Manage Trainees and Fellows

Information on using the xTrain module to process appointments, reappointments and more for research training, career development, fellowships and research education awards.

In eRA Commons, the xTrain module is used to administer research training, career development, fellowships and research education awards. The xTrain module allows grantees, institution staff and agency staff to create, manage, route, submit and process appointments, reappointments, amendments, and termination notices electronically. It also tracks the status and timing of training actions.

The program director/principal investigator (PD/PI), assistant (with xTrain delegation), trainee and signing official (SO) or business official (BO) can access xTrain. eRA Commons users with the SO role or AA role can create accounts with Trainee, BO, PD/PI or ASST roles or they can add these roles to existing accounts.

Basic xTrain Info At A Glance
Grant Mechanism Forms Setting Stipend Level Who Does What

Training Grants (T)

Use the 2271 Appointment Form and the 416 Termination Notice.

Stipend level is selected from a pre-populated drop-down, based on the Fiscal Year of the grant to which the trainee is being appointed.


PI creates and submits the appointment.

PI initiates Termination Notice and business official (BO) approves and submits it to agency.

Fellowships (F)

Use only the 416 Termination Notice.

Do not use the 2271 Appointment Form.


Stipend level is set by the IC and populated based on the Notice of Award.


Termination Notice may be started by the PI, the Sponsor or BO.

BO approves and submits it to agency.


Career Development (K/R)

Use the 2271 Appointment Form; use of the 416 Termination Notice depends on the award.


Stipend level is entered by the PI when creating the appointment.


PI is responsible for submitting the Termination Notice; BO is not involved.



Basic Tasks (step-by-step instructions from the online help)*

* You must be logged into eRA Commons with appropriate role(s) to complete these activities. 

Main Screenshots

Click on thumbnail image to expand to full view.


My Grants screen

Figure 1: My Grants is the landing screen after log-in for PD/PIs. The PI chooses a grant and clicks the View Trainee Roster link.


PD-PI Trainee Roster

Figure 2: The PI then clicks Create New Appointment for the relevant grant


Trainee Appointment and Termination screen

Figure 3: The Trainee Appointments and Terminations screen is the default screen for Trainees after logging in to xTrain

Additional Resources


         Note: For policy-related xTrain questions, please send an e-mail to