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Webinar Series

The Council's webinar series is brought to you by the Collaboration and Outreach Workgroup to promote information exchange among the monitoring community.

YouTube logo Be sure to visit our YouTube channel where most of our webinars are presented with audio and video.


Macroinvertebrates.org webinar

November 19, 2019

Volunteer Monitoring: Macroinvertebrates.org

Biological condition gradient  webinar

November 7, 2019

Volunteer Monitoring: Volunteer Engagement Best Practices – Spotlight on Missouri Stream Team

Biological condition gradient  webinar

September 5, 2019

Using the Biological Condition Gradient to Develop Protective Biological Thresholds for Diverse Stream Types in Minnesota 

Volunteer monitoring and the Water Quality Portal webinar

July 1, 2019

Volunteer Monitoring: Connecting Volunteer Data to the Water Quality Portal

POCIS webinar

June 12, 2019

Protecting Public Health with Open Recreational Water Quality Data: Challenges and Solutions

POCIS webinar

May 28, 2019

Sharing decades of monitoring experience: What your SOPs Don’t Tell You

POCIS webinar

April 16, 2019

Passive sampling devices for environmental monitoring: Tips for a successful study

VM presentation

April 3, 2019

Study Design: Developing a Monitoring Program that Delivers Results

HABs detection

November 28, 2018

Harmful Algal Blooms (HABS) Detection - Co-Hosted with Gulf of Mexico Alliance

Pre-Registration is Required

Volunteer monitoring

October 10, 2018

Volunteer Monitoring: Lake Monitoring

Pre-Registration is Required

Economic Data webinar

September 6, 2018

Integrating Physical and Economic Data into Water Accounts for the United States

Economic Data webinar

September 5, 2018

Volunteer Monitoring: Spotlight on NOAA Sea Grant
Coastal Monitoring Programs

Volunteer monitoring

July 25, 2018

Volunteer Monitoring at the National Monitoring Conference and Tips for Getting YOUR Conference Abstract Accepted

Environmental monitoring

May 16, 2018

The Role of Environmental Monitoring and Data Management in Supporting Science to Inform Decision Making: Integrating Coastal and Ocean Monitoring Programs to Address Societal Needs

Continuous monitoring in Texas

April 24, 2018

Waltz Across Texas: Continuous Monitoring in the Lone Star State

Coastal Acidification

April 11, 2018

Coastal Acidification: Moving From A Global Problem to A Coastal Water-Quality Issue

Volunteer monitoring

March 13, 2018

Volunteer Monitoring: Evolving Bacteria Monitoring Programs


February 28, 2018
Standardized Electrofishing Sampling, or “Where do I set the dials?”

in-situ detection of biotoxins associated with harmful algal blooms

February 15, 2018
Being There - Autonomous, In-Situ Detection of Biotoxins Associated with Harmful Algal Blooms in Marine and Freshwater Systems

Remote Sensing webinarFebruary 7, 2018
Observing the Microscopic Living (and Non-Living) Ocean from Space

Volunteer Monitoring: Building Credibility webinar

January 17, 2018
Volunteer Monitoring: Building Credibility

Continuous Water-Quality Monitor Deployment Techniques webinar

January 10, 2018
Continuous Water-Quality Monitor Deployment Techniques: Maximizing Data Quality and Minimizing Site Maintenance

Multivariate Statistical Analysis webinar November 29, 2017
Multivariate Statistical Analysis in Water Quality

Changing Pesticide Use webinar

May 3, 2017
Changing Pesticide Use: Challenges for Water-Quality Monitoring and Ecological Implications

eDNA webinar

April 18, 2017

Introduction to Environmental DNA (eDNA)

Volunteer Monitoring - Starting Strong

Volunteer Monitoring: Starting Strong

public health impacts of nitrate

The Assessment and Regulation of PFASs in New Hampshire’s Drinking Water

public health impacts of nitrate

Public Health Impacts of Nitrate and other Drinking Water Contaminants: Implications for Source Water Protection

Intro to Reporting Limits Webinar

Introduction to Reporting Limits

Nondetects and Data Analysis Webinar

Great Lakes Tributary Nutrient and Sediment Monitoring Program and Its Surrogate Regression Approach for Computing Continuous Loads

Nondetects and Data Analysis Webinar


Nondetects and Data Analysis

Corrosivity of Untreated Groundwater

Potential Corrosivity of Untreated Groundwater in the United States

Citizen Science and Volunteer Monitoring

Exploring the Worlds of Citizen Science and Volunteer Monitoring

Water Quality evolution

Using the Right Tools to Develop Effective Science-Based Messages for Any Audience

Water Quality evolution

Science-Based Response to Bitumen Spills in Rivers - March 15, 2016

Water Quality evolution

Cyanobacteria Monitoring: Perspectives from EPA Region 1

Water Quality evolution

Water Quality Evolution from Industrialization to the Age of the Internet

Effective Science Communication with emphasis on visual science communication tools

Microplastics in Great Lakes Tributaries

Microplastics in Great Lakes Tributaries

Groundwater Quality

Quality of Our Nation's Groundwater: Where and Why is it Vulnerable to Contamination

Ohio River nutrient trading program

The Ohio River Nutrient Trading Program

water quality portal

The Water Quality Portal

continuous monitoring buoy

Continuous Monitoring for Nutrients: State of the Technology and State of the Science

WCIT logo

Water Contaminant Information Tool

regional council logos

Would a State or Regional Monitoring Partnership, Alliance and/or Council Serve Your Needs?

water quality portal web

Water Quality Exchange: A Tool for Tribes, Volunteer Monitors and Others to Share WQ Data

photo of swimming fish

Ecological Flows in the Shenandoah River Valley, Virginia

photo of child on beach

Healthy Waters 101: Water Quality Monitoring for Public Health


CUASHI's Hydrologic Information System

SMART thumbnail image11/14/2012

About Cyanobacteria

SMART thumbnail image

Oregon QW Summit

SMART thumbnail image

Water Quality Portal

SMART thumbnail image

10/10/2012: "SMART" Monitoring: Strategic Monitoring and Assessment for River Basin Teams


09/27/2012: Burning Our Rivers: The Water Footprint of Electricity

Water report card thumbnail image

Sept. 12, 2012: Water Quality Report Cards - Assessments made accessible, the Massachusetts experience

photo of water sampling

July 19, 2012: Social.Water: Harnessing the Power of Crowdsourcing to Involve Citizen Scientists in Hydrologic Data Acquisitin


June 21, 2012: NEMI-SAMS: Better Access to Statistical and Assessment Methods for Water Quality

LMMCC logo

Sharing Monitoring Activities Around an Ecosystem: Lake Michigan Monitoring Coordination Council


November 7, 2011, "A multi-disciplinary list of data elements for environmental monitoring: can we all speak the same language?"

Asian Carp

Asian Carp and the Chicago-area Waterways (10/13/11)

NEMI logo

June 16, 2011: Introduction to the National Environmental Methods Index & MEMO


April 19 & 21, 2011: Tribal Science, Monitoring, and Partnerships to Address Environmental Issues (WARNING: Large file 11.8MB)


March 17, 2011: "Water Quality Monitoring Sensors"

allarm logo

Jan. 17-18, 2011: Marcellus Monitoring: the role of volunteers in baseline data collection

California Environmental Data Exchange Network logo

Oct. 21, 2010
California Environmental Data Exchange Network (CEDEN)


May 25 and June 3, 2010
Sensors Basics


Feb. 17 and Mar. 2, 2010
Social Media Tools at USGS
WEF Social Media
Chesapeake Network Social Media


Nov 18, 2009
Plans for 2010 Conference - (Download PowerPoint Viewer 2007)
New Products
Virginia DEQ Citizen Monitoring Data - (Download PowerPoint Viewer 2007)


Sept. 2, 2009
Welcome to the Webinar Series
New Products
Florida Monitoring Council
Lake Michigan Monitoring Council
Data Sharing