houston

Parking: no accessible van space with an access aisle that is at least 96 inches wide is provided (1991 ADA Stds 4.1.2(5)(b), 4.6.3, Fig. 9; 2010 ADA Stds 502). (Remedy: Using traffic cones, provide a van accessible parking space with an access aisle at least 96 inches wide).

Parking: signage for a van accessible parking space is not provided (1991 ADA Stds 4.6.4; 2010 ADA Stds 502.6). (Remedy: Provide a temporary sign for a van accessible parking space).

Freeman Elementary School, 2323 Theta Street, Houston

Parking: signage for a van accessible parking space is not provided (1991 ADA Stds 4.6.4; 2010 ADA Stds 502.6). (Remedy: Provide a temporary sign for a van accessible parking space).

Galena Park Library, 1500 Keene Street, Galena Park (Early Voting & Election Day Location)

Parking: no accessible van space with an access aisle that is at least 96 inches wide is provided (1991 ADA Stds 4.1.2(5)(b), 4.6.3, Fig. 9; 2010 ADA Stds 502). (Remedy: Using traffic cones, provide a van accessible parking space with an access aisle at least 96 inches wide).

Parking: signage for a van accessible parking space is not provided (1991 ADA Stds 4.6.4; 2010 ADA Stds 502.6). (Remedy: Provide a temporary sign for a van accessible parking space).

Sidewalks & Walkways: the accessible route from the parking lot to the entrance is not free of abrupt level changes over 1/2 inch as it contains a 1 inch change (1991 ADA Stds 4.3.8; 2010 ADA Stds 303 and 403.4). (Remedy: Provide a ramp for the level change; we suggest the ramp be placed from the yellow-striped area in the parking lot directly to the curb rather than over the 1 inch lip).

Gallegos Elementary School, 7415 Harrisburg Boulevard, Houston

Parking: no accessible van space with an access aisle that is at least 96 inches wide is provided (1991 ADA Stds 4.1.2(5)(b), 4.6.3, Fig. 9; 2010 ADA Stds 502). (Remedy: Using traffic cones, provide a van accessible parking space with an access aisle at least 96 inches wide).

Parking: signage for a van accessible parking space is not provided (1991 ADA Stds 4.6.4; 2010 ADA Stds 502.6). (Remedy: Provide a temporary sign for a van accessible parking space).

Gardens Elementary School, 1105 East Harris Avenue, Pasadena

Building Entrance: the exterior door lacks door hardware that is usable with one hand without tight grasping, pinching or twisting of the wrist (1991 ADA Stds 4.13.9; 2010 ADA Stds 309.4). (Remedy: Prop door open or provide a temporary doorbell to provide access).

Garfield Elementary School, 10301 Hartsook Street, Houston

Parking: signage for a van accessible parking space is not provided (1991 ADA Stds 4.6.4; 2010 ADA Stds 502.6). (Remedy: Provide a temporary sign for a van accessible parking space).

Building Entrance: the area in front of the exterior entrance on the ramp contains no level landing (1991 ADA Stds 4.5.2, 4.13.6; 2010 ADA Stds 305.2, 404.2.4.4). (Remedy: Prop door open or provide a temporary doorbell at the bottom of the ramp to provide access or provide an alternate accessible route and entrance).

Glenbrook United Methodist Church, 8635 Glen Valley Drive, Houston

Please note that the interior was closed so we did not conduct a full survey.

Parking: the designated accessible van space does not include an access aisle that is at least 96 inches wide (1991 ADA Stds 4.1.2(5)(b), 4.6.3, Fig. 9; 2010 ADA Stds 502). (Remedy: Using traffic cones, provide an access aisle at least 96 inches wide for the designated van accessible parking space).

Parking: signage for a van accessible parking space is not provided (1991 ADA Stds 4.6.4; 2010 ADA Stds 502.6). (Remedy: Provide a temporary sign for a van accessible parking space).

Hardy Senior Center, 11901 West Hardy Road, Houston (Early Voting & Election Day Location)

Building Entrance: the area in front of the exterior entrance contains no level landing (1991 ADA Stds 4.5.2, 4.13.6; 2010 ADA Stds 305.2, 404.2.4.4). (Remedy: Prop door open or provide a temporary doorbell to provide access).

Hallways & Corridors: maneuvering clearance is blocked by a large magazine rack (1991 ADA Stds, 4.13.6; 2010 ADA Stds 305, 404.2.4). (Remedy: Remove magazine rack).

Harris County Administrative Building, 1001 Preston, 1st Floor, Houston (Early Voting Location Only)

Building Entrance: one side of the double leaf door at the designated accessible entrance does not provide at least 32 inches clear passage width when the door is open 90 degrees (1991 ADA Stds 4.13.4, 4.13.5, 4.13.6; 2010 ADA Stds 404.2.2, 404.2.3, 404.2.4). (Remedy: Remove astragal (which will provide 32 inches clear passage width through one door)).

Henderson Elementary School, 1800 Dismuke Street, Houston

Parking: the surface slope in the designated accessible parking space is not level in all directions and exceeds the maximum slope allowed of 2% (1991 ADA Stds 4.6.3; 2010 ADA Stds 502.4). (Remedy: Using traffic cones, provide a van-accessible parking space with an access aisle at least 96 inches wide in a level area, closest to the accessible route and accessible entrance).

Sidewalks & Walkways: the running slope of the accessible route is greater than 5% (but does not comply with ramp standards including handrails (1991 ADA Stds 4.8.5; 2010 ADA Stds 405.8, 505.2) and edge protection (1991 ADA Stds 4.8.7; 2010 ADA Stds 405.9)) (1991 ADA Stds 4.3.7; 2010 ADA Stds 403.3). (Remedy: Relocate the accessible route to an area no greater than 5% running slope; the parking will then need to be relocated closer to the accessible route, see parking remedy above).

Heritage Elementary School, 1225 TC Jester Boulevard, Houston

Sidewalks & Walkways: the curb ramp slope is greater than 1:12 (1991 ADA Stds 4.8.2; 2010 ADA Stds 405.2). (Remedy: Provide 6 foot temporary ramp over curb ramp, marked by traffic cones).

Holy Name Church, 1912 Marion Street, Houston (Early Voting Location Only)

Parking: no accessible van space with an access aisle that is at least 96 inches wide is provided (1991 ADA Stds 4.1.2(5)(b), 4.6.3, Fig. 9; 2010 ADA Stds 502). (Remedy: Using traffic cones, provide a van accessible parking space with an access aisle at least 96 inches wide).

Parking: signage for a van accessible parking space is not provided (1991 ADA Stds 4.6.4; 2010 ADA Stds 502.6). (Remedy: Provide a temporary sign for a van accessible parking space).

Houston Gulf Coast and Construction, 2704 Sutherland Street, Houston

Parking: no accessible van space with an access aisle that is at least 96 inches wide is provided (1991 ADA Stds 4.1.2(5)(b), 4.6.3, Fig. 9; 2010 ADA Stds 502). (Remedy: Using traffic cones, provide a van accessible parking space with an access aisle at least 96 inches wide).

Parking: signage for a van accessible parking space is not provided (1991 ADA Stds 4.6.4; 2010 ADA Stds 502.6). (Remedy: Provide a temporary sign for a van accessible parking space).

Sidewalks & Walkways: the ramp on the route to the building has a vertical drop-off on at least one side and no edge protection is provided (1991 ADA Stds 4.8.7; 2010 ADA Stds 405.9). (Remedy: Provide temporary edge protection).

Ingrando Park Rec Center, 7302 Keller Street, Houston

Parking: no accessible van space with an access aisle that is at least 96 inches wide is provided (1991 ADA Stds 4.1.2(5)(b), 4.6.3, Fig. 9; 2010 ADA Stds 502). (Remedy: Using traffic cones, provide a van accessible parking space with an access aisle at least 96 inches wide).

Parking: signage for a van accessible parking space is not provided (1991 ADA Stds 4.6.4; 2010 ADA Stds 502.6). (Remedy: Provide a temporary sign for a van accessible parking space).

Sidewalks & Walkways: the designated accessible route from the parking lot to the sidewalk is not free of abrupt level changes over 1/2 inch as the ramp on the designated accessible route is missing concrete and is in disrepair (1991 ADA Stds 4.3.8; 2010 ADA Stds 303 and 403.4). (Remedy: Provide a 3 foot temporary ramp to be placed over the existing ramp).

JC Mitchell Elementary School, 10900 Gulfdale Drive, Houston

Parking: signage for a van accessible parking space is not provided (1991 ADA Stds 4.6.4; 2010 ADA Stds 502.6). (Remedy: Provide a temporary sign for a van accessible parking space).

Sidewalks & Walkways: the cross slope in the designated accessible route is steeper than 2% (1991 ADA Stds 4.8.6; 2010 ADA Stds 502.4). (Remedy: Relocate the entrance to either the side entrance close to the accessible parking or to the front entrance (using traffic cones, provide a van accessible parking space and sign on the street)).

Sidewalks & Walkways: because of mud and puddles on the sidewalk, the designated accessible route from the parking to the building entrance is not at least 36 inches wide (1991 ADA Stds 4.3.3; 2010 ADA Stds 403.5.1). (Remedy: Relocate the entrance to either the side entrance close to the accessible parking or to the front entrance (using traffic cones, provide a van accessible parking space and sign on the street)).

John Harris Elementary School, 801 Broadway Street, Houston

Parking: the designated accessible van space does not include an access aisle that is at least 96 inches wide (1991 ADA Stds 4.1.2(5)(b), 4.6.3, Fig. 9; 2010 ADA Stds 502). (Remedy: Using traffic cones, provide an access aisle at least 96 inches wide for the designated van accessible parking space).

JP Cornelius Elementary School, 7475 Westover Street, Houston

Sidewalks & Walkways & Building Entrance: the ramp slope at the entrance is greater than 1:12 (1991 ADA Stds 4.8.2; 2010 ADA Stds 405.2). (Remedy: Relocate entrance; we suggest an accessible entrance approximately 50 feet from the current entrance).

Knights Inn, 12500 North Freeway, Houston

Parking: signage for a van accessible parking space is not provided (1991 ADA Stds 4.6.4; 2010 ADA Stds 502.6). (Remedy: Provide a temporary sign for a van accessible parking space).

Lindale Assembly of God Church, 504 Chaplin Street, Houston

Parking: the designated accessible van space does not include an access aisle that is at least 96 inches wide (1991 ADA Stds 4.1.2(5)(b), 4.6.3, Fig. 9; 2010 ADA Stds 502). (Remedy: Using traffic cones, provide an access aisle at least 96 inches wide for the designated van accessible parking space).

Parking: signage for a van accessible parking space is not provided (1991 ADA Stds 4.6.4; 2010 ADA Stds 502.6). (Remedy: Provide a temporary sign for a van accessible parking space).

Looscan Elementary School, 3800 Robertson Street, Houston

Parking: the designated accessible van space does not include an access aisle that is at least 96 inches wide (1991 ADA Stds 4.1.2(5)(b), 4.6.3, Fig. 9; 2010 ADA Stds 502). (Remedy: Using traffic cones, provide an access aisle at least 96 inches wide for the designated van accessible parking space).

Parking: signage for a van accessible parking space is not provided (1991 ADA Stds 4.6.4; 2010 ADA Stds 502.6). (Remedy: Provide a temporary sign for a van accessible parking space).

Sidewalks & Walkways: the accessible route through the parking lot is not free of abrupt level changes over 1/2 inch (1991 ADA Stds 4.3.8; 2010 ADA Stds 303 and 403.4). (Remedy: Provide a flat ramp to cover the holes in the asphalt).

Sidewalks & Walkways: the ramp on the route to the building has a vertical drop-off on at least one side and no edge protection is provided (1991 ADA Stds 4.8.7; 2010 ADA Stds 405.9). (Remedy: Provide temporary edge protection).

Mary Walke Stephens Elementary School, 2402 Aldine Mail Route, Houston

Parking: the designated accessible van space does not include an access aisle that is at least 96 inches wide (1991 ADA Stds 4.1.2(5)(b), 4.6.3, Fig. 9; 2010 ADA Stds 502). (Remedy: Using traffic cones, provide an access aisle at least 96 inches wide for the designated van accessible parking space).

Parking: signage for a van accessible parking space is not provided (1991 ADA Stds 4.6.4; 2010 ADA Stds 502.6). (Remedy: Provide a temporary sign for a van accessible parking space).

Meadow Creek Village Park Community Center, 5333 Berry Creek Drive, Houston

Building Entrance: the area in the vestibule of the exterior entrance contains no level landing (1991 ADA Stds 4.5.2, 4.13.6; 2010 ADA Stds 305.2, 404.2.4.4). (Remedy: Prop both sets of doors open).

Mountain Top Ministries, 8420 Almeda Genoa Road, Houston

Parking: no accessible van space with an access aisle that is at least 96 inches wide is provided (1991 ADA Stds 4.1.2(5)(b), 4.6.3, Fig. 9; 2010 ADA Stds 502). (Remedy: Using traffic cones, provide a van accessible parking space with an access aisle at least 96 inches wide).

Parking: signage for a van accessible parking space is not provided (1991 ADA Stds 4.6.4; 2010 ADA Stds 502.6). (Remedy: Provide a temporary sign for a van accessible parking space).

Sidewalks & Walkways: the temporary ramp used as the designated accessible route from the parking to the building entrance is not at least 36 inches wide (1991 ADA Stds 4.3.3; 2010 ADA Stds 403.5.1). (Remedy: Replace current, temporary ramp with a ramp at least 5 feet long and 36 inches wide).

Sidewalks & Walkways: the accessible route from the parking lot to the entrance is not free of abrupt level changes over 1/2 inch as it contains a 5 inch change (1991 ADA Stds 4.3.8; 2010 ADA Stds 303 and 403.4). (Remedy: Replace current, temporary ramp with a ramp at least 5 feet long and 36 inches wide).

Sidewalks & Walkways & Building Entrance: the ramp slope of the current, temporary ramp from the parking to the building entrance is greater than 1:12 (1991 ADA Stds 4.8.2; 2010 ADA Stds 405.2). (Remedy: Replace current, temporary ramp with a ramp at least 5 feet long and 36 inches wide).

Building Entrance: the raised threshold at the exterior entrance exceeds 1/2 inch (2 inches) (1991 ADA Stds 4.13.8; 2010 ADA Stds 404.2.5). (Remedy: Provide a wedge ramp on each side of the threshold).

Neighborhood Center Inc Ripley House Campus, 4410 Navigation Boulevard, Houston (Early Voting & Election Day Location)

Sidewalks & Walkways: the pedestrian route contains a drug disposal box that protrudes more than 4 inches into the route and the bottom of the object is more than 27 inches above the floor (1991 ADA Stds 4.4.1; 2010 ADA Stds 307.2). (Remedy: Place traffic cones under the drug disposal box).

North Shore Friends Church, 1013 Maxey Road, Houston

Parking: no accessible van space with an access aisle that is at least 96 inches wide is provided (1991 ADA Stds 4.1.2(5)(b), 4.6.3, Fig. 9; 2010 ADA Stds 502). (Remedy: Using traffic cones, provide a van accessible parking space with an access aisle at least 96 inches wide).

Parking: signage for a van accessible parking space is not provided (1991 ADA Stds 4.6.4; 2010 ADA Stds 502.6). (Remedy: Provide a temporary sign for a van accessible parking space).

Primera Iglesia Bautista de Pasadena, 612 E. Houston Avenue, Pasadena

Parking: no accessible van space with an access aisle that is at least 96 inches wide is provided (1991 ADA Stds 4.1.2(5)(b), 4.6.3, Fig. 9; 2010 ADA Stds 502). (Remedy: Using traffic cones, provide a van accessible parking space with an access aisle at least 96 inches wide).

Parking: signage for a van accessible parking space is not provided (1991 ADA Stds 4.6.4; 2010 ADA Stds 502.6). (Remedy: Provide a temporary sign for a van accessible parking space).

Sidewalks & Walkways: the designated accessible route from the parking to the building entrance is not free of abrupt level changes over 1/2 inch (1991 ADA Stds 4.5.2; 2010 ADA Stds 303.4. (Remedy: Provide temporary ramp at 1 inch lip (we recommend, however, because of other issues with the current route, that the parking and route be relocated to avoid current route)).

Sidewalks & Walkways: the cross slope in the designated accessible route is steeper than 2% (1991 ADA Stds 4.8.6; 2010 ADA Stds 502.4). (Remedy: Relocate the accessible route. Using traffic cones, provide a van-accessible parking space with an access aisle at least 96 inches wide in a level area, closest to the entrance behind the church).

Building Entrance: the raised threshold at the exterior entrance exceeds 1/2 inch (1 inch) (1991 ADA Stds 4.13.8; 2010 ADA Stds 404.2.5). (Remedy: Provide a wedge ramp on the outside of the threshold).

Ralph Goodman Elementary School, 9325 Deer Trail Drive, Houston

Sidewalks & Walkways: the curb ramp slope is greater than 1:12 (1991 ADA Stds 4.8.2; 2010 ADA Stds 405.2). (Remedy: Provide temporary ramp over curb ramp, marked by traffic cones).

Building Entrance: the raised threshold at the exterior entrance exceeds 1/2 inch (1 1/2 inches) (1991 ADA Stds 4.13.8; 2010 ADA Stds 404.2.5). (Remedy: Provide a wedge ramp on each side of the threshold).

Raul Yzaguirre School for Success Tejano Center, 2950 Broadway Boulevard, Houston

Parking: no accessible van space with an access aisle that is at least 96 inches wide is provided (1991 ADA Stds 4.1.2(5)(b), 4.6.3, Fig. 9; 2010 ADA Stds 502). (Remedy: Using traffic cones, provide a van accessible parking space with an access aisle at least 96 inches wide).

Parking: signage for a van accessible parking space is not provided (1991 ADA Stds 4.6.4; 2010 ADA Stds 502.6). (Remedy: Provide a temporary sign for a van accessible parking space).

Hallways & Corridors & Voting Area: the pedestrian route from the entrance to the voting area and within the voting area contains television sets that protrude more than 4 inches into the route and the bottom of each object is more than 27 inches above the floor (1991 ADA Stds 4.4.1; 2010 ADA Stds 307.2). (Remedy: Place traffic cones under the television sets).

Red Bluff Elementary School, 416 Bearle Street, Pasadena

Sidewalks & Walkways & Building Entrance: the designated accessible route to the only building entrance open on election day is not free of abrupt level changes over 1/2 inch as it contains three steps. Although there is an accessible entrance, it was locked on election day (1991 ADA Stds 4.3.8; 2010 ADA Stds 303 and 403.4). (Remedy: Unlock accessible entrance and provide directional signage).

Richard & Kitty Spence Elementary School, 1300 Gears Road, Houston

Sidewalks & Walkways: the designated accessible route from the parking to the building entrance is not at least 36 inches wide (1991 ADA Stds 4.3.3; 2010 ADA Stds 403.5.1). (Remedy: Relocate a van accessible parking space (using traffic cones and a temporary sign) to a level area close to the building entrance to avoid narrow route).

Rick Schneider Elementary School, 8430 Easthaven Boulevard, Houston

Parking: the designated accessible van space does not include an access aisle that is at least 96 inches wide (1991 ADA Stds 4.1.2(5)(b), 4.6.3, Fig. 9; 2010 ADA Stds 502). (Remedy: Using traffic cones, provide an access aisle at least 96 inches wide for the designated van accessible parking space).

Parking: signage for a van accessible parking space is not provided (1991 ADA Stds 4.6.4; 2010 ADA Stds 502.6). (Remedy: Provide a temporary sign for a van accessible parking space).

San Jacinto Girl Scout Imperial Valley Center, 15800 Imperial Valley Drive, Houston

Parking: signage for a van accessible parking space is not provided (1991 ADA Stds 4.6.4; 2010 ADA Stds 502.6). (Remedy: Provide a temporary sign for a van accessible parking space).

Sidewalks & Walkways: the curb ramp slope is greater than 1:12 (1991 ADA Stds 4.8.2; 2010 ADA Stds 405.2). (Remedy: Provide 6 foot, temporary ramp over curb ramp, marked by traffic cones).

Scarborough Elementary School, 3021 Little York Road, Houston

Parking: the designated accessible van space does not include an access aisle that is at least 96 inches wide (1991 ADA Stds 4.1.2(5)(b), 4.6.3, Fig. 9; 2010 ADA Stds 502). (Remedy: Using traffic cones, provide an access aisle at least 96 inches wide for the designated van accessible parking space).

Parking: signage for a van accessible parking space is not provided (1991 ADA Stds 4.6.4; 2010 ADA Stds 502.6). (Remedy: Provide a temporary sign for a van accessible parking space).

Scroggins Elementary School, 400 Boyles Street, Houston

Parking: signage for a van accessible parking space is not provided (1991 ADA Stds 4.6.4; 2010 ADA Stds 502.6). (Remedy: Provide a temporary sign for a van accessible parking space).

South Houston Intermediate School, 900 College Avenue, South Houston

Parking: the designated accessible van space does not include an access aisle that is at least 96 inches wide (1991 ADA Stds 4.1.2(5)(b), 4.6.3, Fig. 9; 2010 ADA Stds 502). (Remedy: Using traffic cones, provide an access aisle at least 96 inches wide for the designated van accessible parking space).

St. Anne de Beaupre Catholic Church, 2810 Link Road, Houston

Building Entrance: one side of the double leaf door at the designated accessible entrance does not provide at least 32 inches clear passage width when the door is open 90 degrees (1991 ADA Stds 4.13.4, 4.13.5, 4.13.6; 2010 ADA Stds 404.2.2, 404.2.3, 404.2.4). (Remedy: Prop both doors open or provide a temporary doorbell to provide access).

Building Entrance: the raised threshold at the exterior entrance exceeds 1/2 inch (1 1/4 inches) (1991 ADA Stds 4.13.8; 2010 ADA Stds 404.2.5). (Remedy: Provide a wedge ramp on each side of the threshold).

St. Francis Cabrini Parish Center, 10727 Hartsook Street, Houston

Parking: no accessible van space with an access aisle that is at least 96 inches wide is provided (1991 ADA Stds 4.1.2(5)(b), 4.6.3, Fig. 9; 2010 ADA Stds 502). (Remedy: Using traffic cones, provide a van accessible parking space with an access aisle at least 96 inches wide, closest to the accessible route and accessible entrance).

Parking: signage for a van accessible parking space is not provided (1991 ADA Stds 4.6.4; 2010 ADA Stds 502.6). (Remedy: Provide a temporary sign for a van accessible parking space).

Sidewalks & Walkways: the designated accessible route from the parking to the building entrance is not free of abrupt level changes over 1/2 inch in several places (1991 ADA Stds 4.5.2; 2010 ADA Stds 303.4. (Remedy: Rather than ramping three different places, relocate accessible route and entrance to the entrance facing the soccer field (note: as the soccer field entrance lacks a level landing, the door will need to be propped open or provide a temporary doorbell to provide access)).

Building Entrance: the raised threshold at the exterior entrance exceeds 1/2 inch (2 inches) (1991 ADA Stds 4.13.8; 2010 ADA Stds 404.2.5). (Remedy: Relocate accessible route and entrance to the entrance facing the soccer field (note: as the soccer field entrance lacks a level landing, the door will need to be propped open or provide a temporary doorbell to provide access)).

St. Paul AME Church, 1554 Gears Road, Houston

Building Entrance: the area in front of the exterior entrance contains no level landing (1991 ADA Stds 4.5.2, 4.13.6; 2010 ADA Stds 305.2, 404.2.4.4). (Remedy: Prop door open or provide a temporary doorbell to provide access).

Thomas Gray Elementary School, 700 West Street, Houston

Parking: the designated accessible van space does not include an access aisle that is at least 96 inches wide (1991 ADA Stds 4.1.2(5)(b), 4.6.3, Fig. 9; 2010 ADA Stds 502). (Remedy: Using traffic cones, provide an access aisle at least 96 inches wide for the designated van accessible parking space).

Parking: signage for a van accessible parking space is not provided (1991 ADA Stds 4.6.4; 2010 ADA Stds 502.6). (Remedy: Provide a temporary sign for a van accessible parking space).

William Booth Garden Apartments, 808 Frawley Street, Houston

Parking: the designated accessible van space does not include an access aisle that is at least 96 inches wide as the curb ramps are in the middle of the current access aisle (1991 ADA Stds 4.1.2(5)(b), 4.6.3, Fig. 9; 2010 ADA Stds 502). (Remedy: Using traffic cones, provide an access aisle at least 96 inches wide for the designated van accessible parking space).

Parking: signage for a van accessible parking space is not provided (1991 ADA Stds 4.6.4; 2010 ADA Stds 502.6). (Remedy: Provide a temporary sign for a van accessible parking space). Building Entrance: the area in front of the exterior entrance contains no level landing (1991 ADA Stds 4.5.2, 4.13.6; 2010 ADA Stds 305.2, 404.2.4.4). (Remedy: Prop door open or provide a temporary doorbell to provide access).

Woodland Lodge No 1157, 8337 Sweetwater Lane, Houston

Parking: no accessible van space with an access aisle that is at least 96 inches wide is provided (1991 ADA Stds 4.1.2(5)(b), 4.6.3, Fig. 9; 2010 ADA Stds 502). (Remedy: Using traffic cones, provide a van accessible parking space with an access aisle at least 96 inches wide).

Parking: signage for a van accessible parking space is not provided (1991 ADA Stds 4.6.4; 2010 ADA Stds 502.6). (Remedy: Provide a temporary sign for a van accessible parking space).

Building Entrance & Voting Area: the raised threshold at the exterior entrance exceeds 1/2 inch (2 inches) (1991 ADA Stds 4.13.8; 2010 ADA Stds 404.2.5). (Remedy: Provide a wedge ramp on each side of the threshold).

Woodland Park Community Center, 212 Parkview Street, Houston

Parking: the designated accessible van space does not include an access aisle that is at least 96 inches wide (1991 ADA Stds 4.1.2(5)(b), 4.6.3, Fig. 9; 2010 ADA Stds 502). (Remedy: Using traffic cones, provide an access aisle at least 96 inches wide for the designated van accessible parking space).

Building Entrance: maneuvering clearance in front of the entrance is inadequate due to sloped sides of the walkway before the entrance (1991 ADA Stds, 4.13.6; 2010 ADA Stds 305, 404.2.4). (Remedy: Prop door open or provide a temporary doorbell to provide access).

Attachment C

Cage Elementary School, 4528 Leeland Street, Houston

Parking: signage for a van accessible parking space is not provided (1991 ADA Stds 4.6.4; 2010 ADA Stds 502.6) (Remedy: Provide a temporary sign for a van accessible parking space).

Sidewalks & Walkways: the ramp on the route to the building has a vertical drop-off on at least one side and no edge protection is provided (1991 ADA Stds 4.8.7; 2010 ADA Stds 405.9) (Remedy: Provide temporary edge protection).

Sidewalks and Walkways: the exterior ramp does not include handrails on each side of the ramp (1991 ADA Stds 4.8.5; 2010 ADA Stds 405.8, 505.2) (Remedy: No temporary remedy available).

Sidewalks & Walkways & Building Entrance: the ramp slope at the entrance is greater than 1:12 (1991 ADA Stds 4.8.2; 2010 ADA Stds 405.2) (Remedy: No temporary remedy available (we looked at the front entrance as an alternative but the ramp there is also missing a handrail and the cross-slope on the sidewalk at the front entrance is 13% and the slope is 11%)).

Emanuel Deliverance Temple of Refuge, 4718 Little Crest Road, Houston

Parking: no accessible van space with an access aisle that is at least 96 inches wide is provided (1991 ADA Stds 4.1.2(5)(b), 4.6.3, Fig. 9; 2010 ADA Stds 502) (Remedy: Using traffic cones, provide a van accessible parking space with an access aisle at least 96 inches wide).

Parking: signage for a van accessible parking space is not provided (1991 ADA Stds 4.6.4; 2010 ADA Stds 502.6) (Remedy: Provide a temporary sign for a van accessible parking space).

Parking & Sidewalks & Walkways: the parking lot and the walkway to the sidewalk are covered with grass and do not provide stable, firm, and slip resistant surfaces (1991 ADA Stds 4.5.1; 2010 ADA Stds 302.1). (Remedy: No temporary remedy available).

Sidewalks & Walkways: the ramp on the route to the building has a vertical drop-off on at least one side and no edge protection is provided (1991 ADA Stds 4.8.7; 2010 ADA Stds 405.9) (Remedy: Provide temporary edge protection).

Sidewalks & Walkways & Building Entrance: the ramp slope at the entrance is greater than 1:12 (14.6%) (1991 ADA Stds 4.8.2; 2010 ADA Stds 405.2) (Remedy: No temporary remedy available).

Building Entrance & Voting Area: the area in front of the exterior entrance contains no level landing (1991 ADA Stds 4.5.2, 4.13.6; 2010 ADA Stds 305.2, 404.2.4.4) (Remedy: No temporary remedy available).

Building Entrance & Voting Area: the door at the designated accessible entrance does not provide at least 32 inches clear passage width when the door is open 90 degrees (1991 ADA Stds 4.13.4, 4.13.5, 4.13.6; 2010 ADA Stds 404.2.2, 404.2.3, 404.2.4) (Remedy: No temporary remedy available)

Building Entrance & Voting Area: the exterior door lacks door hardware that is usable with one hand without tight grasping, pinching or twisting of the wrist (1991 ADA Stds 4.13.9; 2010 ADA Stds 309.4) (Remedy: No temporary remedy available).

Building Entrance & Voting Area: the pull side of the entrance door does not provide at least 18 inches clearance to the side of the latch (1991 ADA Stds 4.13.6, Fig. 25; 2010 ADA Stds 404.2.4) (Remedy: No temporary remedy available).

Greater Love Baptist Church, 6113 Jensen Drive, Houston

Parking: no accessible van space with an access aisle that is at least 96 inches wide is provided (1991 ADA Stds 4.1.2(5)(b), 4.6.3, Fig. 9; 2010 ADA Stds 502) (Remedy: Using traffic cones, provide a van accessible parking space with an access aisle at least 96 inches wide).

Parking: signage for a van accessible parking space is not provided (1991 ADA Stds 4.6.4; 2010 ADA Stds 502.6) (Remedy: Provide a temporary sign for a van accessible parking space).

Sidewalks & Walkways & Building Entrance: the designated accessible route to the entrance is not free of abrupt level changes over 1/2 inch as it contains two steps (1991 ADA Stds 4.3.8; 2010 ADA Stds 303 and 403.4) (Remedy: No temporary remedy available).

Building Entrance & Voting Area: the exterior door lacks door hardware that is usable with one hand without tight grasping, pinching or twisting of the wrist (1991 ADA Stds 4.13.9; 2010 ADA Stds 309.4) (Remedy: No temporary remedy available).

Building Entrance & Voting Area: the pull side of the entrance door does not provide at least 18 inches clearance to the side of the latch (1991 ADA Stds 4.13.6, Fig. 25; 2010 ADA Stds 404.2.4) (Remedy: No temporary remedy available).

Jefferson Davis High School, 1101 Quitman Street, Houston

Sidewalks & Walkways & Building Entrance: the designated accessible route to the entrance is not free of abrupt level changes over 1/2 inch as it contains four steps (1991 ADA Stds 4.3.8; 2010 ADA Stds 303 and 403.4) (Remedy: No temporary remedy available).

Scarsdale Civic Association Building, 12127 Teaneck Drive, Houston

Parking: no accessible van space with an access aisle that is at least 96 inches wide is provided (1991 ADA Stds 4.1.2(5)(b), 4.6.3, Fig. 9; 2010 ADA Stds 502) (Remedy: Using traffic cones, provide a van accessible parking space with an access aisle at least 96 inches wide).

Parking: signage for a van accessible parking space is not provided (1991 ADA Stds 4.6.4; 2010 ADA Stds 502.6) (Remedy: Provide a temporary sign for a van accessible parking space).

Parking: the surface slope in the designated accessible parking space is not level in all directions and exceeds the maximum slope allowed of 2% (1991 ADA Stds 4.6.3; 2010 ADA Stds 502.4). (Remedy: No temporary remedy available).

Sidewalks & Walkways: the cross slope in the designated accessible route exceeds the maximum slope allowed of 2% (6.2% to 7.1%) (1991 ADA Stds 4.8.6; 2010 ADA Stds 502.4) (Remedy: No temporary remedy available).

Building Entrance: the raised threshold at the exterior entrance exceeds 1/2 inch (5 inches) (1991 ADA Stds 4.13.8; 2010 ADA Stds 404.2.5) (Remedy: Provide a temporary ramp on the exterior side of the threshold).

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September 29, 2014